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Therapy for libido problems?


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I was wondering if anyone had any experience or advice here.

I've been having trouble getting "turned on." This isn't the same as getting an erection - I still do that, and my doctor ruled that out. He did suggest, though, therapy. I'm at a point where Viagra can give me a massive hard-on, but I don't feel any desire at all.

Has anyone had experience with "sex therapy?"

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1 hour ago, Unicorn said:

I take it that you've had your free testosterone level measured?

Yes, you don't state your age or circumstances. Think back to when your sexual interest began to flag. What was happening in your life? Your doctor suggested "therapy"? You mean talk therapy or hormone replacement therapy? As unicorn suggested, get your hormone levels checked. Or it could be that you're not meeting any men right now you feel any sexual interest in; it happens.

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