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Only one good thing can be said about the Barebacker sites

Guest longhairedescort
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Guest longhairedescort

They make a great database of clients you may not want to work for, that you can now screen against. I just started doing this and I have already warded off one potentially hazardous situation from a client that probably didn't want me to know that he is "probably neg but actively bug-chasing".


Each site has a search page that allows you to search by email address, username, or even city if you want to get familiar with who is engaing in risky business in your town. You may be suprised at who turns up. The search just takes a few seconds.


I do not think anyone ahould have to apologize for taking this kind of screening precaution. It's public and posted by the men themselves, though they may never have thought *you* might go searching for it. Keep safe guys.





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Guest HairyDomBraz27

I no understand how you can say this - this is crazy. You are going to search for clients on bareback city and no see them if you find them?


If you no find the client's name on the board, are you going to let him cum in your ass? You should assume that ALL of your clients are HIV-positive and be safe with ALL of them. Why you care if your clients bareback with other guys as long as YOU insist on being safe?


If you are going to be escort you must use your head (both of them }( - otherwise you have problem. This is not a good start for you!!! Be smart and safe!!



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Guest Love Bubble Butt

Do you think that all guys who bareback happen to have a profile on one of these sites? If you don't find a profile, are you then assuming they don't bareback? What is it that you do with a client that you feel confident that doesn't bareback that you feel you can't do with one that you suspect does bareback?


Checking potential clients against these sites is not going to provide you any real advantage. I suspect that only a very tiny, tiny fraction of guys who do bareback actually have a profile on these sites. Unfortunately, a lot of guys are barebacking these days! So don't let the result of not finding a potential client on these sites give you a false sense of security. You MUST assume that each and every client not only barebacks his ass off but is HIV+. No matter how much research you do or how much you think you know about the potential client (or escort for that matter), it is still ultimately a commercial transaction between strangers.

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Guest longhairedescort

Thanks for the reply Max, -- please don't misunderstand me. I ALWAYS assume that everyone could be HIV+ and always protect myself accordingly! I would never have unprotected sex with any client. This barebacking trend is hazardous and affects us all, escorts and hobbyists alike.


What I do, and suggest, is to screen people by their username and email to inform ourselves of people who might be into doing something very risky. If a guy is outright advertising that he wants to bareback, whether he will disclose that to me or not, that client too risky for me.


A further note I want to add is that as useful as the searches can be -- you cannot rely on the profile information to be honest, accurate or complete. Certainly don't believe anybody's HIV- status.


A final note, based on another posting here (#40021). These sites also list escorts. I read in another posting here about how some people are maliciously posting fake escort ads using the pictures and contact info of real escorts in an effort to hurt their reputations. This recently happened to Benjamin Nicholas -- One more reason to take the accuracy of the info on there with a grain of salt. If someone (client or escort) you are in contact with turns up in a search, communicate it and let them know. If you are an escort, do a periodic search for yourself in the escorts sections to make sure this doesn't happen to you.


Christian =)




Sacramento - Bay Area - Worldwide

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Guest longhairedescort

I agree with you completely, Bubblebutt. You have to protect yourself with everyone and assume that everyone is HIV+ when you are an escort. A number of guys do it in the heat of the moment now and then. Additionally most men who actively seek bareback sex probably do not have profiles on these sites -- But the ones that do advertise it give me another little source of information that I can use to protect myself and my clients.


I have to assume that every client *may be* a barebacker, I can accept that. If I *know* that they are, then I can at least draw the line and say no, the same way I would if a client asked me if he could bareback me.


P.S. I live in Sacramento and a zip search of my area turns up more than a hundred profiles in a ten mile radius of my neigborhood. That's scary!



Christian =)




Sacramento - Bay Area - Worldwide

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The issue isn't whether someone calls themselves a barebacker or posts on a barebacking site, but whether they've had unsafe sex. You have no way of knowing, whether they call themselves a barebacker or not, and you can't assume they know their HIV Status either. I don't see what crosschecking a barebacking site will achieve, other than possibly learning some biographical information if, by chance, the guy is listed there.


The truly important thing is to bring condoms and lube with you to every appointment (enough for both of you, plus a few extra), and to always use them. If it really freaks you out that they guy might be positive, then don't bottom. And emphasize safe sex in your advertising/web site so they know where you're coming from.


Northern California has a lot of HIV+ guys, and if you're not ready to deal with that, you probably shouldn't be in this business. I don't mean to be a jerk, but that's just the way it is, and is a factor whether you're escorting or playing. But that doesn't mean you have to retreat into fear... just put it in perspective. You'd be surprised how many HIV mixed status couples are around (including me and my boyfriend, who's been positive the whole 5 years we've been together). Just be smart about how you work and play and be clear about your boundaries.

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Guest longhairedescort

Thanks Nate,


I hope I haven't given the wrong impression that I would take a risk with a guy who wasn't listed on a barebacking site, as if that meant something. I agree that you have to assume the worst (and hope for the best) with every person you have sex with. I am just saying that when I don't have to assume the worst - when I know it, I choose to draw the line.


For illustration, you have to gaurd youself with every client that he may be a psycho that enjoys getting violent with escorts. But if you knew that a particular guy was violent from a friend, you would be foolish to see him. He has already crossed into behavior that nearly any escort would find unacceptable and would avoid.


Now, barebacking is a different story. Not every escort is going to kick a client out of bed for eating that particular cracker. You have to decide for yourself where to draw the line. Maybe it's any advertising for unsafe sex, period, which is my criteria. Maybe you would draw the line only if you knew that he tested poz. Maybe you would only draw it if you knew that he was one of those self titled "gift givers" who brags about how many people he thinks he's unknowingly infected.


I hope that I have not offended anyone who is HIV positive either. Safer sex is all you can really rely on. I know several people who have been in long term relationships with Poz lovers and not become positive themselves. Nor am I trying to trash guys who bareback simply because they want to make that choice. They are willing to take that risk. I'm just not willing to share the risk if I know about it.


Nate raises a good point when he says that you have to assume that 'everyone is HIV+, but maybe if you know a client is for a fact you will only top for that client, not bottom.' You know something for a fact, so you limit your risk even more than your normal safety standard. That's really the kind of comfort definition i'm talking about, and where you draw it is up to you.


By the way thank you for everyone who has contributed their point of view on this discussion. It certainly has set off some varied opinions, which is what I am hoping to draw wisdom from on this controversial topic.

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I see nothing wrong with doing this, and telling said clients:


"Sorry, I don't take clients who actually go to the trouble to advertise themselves as stupid suicidal freaks, thanks."

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Guest longhairedescort

Thanks Charon =)


I hope my main point on this has been - Always be as safe as you can with everyone you have sex with, and if a client says, does (or advertises) anything that makes you feel unsafe, don't be afraid to walk away.

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About a month ago I started receiving e-mail from guys saying they had seen my ad on Bareback.com and wanted to meet with me. I was stunned. I went to that site and sure enough, someone had posted a listing in my name and gave out my e-mail address. I deleted the account. I wrote the guys back saying that I had never posted a listing there. It's really unnerving to have something like that happen.


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