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Why Escort?

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Earlier, I posted a thread on "why hire escorts", which had a lot of thoughtful responses. I was glad to see the experiences of fellow clients were similar to mine, and the reasons for hiring escorts were many.


However, why does someone chose to escort? Over the years I've met some incredible men who defied negative stereotypes. Most of the guys had above average intelligence and wholesome looks. The drug addict scamming to find a way to fund his habit is rare. I've never had an escort who was under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. I've never had an escort steal from me or try to scam me in anyway.


Why do seemingly intelligent men chose to engage in escorting? Besides the obvious risk of law enforcement, there must be some lunatic serial killers out there. I remember one escort telling me of the difficulties in feigning attraction for guys who reminded him of Jabba the Hut.


Many of the young men I've hired were students. Escorting allowed them a flexible schedule and the ability to make more money than many low level minimum jobs offered to students. Some escorts were saving to live the American dream and open their own business.


Escorting is a win-win situation. The escort earns a living wage and the client has the opportunity to have an encounter with men he normally would not have the opportunity to meet.


What are your reasons for escorting?

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For me there is tons of reasons to escort...But the top reason is I love meeting and networking with some great people..This community we have is pretty dam amazing and there is so many great guys out there that I've become great friends with..Im not going to lie the money is great also... I actually graduated college debt free thanks to escorting.

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One of my friends, knowing that I did see an escort often and paid him well said that I was 'robbing him of his youth'. He was really mad at me. Is this true though? By paying these guys well over and beyond what they could make, at their age, in a conventional job, are we robbing them of their youth?

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One of my friends, knowing that I did see an escort often and paid him well said that I was 'robbing him of his youth'. He was really mad at me. Is this true though? By paying these guys well over and beyond what they could make, at their age, in a conventional job, are we robbing them of their youth?


I'm a simpleton and cannot grasp the intricacies of that logic. I think your friend was jealous rather than angry. :confused:

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One of my friends, knowing that I did see an escort often and paid him well said that I was 'robbing him of his youth'. He was really mad at me. Is this true though? By paying these guys well over and beyond what they could make, at their age, in a conventional job, are we robbing them of their youth?


It's a dated attitude. The escort scene used to by typified by a victim mentality. Clients often saw themselves as victims of the escorts they hired and escorts saw themselves as victims of the clients who hired them - victims taking advantage of each others' plights. These days, a more empowered attitude prevails in which client and escort are both consenting parties to a business arrangement. Yet there are some people who are still stuck in that old mentality. I have had people tell me that they resent the men they hire because hiring is not something they chose, but something that they were forced into by circumstances.

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One of my friends, knowing that I did see an escort often and paid him well said that I was 'robbing him of his youth'. He was really mad at me. Is this true though? By paying these guys well over and beyond what they could make, at their age, in a conventional job, are we robbing them of their youth?


And working at McDonalds isn't robbing your youth?

When I was 19 I worked in a factory one summer where every hour was a soul- sucking eternity. I don't know how people did it for 30+ years except they have to- union wages to support their families.

Everything has its drawbacks including escorting. There are much worse things for sure.

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One of my favorite men was forced into escorting as a result of the financial collapse. He had a successful business that wasn't able to weather the recession. So he turned to escorting. He likes it so much that he wished he had started doing it years before.

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There was an NPR story last summer about finding a meaningful career, and they interviewed one guy in the story who said his work isn't fulfilling his life's dreams, but he's got a family to support, and THAT is meaningful. I sympathize with that guy. My father hated his job, but stayed in it for 30+ years to support us, and retired as soon as we were out of the house. Lots of us doing our job to sustain ourselves, and finding fulfillment in other areas of life.

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Although very long ago, I found myself (or escaped) overseas starting college as a bright eyed 18 year old from a conservative part of Texas, eager and scared for adventure and change. School was hard. My 4 years of foreign language study hadn't prepared me for learning full time in the native tongue. I was living on a slim to non-existent budget and had 3 day weekends off which I initially spent wandering the big city. Being a slim, red headed boy, in boot and jeans, made me stand out a bit. I was friendly, though not entirely naïve. I met many wonderful men with whom I had adventurous weekends and overnights away, enjoying each other's company, learning new things, and what I lacked in experience I tried to make up by sharing my version of TX hospitality. I may have not called it escorting at the time, but they paid for my time away and travel along with giving me financial support for school and expenses. Each of these men were kind and generous, treated me with respect, and I am grateful for the experience.

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For me Its all about people.


I consider myself a people person In general and In the beginning...I did start just thinking Itd be a quick Buck(Just being Honest) But the more I got into it I realized how great of a job it really can be. I cant think of any experience being the same. I've seen so many Different walks of lifes. So many Interesting stories. I cant tell You how many countless nights I had of talking with someone about life goals, experiences etc and I'm kind of like a sponge. I soak it all In(The wisdom). I always say that everyone pays the same(generally) but Its nice when I meet someone and we have a genuine connection. Ask any escort and Im sure they will tell you their favorite experiences are with those who are considerate, thoughtful, and present(In the moment)


Secondly being a college student; making my own schedule is golden. Not many jobs out there would allot this.

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I usually make pretty cool connections with my companions, so I will share what they shared with me - take them with a grain of salt: One particular cutie had just made a career switch and he is in real estate, he needs to make ends meet while his commissions and client book grew. Another is an artist and a self admitted narcissist - he likes being an object desire and the flexibility to pursue his art. Another one has a successful day job, he is relatively well off, but he does it for the additional play money and the adventure of it. Two of my faves are highly educated and skilled, but are here, in the US, illegally and can't secure jobs suitable for their own expectations. Personally, I don't care why they do it....I care about HOW they do it and that the connection is genuine and gets them a little closer to whatever the heck they are pursuing.

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