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Hard Lesson On Racial Diversity 101

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JD, this is bullshit.


You wanted to be the first African American escort of the year. Period. You stated that directly and clearly to me at least dozens of times. Period. There have been repeated posts stating that you aggressively campaigned to be the first African American escort of the year in a way that no one ever has before. I can't think of one person I know who does not believe this to be true. Many people have said it on the forum. Many more say it privately. Period.


Even in your posts on this thread, you have stated, repeatedly, that you wanted to be the first African American escort of the year, that it is wonderful, and it has broken down barriers and made a difference in terms of the response you are getting from clients. In other words, you have accomplished exactly what you set out to do. Good for you. I'm happy for you. If you now want to use that as a platform to discuss further and broader ideas for diversity, good for you. I welcome that. It is needed.


I also stated when I voted for you that I'm not a fan of "entitlement." In part, what that meant is that I voted for you because you are an exceptional escort, and you deserved to win, because you are an exceptional escort, and not simply because you were somehow entitled to win because of your race. The flip side of that is what I am expressing now. It is perfectly fine for you to want to be the first African American escort of the year. But that does not entitle you to then challenge or "correct" a client who simply asks you, "How does it feel to be the first African American escort of the year?" You are saying that YOU are allowed to make race an explicit issue, but they are not - except, perhaps, when it comes to voting for you. Putting caveats around what everybody here knows to be true - "YES, I wanted to be the first Black EOY, but that was not my "main" desire" - is simply bullshit.


There are aspects of this issue that are very complex and ambiguous. Is it really okay for Blacks to use the "N" word freely, but if Whites use it, it's racism? A lot of people feel very different about that. Is it insensitive to say you have a big Black cock, when saying you have a big cock would suffice? Yes, it probably is. I'll agree that simply saying what I said - that it's great that a Black man wants to be EOY and worked hard for it - could be viewed as insensitive, because it perhaps implies other Blacks don't work hard. Stated differently, when dealing with race, one simply can't be too sensitive. But the further you go down this line of wanting (some would say demanding) perfect sensitivity, the more likely it will backfire and cause backlash. To me, you are now way over the line. You spent a year running a campaign that, at its core, was based on the idea that Black escorts deserve just as much recognition and reward as other escorts for their exceptional work. You are correct. You won. You deserved to win. So don't now tell us that we need to be corrected if we ask "How does it feel to be the first Black escort of the year?" You wanted it. You go it. Be happy, my friend.


I would feel much better if you launched this thread by saying something like this: A client asked me how I felt to be the first Black escort of the year. I responded: "It feels wonderful! I love it! But it also makes me even more committed to tear down barriers for ALL of us. How do YOU think we can do that?" Instead of pulling a client you have known for 12 years into a positive campaign, this sounds like a negative campaign to simply label him as insensitive. Where does that get you, or us?


The reason you are getting pushback that this sounds like self-serving, self-absorbed bullshit is that it sounds like self-serving, self-absorbed bullshit. If you want to spend the year doing that, be my guest. But if you want to spend the year breaking down old barriers, don't start it by building new ones. In even terser terms, you need to go back to the drawing board if your goal is to have a discussion about how we are PRO-diversity, and not about how we are ANTI-JD.


And thank you Mr. Kessler. You proved my point. Good on you too.

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Also, was Coco in Palm Springs as a client, or was she there to promote her employer (or herself)? The latter might have rubbed some people the wrong way.


She was there to mostly to enjoy herself and to experience a Forum Event as she's never been before, and I asked her to come being it was my first time as well.

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To be blunt: You're in a room of mostly faggots. Playing the "I'm a downtrodden minority" just doesn't work in this venue. Don't you see that you being just as much a bigot as they are?


Sending an alert, having the matter cleaned up, and then beating up on the people that caused the alert is just being an asshole.


Why don't you stop before you dig the hole any deeper?


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First and foremost as I said before... when you post on a public forum expect praise, criticism, and everything in between. Not everyone will agree with what you or I post. You open up a topic... on a discussion board, you need to get over the fact people won't always sympathize with you.


You misunderstand the context of what I wrote. I never said or meant to imply that the racism you encountered at this particular event was your fault. I would never disregard your feelings about something so hurtful and bothersome. I addressed what your very own friend (Mr. Kessler) brought up about you wanting to be the 1st black EOY. With what he espouses on this board, I find it hard to believe he's misremembering whatever discussion you two had about EOY. Now you on the other hand have frequently claimed people are misremembering events when someone calls you out on an issue. And you know what the common denominator is... you. They all can't be lying or misremembering.


Did I say you were trying to get attention? I think that was Jeepo, but I do agree with what he said. So you want view points... well my point is you write these long posts and your approach is much to be desired sometimes. Which has been stated by the very same people you call your friends on the board. They advise you to let it go or change your approach, but here we are yet again.


Talk to your friends about it, if something is emotionally bothering you. Don't post it on a discussion board where you have all types of people for you and against.


And yes you exaggerate. How many times have you claimed someone was your friend and gushed about them like you are tighter than tight? However, in reality you only met them once or spoken to them once or twice. I'm sorry if who I'm speaking of reads this and is upset, but I'm personally fed up with it. My problem with this is you're bringing them up and use them as examples... and frankly it sometimes comes across as you using their rep to boost your exposure or prove a point. You won EOY by any means necessary. Stand on your on merit dude. Stop using others. if you have been escorting as long as you claim, apparently you must be good at it. You won't need someone else to boost you.


I'm not sure what KJ said, but you just verified it. I can't speak on something I don't know to be true or accurate. I don't condone him giving out personal info. If you have an issue with him report it. I can't do anything but say I don't agree with what he may have did or didn't do.


As for Alec and Mike... the reason they don't get attacked the way you do is because they don't say or do the things you do to fellow escorts and members of the forum. And if you were paying attention Alec has gotten criticism on this board just not overtly. Mike somehow has avoided it entirely.


Look I know you're sensitive about race. I sympathize with you on that. You finally got your wish and are EOY... good on you.


But you know what... I'm done. I want to say so much more, but you go off on tangents not relating to what I posted and I can spend time more constructively. I'm sure you'll respond to this post in some manner, but I for one will never respond to anything you post again be it I'm trying to be helpful or voice my opinion.


Good luck to you in the future.




Maybe I need to re-evaluate what you wrote and do apologize for misreading or taking what you wrote in giving advice to me in the wrong manner. The whole sole purpose here is when me and Steven had these conversations I had more then one goal or intention of diversity in mind, and being the 1st Black EOY was on of them, but remember expressing to Steven I wanted to open other doors as well that are of importance, and still do til this day.


Some factors you brought out about exaggerating certain things I'm sorry were gonna agree to disagree on as my relationships with some people who I had at one point close bonds with is not of any one else's concern, and if they are saying we didn't establish somewhat of a relationship getting to know each other as friends is totally false as I don't believe in establishing friendships with people unless there is a mutual and common interest.


The reason I brought up Alec and Mike as examples is because they were the 2 contestants along side with me who were up for the running for EOY, and at the time(from threads I read about them) were never spoke negatively on certain postings.


I've said my peace to this, and am sorry if I may have offended anyone in the process as that wasn't my intention was to step on anyone's toes for being honest. I feel to an extent you all that are voicing your opinions are being honest, so why can't I as its only fair game? :oops:


All I know is I have been nothing but good and kind onto others on this forum, and haven't been nasty to ANYBODY.


However, Big I do apologize if I misread some parts of your post in relying a positive message. You are right, not everyone is gonna agree on others opinions or views, but can't fault you or anyone else voicing an opinion that may or may not be false or true.

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I am a little confused. I wasn’t privy to the whole conversation so perhaps there was something I missed.


In what way was your client equating being black to not being allowed to win EOY? I read it more akin to somebody asking our President what it was like to be the first Black President. More of an honor than an insult. It also seemed to me that he was stating that he didn’t think the forum would support you because of your race, but I can say having been a member when the voting was going on that there was never any public commentary in my memory regarding your race. I believe it was more along the lines of your character than your race. That said, I have no idea the private messages you have gotten. I am missing where he was biased about your race.


I also got the impression from your post that you don’t feel there are many minorities represented in the escort community. I can say that my ratio of minority hiring is about 80% minority vs. 20% Caucasian. This isn’t something I seek out and think oh today I am going to hire a Latin guy, it’s just whom I have a preference for when I am doing the hiring. Yes that is just me and I am sure there are people that won’t hire somebody because they are a minority and all I can say is that is their loss and something needs to be done to eliminate people viewing somebody’s race as a reason to do something. Unfortunately, I think that is going to take a couple of generations. Racism is something that is taught not something you are born with. I can’t begin to understand what you and others go through on a daily basis because of the color of your skin, where you were born, or because of your race. It saddens me that you have been called the N word by people on the form. One time is appalling but multiple times makes me extremely sad. I hope that you promptly reported them all to Daddy.


I also have a couple of questions about Escort of the Year (EOY). Is EOY an office that you run for? I am semi-new to the forum so perhaps I missed something but I thought that EOY was a title given to an Escort that clients felt was outstanding as the Escort that year. I wasn’t aware that pros were supposed to run for this title like it was an elected office. Are there official duties as the EOY? I see that you are on an EOY tour is this something that is sponsored by this forum or by Daddy’s site and done every year or something that you have taken the initiative to start? Are there prizes with the title or is it just the honor of winning? I am asking these questions because there is so much talk about EOY on this forum but when I go back to the beginning of the threads I see a common theme of who started them.


JD I have never met you, I will say some of your pics are very appealing to me and others don’t do much for me so I have been ambivalent about meeting you. But some of the posts on here seem so overtly self-serving and in my opinion almost desperate for attention that for me that has become a turn off. I am all for self-promotion because this job is totally a marketing job. But I feel at times you cross the line from self-promotion to seeking attention just to seek attention. This is probably the wrong topic to say this in because racism in the US is an epidemic and I can’t even begin to imagine things that you have experienced in your life that I will never experience. I can only image how awkward that drive home from Truluck’s must have been with your client if it was such an awkward exchange, I am guessing your session probably ended after that. And I am truly sorry that you are facing Racism and I am sure with given how outgoing you are that you are changing perceptions every day. And I am not trying to start a war but take a step back and ask yourself what is the goal of all of these posts? Yes this is an important topic to discuss but in this context it feels to me more like self-serving than having a proper discussion about racism. Just my 5 cents.


Hey Jeep,


Thank you very much for your advice and voicing your opinion as your views are sincerely appreciated.


I am NOT one who is out to seek attention or one who is desperate for attention as I'm no different from any other escort who brings up even worse life problems here on the forum, and for people to label me like it's something out of the blue sort of situation isn't fair seeing how other escorts have brought onto forum of similar topics and weren't viewed ever as self-promoting, self-serving, or even seeking attention is not how I represent myself on the forum or outside of the forum at all.


I'm sorry if certain postings on this thread made have gave you or others a wrong impression of some kind, but if you have followed and read my post, I am one who is usually positive, and down-to-earth on whatever I post.


All The Best!!

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JD, this is bullshit.


You wanted to be the first African American escort of the year. Period. You stated that directly and clearly to me at least dozens of times. Period. There have been repeated posts stating that you aggressively campaigned to be the first African American escort of the year in a way that no one ever has before. I can't think of one person I know who does not believe this to be true. Many people have said it on the forum. Many more say it privately. Period.


Even in your posts on this thread, you have stated, repeatedly, that you wanted to be the first African American escort of the year, that it is wonderful, and it has broken down barriers and made a difference in terms of the response you are getting from clients. In other words, you have accomplished exactly what you set out to do. Good for you. I'm happy for you. If you now want to use that as a platform to discuss further and broader ideas for diversity, good for you. I welcome that. It is needed.


I also stated when I voted for you that I'm not a fan of "entitlement." In part, what that meant is that I voted for you because you are an exceptional escort, and you deserved to win, because you are an exceptional escort, and not simply because you were somehow entitled to win because of your race. The flip side of that is what I am expressing now. It is perfectly fine for you to want to be the first African American escort of the year. But that does not entitle you to then challenge or "correct" a client who simply asks you, "How does it feel to be the first African American escort of the year?" You are saying that YOU are allowed to make race an explicit issue, but they are not - except, perhaps, when it comes to voting for you. Putting caveats around what everybody here knows to be true - "YES, I wanted to be the first Black EOY, but that was not my "main" desire" - is simply bullshit.


There are aspects of this issue that are very complex and ambiguous. Is it really okay for Blacks to use the "N" word freely, but if Whites use it, it's racism? A lot of people feel very different about that. Is it insensitive to say you have a big Black cock, when saying you have a big cock would suffice? Yes, it probably is. I'll agree that simply saying what I said - that it's great that a Black man wants to be EOY and worked hard for it - could be viewed as insensitive, because it perhaps implies other Blacks don't work hard. Stated differently, when dealing with race, one simply can't be too sensitive. But the further you go down this line of wanting (some would say demanding) perfect sensitivity, the more likely it will backfire and cause backlash. To me, you are now way over the line. You spent a year running a campaign that, at its core, was based on the idea that Black escorts deserve just as much recognition and reward as other escorts for their exceptional work. You are correct. You won. You deserved to win. So don't now tell us that we need to be corrected if we ask "How does it feel to be the first Black escort of the year?" You wanted it. You go it. Be happy, my friend.


I would feel much better if you launched this thread by saying something like this: A client asked me how I felt to be the first Black escort of the year. I responded: "It feels wonderful! I love it! But it also makes me even more committed to tear down barriers for ALL of us. How do YOU think we can do that?" Instead of pulling a client you have known for 12 years into a positive campaign, this sounds like a negative campaign to simply label him as insensitive. Where does that get you, or us?


The reason you are getting pushback that this sounds like self-serving, self-absorbed bullshit is that it sounds like self-serving, self-absorbed bullshit. If you want to spend the year doing that, be my guest. But if you want to spend the year breaking down old barriers, don't start it by building new ones. In even terser terms, you need to go back to the drawing board if your goal is to have a discussion about how we are PRO-diversity, and not about how we are ANTI-JD.


All I know, Steven, I'm going by what I know base on memory as I don't remember in ALL of our conversations implying that it'll be great to be the 1st Black EOY as the sole reason for winning EOY, and sorry if I gave the wrong impression that was the only goal for which it wasn't.


Between me and you(not on the forum) I have expressed in the past being the 1st Black EOY would be great, but didn't mean to imply that was all I was focused on as I wanted to help bring change in many different areas, and do remember sharing with you in PS at one point and time, bringing Coco to the PS Forum Event was a good start of such change as bringing her to this PS Event was a gamble, but in the end worked out as women are openly welcomed to the Forum Events in Palm Springs.


Sorry if I misrepresented myself of any kind as to what my "true" intentions outside of being the 1st Black EOY really was as I would like to help make a difference, and open doors for everyone to be apart of the forum community, and be recognized equally based on equality in various areas of recognition for they're hard work, integrity, and dedication an escort and they're dedication in the community no matter of race or gender. :D:D

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I'm sorry if certain postings on this thread made have gave you or others a wrong impression of some kind, but if you have followed and read my post, I am one who is usually positive, and down-to-earth on whatever I post.


All The Best!!




I can assure you that my perspective and views have been formed based on my observations of your posts and not shaped by others opinions. I do think there are many on this board that think and speak very highly of you. I myself have never met your acquaintance but I take based on the number of positive comments about you that that you are a nice guy.


I will add one more thing though, I have to say I feel bad for your VIP client whom you have mentioned on here. It gives me pause about hiring you as I would hope that pro's would keep what happens between them and their clientele in confidence. I do now know this about your VIP, he is in the Houston area, he is a member of this board, and a frequent purveyor of your company. If I was he I would be a bit sad and embarrassed that my business was now out for all to read as surely he will read this thread and know that he was being talked about behind his back.


I wish you well JD and I hope you enjoy your reign as EOY nobody worked harder or rallied more votes and its well deserved.

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I can assure you that my perspective and views have been formed based on my observations of your posts and not shaped by others opinions. I do think there are many on this board that think and speak very highly of you. I myself have never met your acquaintance but I take based on the number of positive comments about you that that you are a nice guy.


I will add one more thing though, I have to say I feel bad for your VIP client whom you have mentioned on here. It gives me pause about hiring you as I would hope that pro's would keep what happens between them and their clientele in confidence. I do now know this about your VIP, he is in the Houston area, he is a member of this board, and a frequent purveyor of your company. If I was he I would be a bit sad and embarrassed that my business was now out for all to read as surely he will read this thread and know that he was being talked about behind his back.


I wish you well JD and I hope you enjoy your reign as EOY nobody worked harder or rallied more votes and its well deserved.




Thank you for your wonderful post, and do have to give my apologies for any confusion or misunderstandings that took place for which I'm glad you don't think negatively of me.


Many thanks for your kind words wishing me all the best with EOY as your support is sincerely appreciated.


Just so you know about the client I was referring to he is no longer a forum member being he use to be a forum member, but resigned from it a little while back according to what he told me recently - Honestly, I never knew what his handle was on the forum as he was a hidden member.


Another thing you can rest-assure is I wouldn't have mentioned him as if he was still a forum member, but get the idea of your concern. Then again, I was still discreet by not giving names or forum names, so still good regarding that aspect. :).


In regards to discretion, I never gave his real name or forum name as I believe in being discreet as I always am as I am in being careful in not giving out too much information to protect my client's safety

and identity.


Do look out for my clients best interest by not exposing them in public or anywhere else. It's not like I gave a physical description of who the client was, so still safe when it comes to discretion on all counts.


I have seen in some cases where escorts in the past in a unprofessional manner on the forum and on twitter have exposed they're clients information in great detail when the escort feels he has been wronged, and can say with full confidence I've never done such a thing, and have no intention in doing so if I feel a client has wronged me.


Sometimes it's best to be the bigger person in a compromising and complicated situation, and move on. "Take the high road" as they say right? ;)


Like Daddy has expressed to me many times, "Water off the ducks back" don't let what others say or do bother you, and you know something, he's right. Its not worth the hassle to stress over at times. Lol.


Just got off the phone with the client, and were both fine and on good terms.


No one is displeased or mad at each other as he understands what I was trying to confide in him by sharing my views, and thought it made sense now that I explained it in greater detail. I understand of what he shared with me was not out of bias earlier this afternoon, and come to grips with myself in being more open-minded to what his standpoints in all of this were.


We've came to an understanding, and actually he's meeting me for dinner tomorrow night being my last night in Houston. :):D


Hugs, and all The Best!!!

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To be blunt: You're in a room of mostly faggots. Playing the "I'm a downtrodden minority" just doesn't work in this venue. Don't you see that you being just as much a bigot as they are?


Sending an alert, having the matter cleaned up, and then beating up on the people that caused the alert is just being an asshole.


Why don't you stop before you dig the hole any deeper?




Point Taken Full Throttle


Thanks Daddy!!!

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Daddy just called us "mostly faggots"....hehehehe


That made my day!


On a side note...you bitches better run!....somebody just woke up Daddy!


Being a member of multiple minority groups myself - I am a disabled woman in a wheelchair - it makes my day when Daddy calls me a faggot.


It makes me feel feminine, and special. Without feeling bloated.

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Daddy just called us "mostly faggots"....hehehehe


That made my day!


On a side note...you bitches better run!....somebody just woke up Daddy!


As the Rupaul saying goes, and I'm guessing in this case is the same for Daddy seeing the statement he just made, "Run, Don't Walk". LOL. :p:p

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There is so much that I want to say, but I think I will just "order pizza" and stay out of crossfire!

Who woulda thunk there was such intrigue and scheming going on at last year’s Palm Springs event? Order a pizza with separate toppings. When co-conspirators can’t even agree on their plan, even after the fact, they’re certainly not going to agree on a pizza topping :rolleyes:.



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JD,, I did not attend the Palm Springs event last year, so do not know when it took place. But I exchanged PMs with QTR six months before last year's Washington event. She was very clear to many people about attending the D.C. event last year, especially using her real name. I talked to her a day or two after D.C. She has a very good time and did not mention any problems.


She may have been accepted much more because people know her from this site. So depending on when Palm Springs was held QTR may have been the first woman, not Coco.




Yes, it's true, Miss Coco was the first woman to ever attend the PS Forum Event back in May of 2015.


No woman has ever attended in the past, and was quite evident that has occurred because of the negative feedback I received from some of the forum attendants in regards to her coming could be awkward, but didn't care as(once again) it was time for a change regarding women attending the PS gatherings.


Of course out of respect, I did consult with the host (Oliver) to make sure he was okay with the idea as he was very open-minded in welcoming her to attend knowing who she was with Rentboy and her reputation in the Gay community.


There were women welcomed and attended at the DC and Chicago Forum events in the past, why not continue that same welcome at this one?


My view is, if it's a "Daddys" Forum gathering, shouldn't it be where ALL of Daddy's kids are welcomed? Doesnt say "Daddy's Boys Forum Club" for boys only here.


Daddy is open for all of his kids(Male, Female, Transgender, Black, White, Asian, Latino, Etc) to be welcomed and attend - Especially if your gonna throw a Forum Event that has "his" brand name attached to it. ;).

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All I know, Steven, I'm going by what I know base on memory as I don't remember in ALL of our conversations implying that it'll be great to be the 1st Black EOY as the sole reason for winning EOY


You're absolutely right, JD. What I actually found interesting was that, even in private, you could never completely explain your reasons for wanting to be the first Black EOY. I could speculate about your goals, but I actually always felt it was better not to. I assume that they, like you, are multi-dimensional. Certainly one part if it, which you accomplished, is making points about diversity and open-mindedness and promoting recognition for ALL black escorts, as well as others that might be viewed as "outsiders," like Lady Coco.


This is getting ridiculous. You are now defending yourself by splitting hairs over the words "sole" or "only" reason. My point was simple, and factual, and it is so obvious to everybody that you are making an ass out of yourself by attempting to deny it. You wanted to be the first African American escort of the year. Badly. And really, JD, everybody knows it.


You can think of it this way. You had me, and us, at "I want it." You got it. Whatever else your complex motivations were, or are, the fact that you wanted it, and deserved it, was enough. So don't now ask us to question whether our motivations were insensitive or misstated as it relates to race. Don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Who woulda thunk there was such intrigue and scheming going on at last year’s Palm Springs event? Order a pizza with separate toppings. When co-conspirators can’t even agree on their plan, even after the fact, they’re certainly not going to agree on a pizza topping :rolleyes:.




Actually, Miami, to really reinforce what I said with a jackhammer, that is what's ridiculous about this. Assuming you are referring to JD and me, we did agree, and do agree. What we are splitting hairs over here is whether its okay for a loyal client to ask, "how does it feel to be the first Black escort of the year, and whether that was JD's "sole" motivation. Get the god damn pizza delivered or we'll all go bald!

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