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  1. He’s in NYC - wondering if anyone has been with him great reviews https://rent.men/CoalMathison
  2. He’s 🔥. He had listed he was in Palm Springs when I was there - he wasn’t - he was in Portland. Seemed nice but def confused
  3. I like the pics a lot - not sure how recent they are but I’d def give that a spin if he came to NYC
  4. You struck gold and that’s great. Not everyone is motivated by the same thing and not everyone is aware of the dynamics. Only an escort is aware of how much incoming they get - how much real demand there is. And they react for some it’s a mistake as their demand doesn’t warrant it. For others it’s what they can charge based on how much people desire them Its unfortunate for those hiring who have a limited budget flip it around - are you cheap for not tipping your guy over the $600 ?
  5. Rising rates are driven by rising demand it’s economics not greed
  6. Chance

    411 on Ryver

    Yes he was in NYC 24 hours ago based on IG
  7. Chance

    411 on Ryver

    Do you have the links ?
  8. Feel like the pics suggest large gaps in time several are omg hot tho
  9. Lol don’t be weak - you’ll drive up the prices for the rest of us 😉❤️ he quoted me $600 for an hour with caveat less for additional hours but I like an initial meeting to be the hour only in case it’s not great I won’t be taking that spin - feel like the market is $300-$400 generally
  10. Is that what he asked for ? his pics are def nice - I reached out
  11. Chatted with him - got a very odd vibe - he needed to see pics and his original profile provided no face pics. Way too much effort just to see what his face looked like so I backed off
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