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Escort-Only Message Board

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That is a great idea but never exclude escorts so consider the following


A) Escort wanting to advertise a tour should pay Daddy a paypal fee of 10 to 20 dollars to advertise their tours. They're making money and why shouldn't it filter through. All he needs to do is moderate the tours section until payment is made. It's so simple


B) Daddy should only allow escorts into an escort only section of the site upon verification of a gay review or known reputation that they are genuine..

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Long Long Long ago there was the "blacklist". Then it folded. Then there was something similar another escort started, I don't remember who. Obviously, some escorts pointed some clients to it. So, That died. Then, when Hoo was alive, this site tested an escort only section. That ended in hellfire; there was some good and helpful stuff in there, but some escorts, predictably, said shitty things about some clients, and just as predictably some clients gained access to the forum and revealed the private posts.

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That is a great idea but never exclude escorts so consider the following


A) Escort wanting to advertise a tour should pay Daddy a paypal fee of 10 to 20 dollars to advertise their tours. They're making money and why shouldn't it filter through. All he needs to do is moderate the tours section until payment is made. It's so simple


B) Daddy should only allow escorts into an escort only section of the site upon verification of a gay review or known reputation that they are genuine..


There is the travel section: http://www.companyofmen.org/forumdisplay.php?29-Escort-Travels

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there was some good and helpful stuff in there, but some escorts, predictably, said shitty things about some clients


As a client, I would have no problem with that. It's only fair. Plenty of clients say unsubstantiated, shitty things about specific escorts on this forum ...

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An escort from our community proposed some time ago to create a Message Board restricted only to escorts who have a running online paid ad.


I wanted to know if the idea has come to fruition?


It actually did come to fruition, nearly 20 years ago.


Hooboy created it. (And it actually still exists, but nobody has access to it.)


It lasted a few weeks before snits between escorts went public and escorts started copy/pasting private client information into the public forum.


We do not plan to reopen that forum any time soon.

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What is minimal to you?


I wonder what the legal liabilities of a site like this are, once you start disclosing names, phone numbers, email addresses and some pretty 'pertinent' information about clients ... even if it is a private website that is not accessible to the public.

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Interesting as well ....


Posting private information on the forum as it is now is not a reason to shut the forum (or parts of it) down, right? The public information is removed and the poster may get a time-out. So why would posting private information on an escort-only section (or copying/pasting private client information onto the public forum) be a reason to shut the escort-only section down?


Kindly, Anton.


What I read into this was that keeping the forum policed and moderated wasn't worth the effort. The people who take on the administration make a commitment, and it really needs to be worth their while. Steven Draker noted "passion, free time, and energy". Since there will be sniping to squelch, standards to uphold, etc., the admins would actually have to be getting some satisfaction out of sustaining the forum.


I don't know that Daddy should get behind something like this even if he wants to. I'd be worried about maintaining clients' personal information on this space. Escorts are referenced by their alter egos and Daddy is vigilant about keeping their personal information off the site, but clients usually don't have those personas as a layer to protect identities. If escorts are comparing notes on clients I don't know how they'll do it without compromising our identities in discussion. A "Hints from Heloise" between escorts would be OK. I don't know if it would have much value.

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Posting private information on the forum as it is now is not a reason to shut the forum (or parts of it) down, right? The public information is removed and the poster may get a time-out. So why would posting private information on an escort-only section (or copying/pasting private client information onto the public forum) be a reason to shut the escort-only section down?


This happened with only 4-6 participants. Can you imagine scaling that up?


There aren't enough hours in the day *now*, much less with that added burden.


It was an experiment. We tried it. Not going there again.

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We actually do need some new moderators now that Cooper is an Admin. We'll be a little careful about the selection, though. The last one didn't work out so well.


Now, a note about the moderators is in order. You are apparently under the impression that moderators work assigned shifts to provide 24/7/365 coverage. They do not. They are volunteers who participate as they are able. There has never been and never will be any pressure whatsoever on moderators to guarantee moderator coverage.


If that's not good enough for you, well, tough.

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Now, a note about the moderators is in order. You are apparently under the impression that moderators work assigned shifts to provide 24/7/365 coverage. They do not. They are volunteers who participate as they are able. There has never been and never will be any pressure whatsoever on moderators to guarantee moderator coverage.If that's not good enough for you, well, tough.


Jesus Christ dude, chill.

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