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Drunk Driving. NO-NO! I might of saved a life.....

Brian Kevin
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So this evening, I went for a late night walk. I didn't go out drinking or clubbing like the party animal inside of me wants too-- so I checked out the city walkers of midtown, I walked all up and down Peachtree. I just got back to my hotel after leaving at 11pm.


While I was out, I seen 3 drunk people walk to their cars. Me being the person I am, I've also lost a friend from middle school to durnk driving while we were in high school, I was supposed to be with her but at the time I did not drink or do any drugs. I was a good boy as we should be in Middle School and high school. She knew this but would always invite me as we were not very popular in middle school or high school, the cool kids didn't like us because we didn't like that they liked-- enough of that before I start crying. We both attended Emerson Middle School and Lakewood High School in Lakewood, Ohio. Anyone whom lived in Cleveland through the event will remember it sending shock waves throughout the whole city. ( http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2009/03/wanda_parker_17_dies_of_crash.html )


I stopped 2 people from driving drunk tonight. As I walked by Blakes in Mid-Town there were two boyfriends yelling at each other for not having enough money to Uber home. I herd one of them say "We can both drive. we've driven drunk before" STOOOOOOOP. I rudely interrupted them. I stopped them. I told them to shut the fuck up and listen.


I asked the more dominant one for his phone number, I texted him my name "BK" and I told them I would pay them to Uber home (costed me 54$) and then when they wake up to text me and I will Uber them back to their care, this is costing me over 100$, but after unicorns low blows about me smoking pot, I STOPPED. I have have been medical marijuana free since I left Florida, February 27th. This is because one of my over nights showed me his business. He showed me graphs, charts and excels sheets that blew my mind. I realized, FUCK! that could be me! So upon leaving Florida, the REAL savings have begun. I currently have the most money I've ever had in my life (its not above 5 digits, but its getting there) and I was feeling really generous. I even tipped the lady at Mary Macs (thanks @Keith30309 for showing me where it is & @Becket for telling me about it) 100% because she made my sober night so exciting and so much fun, which was pretty big tip! She was speechless-- which I loved. I tipped on the card, and I even left an extra 20 in cash because she mentioned her son broke his Mine Craft Steve (my little brother is obsessed so I know how this shit goes already) The 2 boyfriends just got home, and texted me how scared they are I am not going to answer in the morning. LOL. They must not know me very well, or at all for that matter. I have their best interest in heart though-- I will be getting them from their home back to their car. Before they got in the Uber they offered to pay me back on their next pay check.


@gallahadesquire @DERRIK @WmClarke @stud from NYC( I forget your screen name ) and there's one more I'm missing here, actually 2 more (I'll point you out when I find your screen names, or claim it yourself)


Do you guys remember when I was burnt? These gentlemen went ABOVE and BEYOND in the process of my healing. They spoiled me rotten with so many great things. Things I wanted to share with all of you-- but I kept them to myself because I was very depressed and sad about the burns and scared my life was over! It wasn't though! IT was only the begging of this new begging for me, a second chance at another chance.


These MEN, cause thats what you guys are REAL FUCKING SEXY MEN-- you all asked me to "pay it forward" I still have alot of paying forward to do, but this my friends is my first attempt at it.


I thought after my raging post about the Atlanta Trolls, that I needed to pay some respect back to Atlanta for treating my business so well. I've generated the city lots of money with food, hotels and helped the locals with over 20 Uber rides since I've been here! I plan on paying it forward in each and every city I go too, given the chance.


I used to pay it forward by grabbed a homeless person or 2 in Vegas, feeding them then having some drinks with them. Someone very wise here, Gal, told me that the reason alot of them were homles were due to drinking, which I realized as he said it-- and I realized how backwards I was treating them by doing that. So now I've found a way to help, that isn't setting anyone up for failure (as long as I wake up before they do).


I am just so freaking excited ! I have so many cities to stop in before March 30th, but I can NOT WAIT to be in LA! California for the first time in my life. I have butterflies.


I am so happy right now, I feel high-off-life, I feel like I saved more than 2 lives tonight!


In closing, I'd like to thank those gentlemen who made sure I was well fed and well bandaged through my traumatic experience. Had it not been for this forum I'd of never gotten my pain killers, antibiotics and Naperson (for swelling) from the pharmacy since I don't have health insurance. You guys really took care of me when I needed it the most and I am NOT ashamed to admit that, you all are hero's and very sweet gentlemen I feel blessed to have met. You guys know how hard you all made me cry, and even right now looking back-- I want to cry. It was funny trying to open cards and packages with two burnt hands, you guys would of laughed (especially at me using the fleshjack)


ok im done.finally.



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You're a gem Brian!!


If it was not for all you wonderful men here, I would not be here. I did some reflecting today...


Ive been escorting since i was 17 (sorry guys I dont mean to freak you out, but I guarantee none of you knew me back then) I used to only use BackPage and Craigslist. I thought I had it figured out. Then I found Masagem4m after I graduated college, thought I had it all figured out. Found out about rentmen, hourboy etc, thought I had it all figured out. Then I joined daddies-- That right there taught me you NEVER figure it out. You market yourself! You never just sit around waiting for phone calls. YOU MUST BE PROACTIVE. You have to get out there and get your hands dirty, make friends make enemies! Most importantly be true to yourself. Had I not joined Daddies in September of 2015, I would not like to think where I would be with my life right now. I had been doing the same thing since I graduated college when i was 19. I never tried to better myself, this forum found something inside of me I didn't know I had. determination. After a 2 day long chat with Daddy, he kicked the rocket under my ass to stop drinking and partying all the time, told me a 5 even 6 digit figure was possible at the end of each year. I was warry, but after starting the excel spread shit and keeping track of your money (check books, even though they suck never let you lose a penny, and you think 3 or 4 times before you buy something)


I'm only 24 and I started saving for retirement this month. I'm no longer just getting by, now I'm litterally exceling and along the way making myself a better person, massage therapist, escort and kink specialist (anyone whom thinks I don't have a dark side, just ask @Bearofdistinction about a little sick and twisted email I just sent him. I really am a sweet nice guy in real life, but oh is there some sick sick sick twisted shit deep in the vault I love to explore every so often.)


You're the best Mike! I love ya alot and I thank you for being my Facebook friend-- if anything ever happens to me-- you'll have to be the one to report to the forum, with that said I expect thousands of you to show up and I expect you all to get really drunk and spank each other. I will be watching, and jerking off ;) (use big bamboo cutting boards, they're my favorite-- I love when they break!)

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You're the best Mike! I love ya alot and I thank you for being my Facebook friend

Aww, thanks. I love our random chats on all sorts of topics. I've just chatted to you in FB had commented on your posts in here. You were the one that worked out what you needed to do from what I and others told you (mainly others from what I have seen!). We could talk to you until we were blue in the face, doing something was always your decision and I'm so glad you are happy with where you now are in this. Now, don't you go talking kinky to me, you'll make my brain explode!

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Aww, thanks. I love our random chats on all sorts of topics. I've just chatted to you in FB had commented on your posts in here. You were the one that worked out what you needed to do from what I and others told you (mainly others from what I have seen!). We could talk to you until we were blue in the face, doing something was always your decision and I'm so glad you are happy with where you now are in this. Now, don't you go talking kinky to me, you'll make my brain explode!


I want to say 'I'm good at making things explode' but that could land me on No-Flying listen, so I'm going to say instead, Happy to lend you a hand ;)

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This would be a good place to share this.



This also, was Wanda's favorite song to dance too! I remember the 8th grade dance for graduation, then again the year she died, we had a formal and she was my date! her and I were all alone dancing to this song in the corner not giving a FUCK what anyone thought of us just like we had in middle school! I was about 375 lbs and tall at this time, with platinum blonde hair, I have one picture left I didn't destroy of the time. I was very Fem in middle school and 9th grade, then I started playing basketball and some (light) tackle football, which I hated, but loved Basketball. Coach said their was no room for queers on the team, so I kissed my first girl (Samanth Raspberry) in front of him to be on the team and have been gay ever since, none the less,


Wanda, this song is for you !!!!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEe_eraFWWs RIP baby girl!!! Keep me safe from up there!


Also, don't be sad, I've had tons of grief counseling in the days, months and years to fallow Wanda's death. I was able to accept and cope. I often wonder why, but I have accepted what is. We always lose the good ones young. After her passing, the kids accepted me more. I was "that gay kid whose friend died" so many of the kids didn't come to her funeral. Then they bought shirts to be cool, like everyone else did. We sold shirts because her family couldn't afford to bury her. She was also gay, and so were her parents. The school made a (secret) large donation we are not supposed to talk about, but without them, her headstone and final resting place would not have been able to be what it is today, she would of gotten the junkie special. A ply wood box in an unmarked cemetery. I was very thankful to see her have a headstone to be mourned at. It has been very many years since I have visited, same with my grandma. After a couple years, I cannot keep going back. It always ends the same, me puling weeds, talking to myself (them) laughing and then the tears start falling and before you know it your face down on the headstone punching it screaming WHY GOD at the top of your lungs. Sometimes you have to take a break. I have a nice account at Flowerama and I often send them money to refresh my friend and grandmas flowers every couple months. It gets expensive, but no one else has the funds to do it and I know her mom appreciates it. I cant even answer the phone when she calls. I know she calls only to hear my voice on the voicemail, its just not right for us to speak. We have had to let go, its too painful for her and no matter how much she calls I cant answer.

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I met a famous person in Hotel Indigo Mid Town this morning-- he was in the elevator with me and he blurts out "FUCK I LEFT MY PHONE IN THE UBER" so I opened up Uber and ordered it and handed him my phone smiling (he was tall, dark and handsome) long story short we waited about 5 minutes chit chatting about me being from Ohio and here for work, I honestly assumed he was a escort as well he was so stunning. Soooooooo-- he called his phone from my phone (fucking perfect) so I went upstairs and googled his number and found some business stuff and was intrigued so I looked into facebook and oh lord Jesus. So since he knew the Uber charged me, he insisted I took what he had in his wallet, 1-very folded and rough looking 20$ bill. Upon Facebooking him-- I discovered I literally have his cell phone number AND sleeping on the same floor as him.






Literally could smell his fucking hair I was so close and I'm so tall. FUCK, If I were crazy-- I'd go knock on his door and ask him to sign the twenty dollar bill-- because I will never spend it, I put it in a special place. He acted like a normal day person! You can be next to someone famous any day of the week and NEVER know!


Legit screen shot him calling himself in my phone and I'm going to print it out and hang it on my wall at home with the $20 he gave me.


NEVER A DULL MOMENT GUYS, NEVER!!! I was so depressed, I feel like everything happens for a reason-- I didn't get any sleep being sad and depressed then BOOM I help second stranger get his phone and I legit am shaking hands with this guy saying good night-- only to find out he's fucking famous. Not Michael Jackson famous, but holly shit! AND oh boy-- he was kinda drunk... I could of been greedy and a very rude person, but I am timid and don't pursuit things like that. I sure wish I hinted a little more now though. I also wish I got a fucking picture! He fallowed me back on Facebook but didn't view the message I sent him saying "does the person who saved your phone deserve a autograph?!" I dont wanna see too fucking crazy, I already come off that way enough :D




Nude Massage!!!!!!!! Dont I wish. O:)

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You're becoming too famous for me Brian!


Shit I wish-- I will say though, I have not had a boring day since I arrived in Atlanta. Roofied, Stalked by tranny hookers, Trolled, Food, Clients, saving the boyfriends (who got the uber to their car just a little bit ago, that bitch ex-manager at my old hotel who tried stealing from me and now this man. Talk about about non-stop action. I can't complain-- I have been blessed so far this year. 2016 is our year baby!!! IF I ever did get famous, I wouldn't stop this. I would still see my clients, I'd still want to massage. I'd be super selective with respectful men, my favorite! I'd probably get exposed and lose my stardom, I am not one to forget where I came from-- EVER. You only get one life, you have to embrace it and always be true to yourself.

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Wait, wait, wait...,,




What's the story here? I missed this bit of excitement!


I switched hotels day 2 because tranny hookers and cheaper end rentmen profiles were 0 feet away. I found the tranny on Adam4adam as well as the other escorts and from their lack of real pictures and their hotel policies (trying to find clients in the hall ways and soliciting guys whom walk by the front of the hotel. Didn't want to chance losing a client to them doing it for 75$, not that they can duplicate my sessions, they can imitate it-- but exactly that.


Long story short we switched hotels 3 times and each time, they were there -.- so finally I said fuck it and booked a ridiculously expensive hotel, that is quite small compared to the others (historic building) but at least I'm alone here and don't have to worry about anyone praying on my valued customers in the hall ways.


My NUMBER 1 CONCERN IS YOUR SAFETY. I am very aware of my surroundings I do alot of walking around my hotel the first time I stay, just to see how the atmosphere is and to make sure its safe! Once I realized they were there each time, I did NOT allow any clients to come see me. Thankfully my first 2 days here were rest days- so day 3 wasn't a total loss, but I quickly bounced back and have been the only guy working out of this hotel. No one is within a .5 mile radius of me, so it's not "hott" any more. Good way to get the cops called too, too many hookers in one hotel-- oh lord, what do they think during Palm Springs LMFAO about to rename it like the gas stations in chicago, Kum-n-Go

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I switched hotels day 2 because tranny hookers and cheaper end rentmen profiles were 0 feet away. I found the tranny on Adam4adam as well as the other escorts and from their lack of real pictures and their hotel policies (trying to find clients in the hall ways and soliciting guys whom walk by the front of the hotel. Didn't want to chance losing a client to them doing it for 75$, not that they can duplicate my sessions, they can imitate it-- but exactly that.


Long story short we switched hotels 3 times and each time, they were there -.- so finally I said fuck it and booked a ridiculously expensive hotel, that is quite small compared to the others (historic building) but at least I'm alone here and don't have to worry about anyone praying on my valued customers in the hall ways.


My NUMBER 1 CONCERN IS YOUR SAFETY. I am very aware of my surroundings I do alot of walking around my hotel the first time I stay, just to see how the atmosphere is and to make sure its safe! Once I realized they were there each time, I did NOT allow any clients to come see me. Thankfully my first 2 days here were rest days- so day 3 wasn't a total loss, but I quickly bounced back and have been the only guy working out of this hotel. No one is within a .5 mile radius of me, so it's not "hott" any more. Good way to get the cops called too, too many hookers in one hotel-- oh lord, what do they think during Palm Springs LMFAO about to rename it like the gas stations in chicago, Kum-n-Go

Brian you live such an eventful & exciting life!

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@Brian Kevin, Ah ain't ever bin to Atlayantah so if ah go it will be mah first time. Remember y'all offered fowah @Keith30309 to show me arahnd tha city if ah went there.


Enough of that silly faux accent! And Keith, I don't expect anything!


Brian, if we ever meet remind me to be the one who books the hotel room!


Kieth I have said it before, when I travel I only book 3 star plus hotels to ensure things like this do not happen. This hotel was a Marriott brand, a Residence Inn very stunning and expensive, didn't expect them to fallow me there-- very unfortunate. If my clients aren't 100% safe I will unfortunately, not utlize the room and be forced to shut down shop or go somewhere else. I am glad things worked as they did. They've all moved on to Downtown hotels-- so I hope they stay away from MidTown, so we can all have territory :) My next bet was going to buckhead, I know they wouldn't of came there.

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I would enjoy seeing something happen in Atlanta some day, and if it does I highly recommend Kieth to head that project! Atlanta has better food than Cleveland, hands down-- comparable to NoLa and Vegas-- now only if their were more people closer! Because that would be an event I sure wouldn't miss!!

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@Brian Kevin, Ah ain't ever bin to Atlayantah so if ah go it will be mah first time. Remember y'all offered fowah @Keith30309 to show me arahnd tha city if ah went there.


Enough of that silly faux accent! And Keith, I don't expect anything!


Brian, if we ever meet remind me to be the one who books the hotel room!


It would be my pleasure! As dinner company goes, Brian is hard to beat, but a cute blonde from down-under would definitely draw lots of attention. :)

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It would be my pleasure! As dinner company goes, Brian is hard to beat, but a cute blonde from down-under would definitely draw lots of attention. :)


Do you think they're sick of us flirting?

Do you think they would gag at how many times we've seen each other since I've been here, I just can't get enough of those deep blue eyes !!!!!!

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Nah, thats the point of me "paying it forward" I tried to explain to them pay it forward but they're two uptight twinks, it's like talking to a really skinny wall. You get no where-- and can walk right through it.

Got it. Guess I missed the point. You rock Brian!

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Do you think they're sick of us flirting?

Do you think they would gag at how many times we've seen each other since I've been here, I just can't get enough of those deep blue eyes !!!!!!

Never sick of you flirting cos we're vicariously flirting with you too!

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Got it. Guess I missed the point. You rock Brian!


They were drunk as hell and thought I was offering to Uber them back to my hotel at first-- it took me about 15 minutes to explain the simple gesture I was trying to extend to them. They did offer to meet for drinks tonight. I am not going out in atlanta again, LOL.

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