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Escort Plastered Resulting in Cancellation or Postponment? Rare or Common?

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Hi Guys:


Just curious if clients have experienced escorts canceling or asking for postponment until next day due to being drunk.


I ask because it's been something I've experienced several times. Unfortunately for me, I've only hired in the New Orleans market, which is really small. Consequently, the best opportunities come from visiting escorts, and obviously the big stampede transpires at Southern Decadence on Labor Day. That, of course means major revelry beyond that which is always the case for N. O.


A few years ago there was an escort coming in for SD and I viewed him as the best prospect I'd seen in a long time, and so we firmed up a date and time. We agreed on the second day he was in town. Well, I know for escorts, a meeting is just another appointment, but for clients, it's often something we look forward to for days and want to really enjoy the experience to the maximum. Well, that was the case for me, so I refrained from jerking off for three days prior to our vist (that's a real challenge for me).


Well, I called to confirm that we're still on two hours before because NO is about a 90-minute trip for me. He answered in a barely coherent manner, and when I asked if we were still on, he managed to murmur out that he really needed to reschedule for the text day. He admitted he was way too drunk and/or hungover to meet that day. At that point, I was so anxious to meet with him that the deflation was hard to experience. I indicated postponing to the next day was fine, but once I got off the phone, I knew there was simply no way I could hold in for another 24 hours, so I pulled up his profile ad and jerked off to what I'd envisioned the session going like. That was quite a "release."


Well, he emailed the next day looking to hook up, but I told him I had a business appointment. He responded, "That's too bad because I'm all ready now." To have met with him after having "pulled the trigger" the prior day (which I felt I had to because three days is a LONG time for me) would have been anti-climatic.


A few months later an escort was in town to visit a boyfriend in NO, and they'd apparently celebrated a tad too much the night before and he sounded out of it when I called him to confirm as well. He did gradually come to life, however, and didn't seek to cancel or postpone, so off to NO I went. He was about 8 years older than he represented (no big deal) and considerably heavier than his obviously-outdated pics in the ad. Nevertheless, even with those factors in, we were a great match in that what I Wanted to do (which entails being subservient) was right up his alley. I would rate the session a 6 or 7 on a scale of 1-10.


Just wondering if any clients experience escorts who have tied it on a little too strong the night before or if that's primarily Big Easy thing.



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It hasn't happened to me--well maybe once--but the escort said it was food poisoning and he was in the hospital. I checked--he actually had been in the hospital. I have no what the several day hospitalization was actually for. But I do know you aren't the only one.



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I've had it a couple times. Once I had a sort of noonish appointment booked and the guy texted about 11:00 saying "hard night last night, have to cancel."


Another time was with a regular who always seemed to me to be just a tad "medicated" but he was hot as fuck so I didn't care. Then once he didn't show and when I finally got a call back it was clear he was way over the edge into some sort of high. He mumbled that he could still come, but by then it was midnight and he was clearly in no shape so I said no. I tried to contact him once after, and never heard anything back nor have I seem him advertising or posting on the boards since. Just vanished, which happens.

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Guest borger1582

I've had it happen once, with a different type of intoxication. Since I often am restrained by the escort, I need them to be 100% present; but the guys I play with know this too . . . so he cancelled. It was absolutely the safe play, no pun intended. Frustrating? Yes. Make me stop using a great regular? No. No other issues, before or since.

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It happened to me recently- called him 2 hrs before our appt. He said he forgot and he was at a party so asked if he could postpone an hour. Sure I said. He then called a little while later to ask if he could postpone a few days since he would not be at his "best" otherwise. That was fine too.

It worked out great. He is very conscientious and will see him regularly.

I definitely understand though getting your hopes up and then they are dashed. I'm in DC though so there are more options. I'd be bummed if hiring was basically once or twice a year!

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It happens for intoxications of various kinds, as well as for other problems. I've had escorts cancel on me because they had double-booked and I was the less lucrative client (they didn't admit that ... it was what I found out later). I've had escorts cancel because they claimed they were ill (believable, except when repeated multiple times). I've had escorts no-show and claim that they either overslept (for a 7pm appointment?) or were at work or were traveling and couldn't make it due to travel disruptions. I'm sure many of these are valid excuses. Sometimes, however, they're lies. When one has traveled to another city specifically to see an escort, and that escort cancels, it can be disappointing.


It happens.

After it happens with the same escort more than a few times it's time to move on.

It's not fun when an escort whom you have enjoyed flakes out on your like this ... but it happens.

It's best to move on.

There are plenty of guys.

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