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Look Ma - I finally made it

Guest Thunderbuns
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Guest Thunderbuns

Although I have been enjoying this site for quite some time now, I have only been registered as a member since Dec 26/01. Less than one month!


And just imagine my delight in finding that DCescortBOY has given me a negative rating - wow - and called me an "ANTI-SEMITE" too. All this in less than 30 days. Talk about making the "big time";-)


Gosh - I feel so humbled. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.


And he even was caring enough in reply to a post I made to correct my spelling of a Yiddish word (like I care)


I would like to let you know just how I feel about this idiot - I really don't want to stoop to his level so I will try and put it in more gentle terms.


I once worked for a company that had a very obnoxious Credit Manager. He was truly hated by one and all. I was discussing him one day with our Comptroller and said "you know, if I was walking along a river bank and saw him drowning, and I could save his life by putting out my hand, I would keep on walking".


His reply to me was "No, I wouldn't do that". I then asked him what he would do, to which he replied, "I'd pull out my cock and piss on him first, then I'd keep on walking"


I'm sure you get my drift!



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Congratulations. I interrupt my vacation to say that, looking at this board now from a vacation perspective, it is getting really silly. This Ethan asshole clearly belongs in a mental institution of some sort. Hooboy should be hogtied for getting in the swamp with him and encouraging him on, apparently only to satisfy his continuing lust for the boy.

It's Hooboy's board, but you have to wonder if he minds watching it self destruct and turn into a bitchslapping, egofest.

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Guest TruthTeller

>Congratulations. I interrupt my vacation to say that,

>looking at this board now from a vacation perspective, it is

>getting really silly. This Ethan asshole clearly belongs in

>a mental institution of some sort.


Never mind all that - what about the Brazillian cock that I know you've been devouring with that insatiable, needy hole of yours? It's a fucking crime to sit in Rio and talk about some two-bit little neurotic prostitute obssessed with himself. You get to work RIGHT NOW on your report detailing every Brazillian guy who has abused and that hole of yours you since you've arrived.

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>It's Hooboy's board, but you have to wonder if he minds

>watching it self destruct and turn into a bitchslapping,



It's a lose-lose situation for HooBoy. If he banishes Ethan he'll have to put up with accusations of censorship. If Ethan stays, he has to put up with the bitching about it. Either way, he loses.


Face it, this crowd is quite capable of a bitchfest without Ethan. Most of them have typically flamed themselves out over time.


To quote from the message center rules: The message center will be what you make of it. We'd like it to be a pleasant place for all, but that's up to you.

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>It's a lose-lose situation for HooBoy. If he banishes Ethan

>he'll have to put up with accusations of censorship. If

>Ethan stays, he has to put up with the bitching about it.

>Either way, he loses.



In this case, I don't agree.


Ethan is a very, very smart kid and he could contribute interesting things here, if he wanted to. He's done so before.


But he's upset at what he considers unfair treatment at HB's hands and, while I think he's overreacting in a major way, I also think that HB could have stepped into this situation, here in the Message Center, and cleared this up pretty much right away. (I thought HB's offer of having all the emails posted at M4M was childish. Instead of trying to win a "he said, he said" war, he could have just addressed the issue head on.)


Ethan is looking for two things: to be unmoderated and to have access to the escorts' forum. As I said in my "Modest Proposal" thread, I think there's reasonable grounds for granting both of those requests. In return, HB should ask Ethan to agree to live here within the rules and try to be a little more harmonious.


Ethan's been posting up a storm here for days now and HB hasn't bothered to answer at all. Like it or not, he's operating a Web site that features a Message Center and sometimes his hands-off policy just doesn't seem to be appropriate.


I'm disappointed that HB chose not to bother to respond to my "Modest Proposal." Had he done so, we might have settled the whole thing.


And, finally, we have here at M4M two main groups of people: clients, who seem by and large to be middle-aged or older; and escorts, most of whom are younger. Ethan is a young 20-something, certainly old enough to know how to act better than he does -- and I wish he would. He swings his temper too quickly for my taste and is too eager to see anti-semitism in things that I think are much more innocent. But, and maybe this is the former teacher in me, I see great potential in this guy.


But there's another side of this, too. I truly don't understand why older guys, guys in their 40s and more, cannot take a slightly more adult perspective when dealing with Ethan and other young escorts. They seem to be either unable to stop casting bitter remarks his way or to truly enjoy trying to bait him and lead him into yet another flame war. Either choice is a little pathetic.


One would think that by the time guys get old enough to have some years behind them that they would have learned to have some patience and would have stopped measuring their self-respect by whether or not they can win a flame war with someone twenty years their junior.



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Guest DCescortBOY

>Gosh - I feel so humbled. Nothing like this has ever

>happened to me before.


oh come on. behaving the way you do, i'm sure this isn't the first time you've been called a bigot.


>And he even was caring enough in reply to a post I made to

>correct my spelling of a Yiddish word (like I care)


if you don't care, why did you use it in the first place?

what's wrong with yiddish? not good enough since it is of jewish origin? if you tried using portuguese & did so incorrectly, you'd expect someone to correct you wouldn't you?


>I would like to let you know just how I feel about this



the "idiot" is far more intelligent than you. oh, and BTW, he's unconcerned with your opinion.


>"you know, if I

>was walking along a river bank and saw him drowning, and I

>could save his life by putting out my hand, I would keep on



you're a model of tolerance & compassion. surely you're proud!

and your scathing wit leaves me practically stunned. words alone cannot describe your turning of a phrase!

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Guest DCescortBOY

i suppose i'm going to be blamed for poverty & war next????

i find it laughable that *I* am the sole cause of anything bad on this board. you're trying to say that there wasn't ONE SINGLE argument when i wasn't here?

hmm... i think your case against me just fell apart.

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Guest DCescortBOY

thanks for the sweet things you've said, BG.


i don't know if i am supposed to call attention to this or not, but... i am re-un-moderated. i posted the email messages as requested. (well, i posted all i have; a stray one might not be there, but i really think what's there is sufficient.) i also had a fairly pleasant conversation on the phone with hooboy yesterday.


the escorts only section remains an issue. i see no good reason to prevent my access unless it is doubted that i'm an escort. BUT, for the time being at least, i'm going to somewhat quietly (quietly for ME) wait & see.


i find it somewhat curious that people are sitting here bitching & moaning & rubbing their bloated bellies in glee over something that has been dropped. since you're all so interested in my postings, look at things from yesterday. the debate with hooboy didn't figure directly in my postings yesterday. i responded to critics, but i didn't mention the dispute.


anyway... carry on.

again, BG, thanks for being level-headed.

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Guest Thunderbuns

>Just imagine the depth of pride he must bring to other



Oh! ........... Is he a Jew? Gosh, I never would have guessed it. But then again I guess I should have clued in when it became apparent that he was so neurotic and obsessed with anti-semitism.



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Guest albinorat

Lucky said:


>Hooboy should be hogtied<


Hmmmmmm!!! That got my attention.


But then >Thunderbuns< (hmmmm!) posted:


>And he even was caring enough in reply to a post I made to

>correct my spelling of a Yiddish word (like I care)



Well, I have to agree with Ethan on this one. If you are going to use a word that is really a commonly used word and not only in a given culture, a word that furthermore has a conventional spelling, you should get it right, and I say that as someone who can't spell!


You could simply have called Ethan a bitch, or a whiner, or a nag or an importunate asshole, or an obsessive pain in the ass like unto a lye enema, or a preening, self important but insecure screamer, but if you're going to descibe him as "cauetching" or however you wildly misspelled it you should know it is kvetching or quvetchkink. To use the word and mispell it and then say you don't care, in response to someone who (perhaps in poor taste or like an insane drama queen) makes such a big deal about his heritage (the Nazis considered Jews a race)then you do carry a whiff of anti-Semitism even if unconsciously. So why not call him 'psycho kike' and be done with it?


>I would like to let you know just how I feel about this

>idiot -<


Well, I don't think Ethan is an idiot. You should be more precise in your terminology (see above). And really, I thought I was the most self congratulatory poster here but I certainly did not post about the vicious attacks on me by certain people who are truly idiots. So there! But I do wish Ethan would calm down and stop answering EVERY post whether it's about him or not!



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Guest DCescortBOY

>But I do wish

>Ethan would calm down and stop answering EVERY post whether

>it's about him or not!



i've skipped one or two :)

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Guest Thunderbuns

>oh come on. behaving the way you do, i'm sure this isn't the

>first time you've been called a bigot.


As a matter of fact it is - never thought much about it until now but looking back on my short life I think I have gone out of my way to make sure that I wasn't............ But now - after bumping into you, I might just have to rethink my former position. Maybe there's cause for a little bit after all. You sure don't go out of your way to make people love you


>the "idiot" is far more intelligent than you. oh, and BTW,

>he's unconcerned with your opinion.


Well that's a matter of opinion - perhaps you have your IQ and street address confused.


And if you're unconcerned with my opinion then perhaps you could attempt to explain why you bother to reply to every post where you feel "slighted".


No one will ever win an argument with you Ethan. When all else fails, you tell people to fuck off or wish them dead. And this makes you more intelligent than they are????????? Not in my book, honey!


Stand back and take stock of yourself - what are you? A very insecure, neurotic young male, with a huge cock attached to a pathetically skinny little body. Oh well - if your Jewish, then I guess you're circumcised - at least THAT'S a plus. Nothing is ever all bad.



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>your Jewish, then I guess you're circumcised - at least

>THAT'S a plus. Nothing is ever all bad.


Hey, hey, HEY! I understand that you are frustrated with Ethan and you may be forgiven for saying harsh things, but when you start talking badly about uncircumcised cocks, you are just crossing the line. We will have no cock bashing here.;)

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Get a hold of yourself...!!! You're in Rio.


TT is right, you have no reason or time to concern yourself with the petty events of late.


Work those streets, and send details.

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Guest Thunderbuns

>>your Jewish, then I guess you're circumcised - at least

>>THAT'S a plus. Nothing is ever all bad.


>Hey, hey, HEY! I understand that you are frustrated with

>Ethan and you may be forgiven for saying harsh things, but

>when you start talking badly about uncircumcised cocks, you

>are just crossing the line. We will have no cock

>bashing here.;)


Oops..... sorry!



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