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Article on INCEST

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My gut says that there's something not right about incest between a parent and their adult child or between siblings, but when I try to analyze it, I can't come up with an objective reason for thinking it's wrong. This is assuming that participants are adult, fully able to consent and there's no mental or physical coercion -- and there's no procreation. As we all know, sex between 2 men was considered wrong for much of modern history, partly because people didn't understand it and it didn't conform to their notions of what is good and natural. I'm not ready to say that incest between two consenting adults is perfectly fine, but I'm not ready to categorically condemn it either.

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The GOP is apparently OK with father-daughter incest (starting with the Dumpster -- #Donaldtrumpwantstobanghisdaughter), since their platform bans abortion for any reason, including little Susie getting knocked up by her daddy.

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I met a guy once who told me that he didn't know his father until he was 16, and that he and his dad would jerk off together and perform oral, he also would watch his dad fucking his new wife and I believe he said that he joined in as well. It seems incredibly strange, but the fact that he didn't know him as his father for most of his life changes the dynamic. He said it was a wonderful bonding experience and didn't have any regrets about it.

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I grew up with a pair of twins among my close friends. As we all reached the age we began to talk about sex, they were always the most knowledgeable- they told the rest of us about masturbation, for example. I don't know if they were gay or bi, but I've often wondered if they fooled around to experiment.

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I think a lot of us have seen this article. We've seen hot, gay twins who 'enjoy' each other but mother and son??? ... just doesn't have a healthy ring to it. Just throwing this out.

I once lived next door to a brother & sister who were frequently 'at it.' I had to ask them to close the curtains! Now if it had been 2 brothers I would have made no such request!!

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Ok let's get down to earth-an actual parent and a child are still disgusting no matter whether it's Dad/Son, Dad/Daughter, Mother/Son, or Mother/Daughter.


I'm sure the taboo has something to do originally with biology as inbreeding continually is not a good thing. But we've taken this biological reality and framed societal prohibitions against this kind of relationship. In addition in the way we'd normally think about it-it happens between an adult parent in a position of overwhelming power regarding an underage child. Even if they child were of legal consent age-it might be possible there had been grooming. Or the child might not want to be in that kind of relationship at all at any age but because of the power differential between adult and child not able to say anything.


All that being said, I believe in the article mentioned they were two adults who never had a relationship until they became adults. Personally I'd have to wonder whether their feelings are due to an overcompensation for their feelings of loss earlier in their lives. I still feel icky when I think about it though. But this may be a special case due to their lack of prior relationship and the fact that the mother is (I hope) post-menopausal.


But I'm surprised that no one in this discussion has brought up the most famous mother involved in a similar circumstance. While Jocasta did it unknowingly, people need to remember that once she found out-she killed herself. :(




PS I don't care how hot the fantasy-the sibling incest is very troubling to me also. Sure I occasionally still want to sit on top of my brother and make him say 'Uncle'. But that's a far cry from incest. I mean think about it people. How many of you really want to shtupp a sibling? And if by some chance you do, please don't tell me about it. :confused:

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But I'm surprised that no one in this discussion has brought up the most famous mother involved in a similar circumstance. While Jocasta did it unknowingly, people need to remember that once she found out-she killed herself. :(


People should also keep in mind that Jocasta is a fictional character.


As for incest being "disgusting", plenty of people feel the same way about homosexuality.

Personally, I feel that sex between two consenting adults is nobody else's damn business.



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As for incest being "disgusting", plenty of people feel the same way about homosexuality.

Personally, I feel that sex between two consenting adults is nobody else's damn business.



Relativism is all well and good. I'm pretty relativistic myself. But there are most likely some things where lines in the sand have to be drawn. If you don't, then you can let just about anything happen.


For some it's homosexuality-and I don't agree with that stance. But for me-incest is usually one of my lines I might be understanding in this case because of the lack of a relationship when they were younger. But an awful lot of incest cases occur with an imbalance of power. To say that it's just between two consenting adults may he ignoring that fact. A high school teacher and a student are not allowed to have a relationship for the same reason even if the student is of the age of consent. There can obviously be even more of an imbalance in a family incest situation. There are reasons for certain taboos. I'm willing to keep this one.



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People should also keep in mind that Jocasta is a fictional character.


As for incest being "disgusting", plenty of people feel the same way about homosexuality.

Personally, I feel that sex between two consenting adults is nobody else's damn business.




We have a different twist on the topic in the fictional duo of Tom Jones and Mrs. Waters. Fun in the book and well-done in the film.

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The Yuck factor is a dangerous barometer. Things widely and rightly accepted now, many thought (and still think) disgusting, eg black and white relationships, gay sex. Yuck is a hard to overcome reaction, but when we talk about laws and ethics yuck is too knee jerky and "we must have some lines" is too vague. You need to define those lines and the reasoning behind them.

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I think a lot of us have seen this article. We've seen hot, gay twins who 'enjoy' each other but mother and son??? ... just doesn't have a healthy ring to it. Just throwing this out.

Can anyone say "inbreeding" and the threat of birth defects? Makes me think of the banjo player in "Deliverance".

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