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Man's Country in Chicago

Guest Bluedawg
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Guest Bluedawg

Yo, guys. I'm interested in going to the Chicago club Man's' Country to check out the hot strippers show, but I'm not really a bath-house guy. Can you go and see the show, and stay dresssed? Or are you expected to strip down to a towel or less? Just curious.

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Man's Country, eh?


The guys are correct... At MC you can watch the shows in various states of dress or undress, as the case may be.


Myself, i'm a Steamworks kind of fella, but unfortunately don't get up to Chitown enough to frequent it much. It still stands out as the only bath i've been to with a separate fountain for water and mouthwash.



In the words of the now deceased Church's Chicken lady... Gotta love it :)




Warmest Regards,





Benjamin Nicholas

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Your trip to Chicago has come and gone, but I thought I'd add something. I've never thought the shows at Man's Country very good. Oh, yea . . . some porn stars show up from time to time, but the entire facility is a pit. I go to Man's Country for sex once and a while, and it's a good place to meet guys of color . . . but, for dancers, wander down the street to Madrigal's, a bar where there are the hottest dancers in town, and you can take 'em upstairs for a little one-on-one.

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