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Escorts who request client photographs?

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I initiated contact with a new escort. He replied back, and he asked if I could email him a photo of me. Is this normal? I feel uncomfortable about this. Has anyone else ever had this happen to them?

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>I initiated contact with a new escort. He replied back, and

>he asked if I could email him a photo of me. Is this normal?

>I feel uncomfortable about this. Has anyone else ever had

>this happen to them?


He should be a new escort or maybe you are new to this ...

The escort in question is simply trying to "screen" and select his clientele ... not very professional by the way.




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I haven't had any escort that I have seen ask for a photograph of me, but if it ever happened-- I'd decline and seek the services of someone else. I've read about these types of requests from some escorts and have always thought: What the hell!


If an escort doesn't want to see a man sight unseen, he could always decline the date upon first meeting the individual. The only thing that could happen is that the client would perhaps write a negative review or write as a "no show"; the escort has recourse: he can respond...

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>I initiated contact with a new escort. He replied back, and

>he asked if I could email him a photo of me. Is this normal?

>I feel uncomfortable about this. Has anyone else ever had

>this happen to them?




Doc... welcome. This topic has been discussed many times, and really can be summarized by the following:


1) Most clients do not like to send out their pics.

2) Most good escorts do not ask for pics.

3) Most of the time, if an escort asks for a pic, it is not a good sign.


That having been said... it is really up to you. If you really want to see a particular escort who requires a pic, and you don't mind sending out your pic, then go for it. If the concept bothers you, there will be plenty of other cute ones around.

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I initiated contact with an escort well know on this board from San Diego. I was going to bring him to the east coast for a weekend. He asked for a photo. I sent it and he said the chemistry wasn't right. Well, my feelings weren't hurt and he saved me a ton of money. But, at the same time, I have been with tons of escorts and never once had one tell me that the chemistry wasn't right. I think he missed out on a fantastic trip and I missed out on a bad experience. :) Usually, for a one or two hour call I don't send out a pic. However, if I am going to fly someone here for a weekend or take out of the country on a trip, I would prefer for them to know who they are going to be spending time with before we head off into the wild blue yonder.

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I have never been asked for a picture, and I would decline to send one if I were asked. However, escorts have often asked me for a physical description of myself, which I am happy to give.


A number of years ago, before the Internet existed (actually before personal computers were invented), I made a phone date with an escort, but when I arrived at his apartment door, he saw me through his peephole and refused to let me in. That was one case in which I think I would have been spared expense and frustration if he had my picture beforehand.

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Sounds like bad news to me~


Although 'protecting your ass' is common in this industry, i don't think esposing yourself as a client in that regard would be the smartest thing to do. I realize that many escorts have tight 'standards' when it comes to who they'll see, but asking for a pic has always just hit me as a tacky way to begin an escort-client relationship. Standards are one thing- putting your guys through a screening process & piss test is another ;)


I'd hop to another guy if i were you, as escorts can be a dime-a-dozen in some cities. Finding one who isn't so paranoid, tacky or just plain unprofessional will most definately improve your initial meeting and overall experience.



Warmest Regards,





Benjamin Nicholas

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Guest ncm2169

< escorts can be a dime-a-dozen in some cities >


Care to share some more insight with me, Ben? Maybe just your private Fodor's Guide? :+


Lemme see. Ten cents divided by 12...}(

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I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait for the movie transcript just like everyone else ;)


Seriously though, i understand having standards when it comes to seeing people, but i've known way too many escorts who push that envelope into downright stupidity. Honestly, for me, i tend to often times discriminate based on intelligence & initial emails. I know it's not always the best thing to do, but i really prefer a guy i can talk to, enjoy (in SEVERAL ways) and connect with.


You can teach someone to be skilled in the bedroom, but you can't teach street-smarts, The Beatles 'White Album' and common sense.


It's the simple art of conversation~ If a potential guy emails, writes two sentances consisting of 'dick size?' and 'more pics?' then i can usually assume that he's not the type of person i want to see.



So, as you can see, i am picky... just in a different way ;)




Warmest Always,





Benjamin Nicholas

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I have to agree with Benjamin's posts on this issue. The type of escort who wants to see a picture first, is the type that would lose my interest immediately. It's certainly an escort's right to cater to a narrow market segment, but to me those types are really looking to have sex and "sex only - nothing else" with guys that physically appeal to them but in turn they want to get paid for it. These guys are into escorting, imo, just for the kicks of it and aren't serious about the money or other opportunities, which is okay, but they really aren't proverbially seeing the forest for the trees.


They should match up real well with those clients who email those two sentences that Benjamin mentioned. But I guess that's why clients and escorts come in a variety of types.


Of course, I've always tended to look at the world thru a big glass onion. I'm always wondering if escort Prudence can come out to play and really am interested in knowing who Bill killed (rumor has it he shot at a tiger but missed and shot his poor old mum off an elephant - guess he was just a fucking peasant after all). I hear that he lives in an institution now and all he does is stare at the walls mumbling "number nine, number nine, number nine". But then the guy who told me this is just an all American bullet headed anglo saxon son. :)


Stones always rocked more!

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I for one hire escorts from Hoo's site and from chat rooms on AOL. Anytime I set anything up I always tell them if they are from AOL to read my profile, if the escort is not from AOL I will always copy & paste my profile and send it to the escort by E mail.


I'm a big guy and want to make sure their is no problem after the escort shows up. Only three times did the escort ask for a photo, those three escorts were told later, then I looked elsewhere (Plus I don't have a pic to send).


I like to 100% honest before hand. Only one time did the escort not look anything like his pic plus he asked for the fee as soon as he walked thur the door. That escort was asked to leave with "NO" fee paid. He started to cause a problem and I just stated that he leave and I won't put in a negative review. If their is still a problem I call the front desk and have even called the cops, they do leave really fast then after they see I'm not playing games:7


When in doubt I whip it out:+

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Well Gentlemen, thanks for all of the information.


I think that possibly that the escort is new at being an escort. He is not reviewed on this site, but can be found elsewhere. He has 17 reviews, all positive except for 1. The reviews go back about 2 months. I kind of think that it weird that there are so many reviews in such a little bit of time.


Needless to say, I am not sending the pic. It is too bad though, he looks really hot in his photographs, and we really have no escorts here anyway. Again, thank you for the information.

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Guest ncm2169

Doc, this only partially addresses your question, but I've had good luck with local escorts who either have no pic and/or who want my pic (which I don't send out): we meet up for coffee and a short chat, giving each of us a chance to decide whether we think it's "a go." }(


Sometimes, the hookup occurs right after, and sometimes it's days or even weeks later (and, sometimes not at all).


Actually, from my standpoint I find this far more preferable than just meeting a guy for the first time when he walks through the door, even if we've chatted online and talked on the phone.


If pics are a problem for either the escort or the client, this may be a solution. Call it an "interview" or whatever...I've found that discreet and often very new escorts like it too. :+

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Guest Tampa Yankee

... yet I think I can hold a coversation.



> It's the simple art of conversation~ If a potential guy

>emails, writes two sentances consisting of 'dick size?' and

>'more pics?' then i can usually assume that he's not the type

>of person i want to see.


Hmmm... I'm one of those that writes two or three sentence emails -- one to say where I encountered his add, one to describe what I'm looking for, and one to describe me.


I've been conditioned by the responses I have received 95% OF the time that constitute little more than a sound byte put on paper (electronic). I'm thrilled if can get a few complete sentences. At first I was offended by these briefest of responses. Then I realized that many guys are very busy and to the point. Ok, I accepted that and I play that way.


I encountered an interesting exception recently when I contacted an unknow quantity at men4rentnow that I thought would be my type. The site only allows one to pass on contact information. I received a very nice response that showed some thoughfulness to the communication and to my inquiry. Î responded in a similar vein and he responded warmly again. We were actually having a pleasant conversation via email -- how novel!! This guy jumped to the head of my lengthy list of prospects, even over a very hot guy I had seen previously for a memorable occasion to say the least, and over another well reviewed hot guy of my type that I had in my crosshairs. I turned out to be excellent decision. :D However anything approaching a real conversation is the exception in my experience.

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RE:White Album


What's with that??? Everyone knows Sargent Pepper's is MUCH more campy!

Myself, I was always more of a Surrealistic Pillow kinda gal. Even though this was 20 years before my time! Feed your head, baby!

If you must send a picture, send a picture of Mae West. Noone could say no to her, and there's no way he could deny that it's you in drag. It's a simple and diplomatic solution to every problem.

La Belle Trixie

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RE: ... yet I think I can hold a coversation.



>> It's the simple art of conversation~ If a potential guy

>>emails, writes two sentances consisting of 'dick size?' and

>>'more pics?' then i can usually assume that he's not the


>>of person i want to see.


>Hmmm... I'm one of those that writes two or three sentence

>emails -- one to say where I encountered his add, one to

>describe what I'm looking for, and one to describe me.


Well, TY I think 99% of us do the same thing when making contact with an escort for the first time that we want to see for the normal 1 to 2 hour appointment. But this is so different from what Benjamin stated about emails that have 2 sentences about dick size and more pics. I guess I'm trying to say that if I was an escort who received an email with those two sentences that it would indicate to me that the client is only interested in a 1 hr sex only session and that if that was not what I was targeting as a market audience that I wouldn't respond.


I believe that is all that Benjamin was stating, as he mentioned what his usual preference is in selecting clientele. To each his own, and it is not a putdown in anyway, to a client seeking escorts for an hour's purpose nor to escorts catering to clients seeking that. I believe Benjamin, and indeed in my experience, most escorts will reply to an email such as yours in which you are basically introducing yourself. After that, you take it from there to see if you and he are interested in a 1 to 2 hour physical session or looking for more and if looking for more are able to interact in ways other than sex for a longer session.


>However anything

>approaching a real conversation is the exception in my



Well that is not the case in my experience. I, like many others here, are sometimes interested in being with an escort for more than just sex. Of course, I have to qualify that by stating that in these situations, it is what he has written on his web page, on the message board here or on chat rooms that leads to my attraction to him, which in turn leads me to send an email stating that I like what he has to say, not just his body and looks, and that has led to an exchange of emails that lets me know that he can provide an enjoyable experience not only physically but in other ways. These are the type of guys that I hire for weekend visits, and without an ongoing conversation, how would I know that he is someone I would only want for an hour's romp in the sack or is someone I can connect with enough for more than that?


If you're only looking for a 1 or 2 hour session, then conversation and compatability outside the bedroom is not all that important is it? :)


I know all the advice says to not hire anyone for the weekend that you have never met and spent an hour/2 hour session with previously. But I just don't buy into that if it is someone (especially one who is reviewed here) whose words attract me as much as his pictures do, and when I contact him he comes across as friendly, intelligent, educated, pleasant and who gets to know you and you him via email conversations. That's when I know I want to be with him for more than sex and for an extended period because I know we are going to connect and have an enjoyable time in all ways. Thanks to this site, I have done that twice with Benjamin and Bastian and have had two wonderful experiences with two really great guys where the memories of our time and experiences together will always be with me, long after the hourly sessions have faded into the fog of old age. :)

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RE:White Album


LMAO! La Belle Trixie,


I thought you were going to be in Russia this week getting those Russian boys so hot that all the snow in Siberia would melt! :)


>Myself, I was always more of a Surrealistic Pillow kinda gal.

>Even though this was 20 years before my time! Feed your head,



Oooh, you're just a little princess singing my head gets you off and not the Red Queen singing "off with their heads"? Of course today viagara is the "one pill that makes you larger" - just "go ask Alice"! I heard that a dj thought the Jefferson Airplane was so ancient that he introduced the lead singer as Greased Slit rather than Grace Slick! :)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: ... yet I think I can hold a coversation.


> To each his own, and it is not a putdown in anyway,



Hawk, I didn't take anything as a put down... and apologize to Benjamin if it came off that way. I did want to express my opinion that filtering on brief emails as an indicator of whether one can carry a conversation is flawed IMO since brief emails seem to be the 'lingua franca' of the business.


I also recognize that as any other email, brief emails may come off as positive or less than positive.



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Guest DevonSFescort

> It's the simple art of conversation~ If a potential guy

>emails, writes two sentances consisting of 'dick size?' and

>'more pics?' then i can usually assume that he's not the type

>of person i want to see.


Or 'nice beaver.' Every time I have a new review hit I know without having come to this site, because my first email of the day is from this guy who just writes 'nice beaver' or some equally concise, uh, compliment. It makes it easy to keep tabs on new reviews, but I'm starting to think he's not serious about hiring me. :+

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RE:White Album


ValHawk-- "I thought you were going to be in Russia this week..." I had to laugh! And laugh out loud (lol, lol,lol, lol,lol) I did.

I was surprised, too, to be reading a response from "Miss Trixie" as noted here! THanks for allowing me to do this this morning!:) :) :) :)

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