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Iranian Cleric Explains The Basis Of Male Homosexuality

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The article is from Gay Star News:


Iran cleric: Father's fantasies during sex causes homosexuality


'Women incorrectly wearing the hijab leads to homosexuality among men'



A prominent Iranian cleric is teaching that men who fantasize about other women while impregnating their wives will cause their children to be gay.


Ayatollah Hossein Dehnavi is a celebrity in Iran, where he regularly offers advice on family and sexual matters on state television.


'When fantasizing about another woman while impregnating your wife, the child will be homosexual,' he said.


According to Dehnavi, women who wear Islamic dress wrongly also turn men gay.


'Women incorrectly wearing the hijab leads to homosexuality among men,' he said.


Most of Dehnavi’s advice is aimed at women.


For example, he also teaches that women should women provide sex to their husbands 'anywhere and at anytime' and seeking sexual gratification is sinful.


Dehnavi even advises women on wardrobe choices like the color of underwear to wear:


'Those who have pale skin should wear black underwear. And those with darker or bronze skin should wear white underwear to arouse their husbands,' he said.


'Make sure your husband can see your underwear.'


- See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/iran-cleric-fathers-fantasies-during-sex-causes-homosexuality160415#sthash.gn6Ti5Hz.dpuf

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ROFL Well now we know.


Reminds of nothing so much as the immortal opening lines of Laurence Sterne's uproarious novel Tristram Shandy.


I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them, as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when they begot me; had they duly consider'd how much depended upon what they were then doing;—that not only the production of a rational Being was concerned in it, but that possibly the happy formation and temperature of his body, perhaps his genius and the very cast of his mind;—and, for aught they knew to the contrary, even the fortunes of his whole house might take their turn from the humours and dispositions which were then uppermost;—Had they duly weighed and considered all this, and proceeded accordingly,—I am verily persuaded I should have made a quite different figure in the world, from that in which the reader is likely to see me.—Believe me, good folks, this is not so inconsiderable a thing as many of you may think it;—you have all, I dare say, heard of the animal spirits, as how they are transfused from father to son, &c. &c.—and a great deal to that purpose:—Well, you may take my word, that nine parts in ten of a man's sense or his nonsense, his successes and miscarriages in this world depend upon their motions and activity, and the different tracks and trains you put them into, so that when they are once set a-going, whether right or wrong, 'tis not a half-penny matter,—away they go cluttering like hey-go mad; and by treading the same steps over and over again, they presently make a road of it, as plain and as smooth as a garden-walk, which, when they are once used to, the Devil himself sometimes shall not be able to drive them off it.


Pray my Dear, quoth my mother, have you not forgot to wind up the clock?—Good G..! cried my father, making an exclamation, but taking care to moderate his voice at the same time,—Did ever woman, since the creation of the world, interrupt a man with such a silly question? Pray, what was your father saying?—Nothing.

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The article is from Gay Star News:


Iran cleric: Father's fantasies during sex causes homosexuality


'Women incorrectly wearing the hijab leads to homosexuality among men'



A prominent Iranian cleric is teaching that men who fantasize about other women while impregnating their wives will cause their children to be gay.


Ayatollah Hossein Dehnavi is a celebrity in Iran, where he regularly offers advice on family and sexual matters on state television.


'When fantasizing about another woman while impregnating your wife, the child will be homosexual,' he said.


According to Dehnavi, women who wear Islamic dress wrongly also turn men gay.


'Women incorrectly wearing the hijab leads to homosexuality among men,' he said.


Most of Dehnavi’s advice is aimed at women.


For example, he also teaches that women should women provide sex to their husbands 'anywhere and at anytime' and seeking sexual gratification is sinful.


Dehnavi even advises women on wardrobe choices like the color of underwear to wear:


'Those who have pale skin should wear black underwear. And those with darker or bronze skin should wear white underwear to arouse their husbands,' he said.


'Make sure your husband can see your underwear.'


- See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/iran-cleric-fathers-fantasies-during-sex-causes-homosexuality160415#sthash.gn6Ti5Hz.dpuf

Unfortunately so many people in iran and most middle eastern countries are so uneducated and illiterate, they can only rely on what they are told by these so called educated men.

the worse thing, is that many of these "prominent" clerics/imams, actually believe this drivel!

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Unfortunately so many people in iran and most middle eastern countries are so uneducated and illiterate, they can only rely on what they are told by these so called educated men.

the worse thing, is that many of these "prominent" clerics/imams, actually believe this drivel!


That is so offensive and saddening, that I do not know where to start. Should we say the same thing about Americans when we hear and read some of the crazy stuff that rightwing conservatives and waco evangelicals say about homosexuality? Branding the majority of a people illiterate and uneducated because a crazy element exists in their society is wrong on so many levels. All societies and all countries have idiots amongst them that say ignorant things.

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The article is from Gay Star News:


Iran cleric: Father's fantasies during sex causes homosexuality


'Women incorrectly wearing the hijab leads to homosexuality among men'



A prominent Iranian cleric is teaching that men who fantasize about other women while impregnating their wives will cause their children to be gay.


Ayatollah Hossein Dehnavi is a celebrity in Iran, where he regularly offers advice on family and sexual matters on state television.


'When fantasizing about another woman while impregnating your wife, the child will be homosexual,' he said.


According to Dehnavi, women who wear Islamic dress wrongly also turn men gay.


'Women incorrectly wearing the hijab leads to homosexuality among men,' he said.


Most of Dehnavi’s advice is aimed at women.


For example, he also teaches that women should women provide sex to their husbands 'anywhere and at anytime' and seeking sexual gratification is sinful.


Dehnavi even advises women on wardrobe choices like the color of underwear to wear:


'Those who have pale skin should wear black underwear. And those with darker or bronze skin should wear white underwear to arouse their husbands,' he said.


'Make sure your husband can see your underwear.'


- See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/iran-cleric-fathers-fantasies-during-sex-causes-homosexuality160415#sthash.gn6Ti5Hz.dpuf


Maybe Fox News would hire him, I'm sure Dr. Ben Carson would love to meet him.

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Unfortunately so many people in iran and most middle eastern countries are so uneducated and illiterate, they can only rely on what they are told by these so called educated men.

the worse thing, is that many of these "prominent" clerics/imams, actually believe this drivel!


Just 25% of Americans know where Iraq is located in a world map, but 90% of us think Benghazi is in that country.


http://s3.amazonaws.com/dk-production/images/41602/large/94748970-brain-fox.jpg?1374684458medicare-keep-your-hands-off-my-medicare.jpg http://www.addictinginfo.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/001.jpg http://www.laprogressive.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Medicare.gif

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Unfortunately so many people in iran and most middle eastern countries are so uneducated and illiterate, they can only rely on what they are told by these so called educated men.

the worse thing, is that many of these "prominent" clerics/imams, actually believe this drivel!


I know a lot of uneducated people from this country...

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That is so offensive and saddening, that I do not know where to start. Should we say the same thing about Americans when we hear and read some of the crazy stuff that rightwing conservatives and waco evangelicals say about homosexuality?




Branding the majority of a people illiterate and uneducated because a crazy element exists in their society is wrong on so many levels. All societies and all countries have idiots amongst them that say ignorant things.


When the majority allows the wacko fear-driven minority to tie up the government, yes.


Most people in this country are literate, at least at the elementary school level. But educated, which to mean means both knowledge and the ability to think clearly and critically about that knowledge? That's arguable. We have, and long have had, a strong strain of anti-intellectualism in this country.


The right wing is trying to weaken the education system, because most people who can think critically will not vote for their crackpot ideas. Impossibly high college costs, student loans that cannot be forgiven, teaching to pass tests instead of teaching to solve problems, putting state colleges and universities under political control... these policies all have the effect of discouraging critical thinking.

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