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  1. Not an odd scene at all, and really no shortage in SoCA. Find someone who advertises as a bottom, with a beautiful derrière. He’ll be used to the request and know how to prepare and serve a salad you’ll toss for hours 🤑
  2. Pride celebrations in June are overlapping in multiple markets, and it seems like the number of parades and festivals in smaller cities are increasing. Perhaps providers who travel to the celebrations chose another locale, either for fun or profit (or a free guest room from a friend?) and will return next year. Only Adam(superbeef)/Max can be two places at once.
  3. I think some list as escort to put their Content name into the Venn diagram of fans.
  4. It’s a LOT more work for the provider, I imagine. If I asked one to do that I’d expect to hear: “Great! Love role-playing! All of my roles are nude with a cockring in 20min, will that be a problem…?” 🤣
  5. Noticing RM absence of prior hires. If you’ve seen them already, I’d reach out via text if number saved. If they’re only seeing longtime regular$$ in addition to content creation, the parade may have passed us by.
  6. Happy Birthday to the hardest working Rob in the Radio Biz!
  7. I took the risk once of showing up wearing feathers, he said I looked like a Muppet, and shoved his hand up my ass. Would repeat.
  8. Maybe indicate whether you want real bodywork, or just access to a pretty dick, etc. There may be ways to fill both criteria, but “book a massage” is vague these days. Many good massage providers in LA - a huge range of types of men, services available and skill sets. You could do just as well by looking RMassr and RM and see who lists on both, (lots in LA) if you primarily want erotic service more than spa-level bodywork. Then, 411 here with links to the guys who interest you, to get feedback.
  9. Is the dress Gold and White or Navy and Black?
  10. What better way to retire? At your own pace. Just because the butcher doesn’t light up his sign anymore, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s out of sellable meat for regular customers. 😁
  11. Like all other visible body parts, the appearance of the penis can be A) a thing of great beauty, (B) nothing to write home about, or (C) frightening in one way or another. The overwhelming majority of human males have (B), and some guys, striving for (A) wind up having to live with (C). Mine is what it is, and though I may fluff it with a pump occasionally, that’s as far as I’m willing to go.
  12. I went to Mark several times a few years ago. When I hire, it’s for sensual massage, and you cannot go wrong with him. If you’re looking for escort services, I imagine his are as good as the massage. No idea if and when he offers that.
  13. The Firm’s choice to shroud everything about her illness/absence in speculation is deliberate, for whatever reason. A very simple statement from William about it would end that, and they’re choosing not to. The end of the monarchy? Too soon to tell. But this is a serious shift away from their prior PR efforts to humanize the Royals.
  14. Season 3 went a couple more layers, peeling the onion. They revealed vulnerability and strength in both characters. And gave us a lot more in the secondary stories. I think it’s a key element of her character that Ava is not by-the-book beautiful. She’s aware of that, and has, over time gathered different tools to work with. The new dynamic in the finale is going to give us the ultimate show-within-a-show-within-a-show. And the addition of Kathy? Genius.
  15. I recall a friend in WeHo, long ago referring to an evening at the baths, “honey, I haven’t seen that much meat on display outside of Greenblatt’s”
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