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7 hours ago, Cliff said:

Hey FLJo. I see nothing wrong with questioning several consecutive posts put up within just a few hours from guys who have literally just joined the forum. Anyone who has been on this forum for awhile knows that it’s a very real thing for providers and their peeps to join the forum to promote themselves, especially at times when they need business or are downplaying very bad press here on the forum. Questioning things here is nothing more than a checks and balances function that can potentially protect us all. So if I hurt your feelings, I apologize. But my advice to you is to shake it off and move forward. Have a great day. 

You must have me mistaken for someone else, my feelings weren’t hurt, I just don't like mean girls or BOQ’s and you gave off that vibe that you can be both.  
I hope you have the day you deserve. 

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Moderator's Warning: Please remain on topic (ROB NYC Massage) and stop arguing with each other. When one poster takes issue with another poster's content, they are to report the content, not engage in a sniping match.

Please read and follow the Community Guidelines, which everyone agreed to when they signed up for the site. If there are any questions, post them to the Ask a Moderator forum. 

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