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Rep. Traficant

CT Dick
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I just sat through C-span's coverage of the debate over expelling James Traficant. (Yes, I KNOW I need to get a life.)


Even if he hadn't been convicted of 10 felonies, he should have been kicked out of the House for the sake of the nation. He was totally incoherent.


He argued the debate of his life and he made little or no sense in his own defense.


He promised a show and we got drivel.


Then there's the issue of his hair.....




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Guest BigSquirt

As an Ohio native who grew up in Traficant’s district, I’ve suffered through this asshole’s antics for years and can’t wait to see him thrown in the slammer. Now the rest of the country is discovering what a total idiot he is. I’ve endured countless insults from friends elsewhere who are stunned that this guy has been re-elected over and over again and think that everyone in Northeast Ohio is a mindless dolt for sending this guy to Washington.


I vividly remember his first “debate” prior to his initial election to Congress in the ‘80s. He literally tried to start a fistfight with his opponent and threatened him physically. Many in the audience sat in stunned amazement.


Asta lavista, Jimbo!

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Guest DevonSFescort

>and what gives with Rep. Condit being the only person to

>vote against expulsion?


Like Traficant, Condit's miffed at the Democrats for disowning him. That dissenting vote looks like a fuck-you to the party and to Congress.


Reading the paper this morning I couldn't help wondering what it would be like to have Traficant as a client. Yeesh.

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>>(Yes, I KNOW I need to get a life.)<

>May I suggest this website that reviews escorts? It can be

>very addicting and could quickly replace C-Span in your



Actually, I was watching c-span to get away from a website like that.


>By the way, what channel is this C-Span?:-)


(I don't see a winking face so I'll answer this straight) It / they are the official cable network of the Congress. They carry floor debates and committee meetings. :-)



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Guest Thunderbuns

>I vividly remember his first “debate” prior to his initial

>election to Congress in the ‘80s. He literally tried to

>start a fistfight with his opponent and threatened him

>physically. Many in the audience sat in stunned amazement.


But it didn't stop them from electing him over & over. This is a serious question: - why do you think this was?



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Guest Thunderbuns

>and what gives with Rep. Condit being the only person to

>vote against expulsion?


Well he's history anyway. He probably voted than way just to make a point. A point that nobody gives a damn about.



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Mark Twain once said that the United States of America has only one native criminal class ... the United States Congress.


I used to live in the California district represented by Robert (B-1 Bomber Bob) Dornan. It wasn't until he had been defeated by Loretta Sanchez (who was a Republican until about 6 months before she ran) that responsible people realized what we had been deprived of supporting that asshole. Loretta started showing up for meetings, gatherings, honor ceremonies, etc., which Dornan had totally neglected for years, and in pretty short order reminded us all what it meant to be represented by someone who cared more about the district than they did for feeding their own weird obsessions. I hope the good people of Trafican't former district discover the same.


Another theory about the hair: the last time Traficant paid any significant attention to his appearance was while watching reruns of Daniel Boone. He fell in love with the coonskin cap idea. Also with the concept of too-small jackets. He made the leap from animal skin to polyester, but then his development seems to have been arrested.

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For one thing, he serviced his district well. He kept mentioning how much pork he brought home and all the constitutents he helped.


I think he is also a demagog. He said a number of times that Americans are afraid of their government and he was being harassed because he was standing up to that scary institution.



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Guest ohioguy13

Being from Ohio ...I have NEVER understood why he kept getting elected...He was and IS always on the news here and a complete asshole...always has been...probably always will. If you saw any of the ethics committee hearings (there were on here all the time) you could see why he was voted out so over whelmingly...He is a nut!! And as far as his hair...I heard he is married to a hairdresser... good god, you would think she would do SOMETHING... tells ya alot about her...<g>

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Guest Chazzz69

Traficant and Dornan are known as "show horses" in congressional circles. Members who make a big scene and good television but accomplish little in reality. Bob Barr fits that category as well.


The other group "work horses" actually get things done for their districts and the country and don't get as much attention. Not sure if Condit was in this category but a good number of the MOC's do a halfway decent job for their districts.


The rep in my district, Jim Moran (Dem. Virginia) is so sleazy its disgusting. He was just exposed for getting a $450,000 debt consolidation loan on VERY favorable terms from MBNA, a big credt card company. Consequently, he became a BIG supporter of the credit card industry's attempts to make it harder for people to file bankruptcy. This is on top of a $25K loan from a pharmaseuticals industry lobbyist that he had to return due to public outcry. Hopefully this guy will be "retired" by when the next Congress is in session in January 2003.


Ah, politics the second oldest profession. ;)



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"Being from Ohio ...I have NEVER understood why he kept getting elected."


The answer to your question undoubtedly lies in the profoundly undemocratic way that congressional districts are drawn. All but a handful are so lopsidedly democrat or republican that the nominee of the majority party in the district is almost automatically elected. In the case of incumbents, this tendency is even more pronounced. To be elected once in a district is an almost sure ride to a long career in the House of Representatives.


If you want to know why so mnay people don't vote, look for the answer in this: Your vote doesn't count AT ALL if you are not part of the gerrymandered majority in your district. So why bother? The sleazoid politicians -- Traficant is Exhibit A -- get a free ride so that the political majorities in your state can stay in power.

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