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What Do Most Clients Look Like?

Guest Armand Tesla
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Guest Armand Tesla

Someone else had the topic on the average age of escorts clients, and I didn't want to hijack that thread so I thought I'd start a different one.

Are most of the guys who hire escorts average looking? Are there many overweight clients or guys who aren't particularly attractive? I ask this because I really want to hire an escort badly(I really need to get laid), but I'm just uncomfortable with my body image. I happened to catch my reflection last week when I was masturbating and I was pretty unhappy with what I saw. I'm a decent looking guy but I need to lose weight. Now the thing that discouraged me was that I've been on a diet for six weeks and I thought to myself "All that hard work and exercise and I still look like this?"

It's pretty sad when a guy is so lacking in confidence that he can't even feel comfortable hiring someone to be with him. Do any of you guys turn down clients because of their looks, or not do things that you otherwise would do with a slim good looking guy(kissing,etc.)?

Thanks for any and all replies.

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Here's a client's response:


I believe that some escorts have turned me down because of my appearance/weight, though that has been a small minority. Most of the escorts I've hired have not made an issue of my weight, which fortunately has been decreasing gradually over the past 16 months through diet and exercise.


(BTW, cut yourself some slack! Six weeks and you want remarkable results?! You must have seen too many exercise machine and/or miracle weight loss infomercials. Stay on a steady and sensible plan and you will change your body over time.)


I suggest looking at reviews in the city where you are interested in hiring. You'll notice that many guys who write reviews describe themselves as overweight or bearish. Contact a guy reviewed positively by such clients and, after some initial basic discussion to see if you are even interested in hiring him, you can ask if your weight would be an issue with him.


Since I'm not an escort, I can't say what "most clients" look like. Based on the discussions with a few escorts with whom I've become more than a client, I would say that there is quite a range of looks when it comes to clients, both in age and body size.

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Good escorts stay in demand because they have a kind of genius for sex. And I mean that quite sincerely as a compliment, because I think their ability to have great sex with total strangers has as much to do with intention as with inclination. It's a matter of the will as much as of instinct.


If you'll read the clients' self-descriptions in their reviews of escorts, you'll quickly get an idea of how, well, catholic a particular escort's tastes are. You can also get a good sense of them by the way they post here. The ones who are constantly funny and playful -- the majority of escorts who post here -- are also the funniest and most playful in person.


At least that's my experience. The first great escort I ever hired was Rick Munroe, and I will never stop being grateful to him for helping me learn how to stop being so fucking serious about sex and simply to let it be fun. It's no accident that young and recently-young gay men refer to sex as "play." It is, and rediscovering that has been one of the most redemptive experiences of my whole life. It is THE cure for internalized homophobia.


So stop dieting. You'll just regain the weight. Eat right and exercise and to hell with the extra weight. Besides, some of us are turned on by overstuffed upholstery. Not everybody goes for the lean, sleek, stainless-steel and black-leather escort who looks as if his body had been manufactured by Herman Miller. Not me, anyhow.

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Most clients look like most people.


Some you would never ever think were gay...while others have purses and beads and heels falling out of every orifice.


Fat, skinny, fat-skinny, tall, beautiful, ugly to the bone (I know it's strange...but I find some ugly to be very sexy.) Asian, Arab, Irish, Indian... Married, bi, straight, gay..etc. I have had them all. I think certain escorts get certain guys because of the way they look...while others get everybody.


I get a lot of guys who like muscle-bears. Im a bear because I have hair...not because Im fat. SO, I do get a lot of heavy bearish guys...But..I happen to like chubs too as I like leather and white bread and sweet and sour and bitter.


As for you, since I am also a personal trainer. I think you should give yourself a break. Ill tell you from experience...when I was fat I got looked at, and when I was ripped I got looked at..and all for the sexual side of it....so someone out there wants you no matter what.



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Guest fukamarine

>I'm a decent looking guy but

>I need to lose weight. Now the thing that discouraged me was

>that I've been on a diet for six weeks and I thought to

>myself "All that hard work and exercise and I still look

>like this?"


Don't dispair - you didn't pack it on in 6 weeks so why do you think you can get rid of it in 6 weeks. Be diligent, keep dieting, and you too will end up looking like an escort :-)



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Guest DevonSFescort

Do escorts, in general, see a lot of overweight clients? Yes. If full-figured clients stopped hiring it would be a devastating blow to the escort economy. That said, do some escorts turn down clients because of their looks or size? Again, yes. We all have different financial goals and different limits on what (or whom) we're willing to do to meet them, and we all probably have different ideas about what constitutes an undesirable client.


The only way to find out what you need to know about the particular escort(s) you have in mind is to ask. Email them your stats, but say that you're fifty pounds heavier than you are. If you want, for good measure, add five years to your age. If they're comfortable working for someone fifty pounds heavier and five years older than you, then chances are they'll be comfortable working for you.


Also, let them know what you like to do -- you mentioned kissing, but if there's anything else go ahead and bring it up. If the guys you're contacting are honest they'll let you know their limits up front.


By the way, I've said this before on threads like this, but the number one stereotype out there about fat clients is that they're not clean. I have NOT found this to be the case with most of my large clients, but fairly or unfairly that's the biggest reservaton for a lot of people. So if you can truthfully assure your escort of your excellent hygiene (we actually like this to be true of clients of all sizes), that will be a plus. Probably the biggest positive stereotype about large clients that I've heard from chatting with other escorts is that they're generally appreciative and willing to go with the flow. What a lot of us remember about our clients is not what they look like naked but whether or not they were nice guys who treated us respectfully.


I hope you continue with your fitness program regardless of what results you see (and remember that if your self-confidence is low the mirror can be deceptive). If you think you could be getting better results, consult with a personal trainer (it doesn't have to be an ongoing thing) about making some changes. But regardless, there are some people whose natural body weights are just always going to be heavier than most people's, but who also maintain a high level of physical fitness. There are fat people getting certified as personal trainers because their condition is as good as that of their Ken-doll peers. Hopefully as you continue to get more fit you'll get that surge of confidence and see it cross over into other areas of your life. Good luck!

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Clients Look Like You



>The only way to find out what you need to know about the

>particular escort(s) you have in mind is to ask.



As always, this is the key to a good client - escort experience. Devon said it really well: the only way to find out what you need to know....


>Also, let them know what you like to do -- you mentioned

>kissing, but if there's anything else go ahead and bring it

>up. If the guys you're contacting are honest they'll let

>you know their limits up front.





>I hope you continue with your fitness program regardless of

>what results you see (and remember that if your

>self-confidence is low the mirror can be deceptive).


I also fully concur with this advise, for you and anyone else similarly situated, with Will's caveats: that you should eat well, exercise and be more concerned about how you feel (physically) and your health than surface appearance.


There are some excellent responses to a recent thread in this conference about an old client that I would suggest you look at regarding self image and body image.


To answer your question, I agree with Jim. I have been hired by other escorts and adult film performers. I have been hired by guys of varying ages, shapes and sizes. If you walked down any urban gay neighborhood, you would see a cross-range of individuals - these are the clients who have come to me.


Best of luck and keep us posted if you care to.



UPDATED 10/18/2002 - http://www.gaydar.co.uk/francodisantis

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Guest TomSans



It seems like in places like Dallas and Atlanta clients tend to be a little overweight or below average looking and are hiring an escort because they don’t think they can get anybody else. And in places like NY, SF, LA it seems like clients are really busy guys who value there time and don’t want to waste it standing in a bar. And lots of guys hire escorts because they expect discretion. I tried out this pole.


And most checked the box that they wanted discretion.


A hard body is good to hold. But most escorts I know just like having sex. I mostly like guys that sound happy or look happy and have nice smiles. If the guys looks or sounds overbearing or abusive I don’t get into it. Also, if you know you’re the kind of guy that doesn’t make other guys hard. Hire two escorts and they’ll make each other hard and you’ll all have a good time.


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Guest Deweywop

My follow up question is, does a client's looks or age matter, even a little bit? In other words, all else being equal, would an escort pick the 22 y.o. over the 52 y.o.?

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>My follow up question is, does a client's looks or age

>matter, even a little bit? In other words, all else being

>equal, would an escort pick the 22 y.o. over the 52 y.o.?


You tell me...If you saw a 22 year old John Belushi or a 52 year old Harrison Ford...who would you pick?


I'd do both...Period.


One would make me laugh and cream.


The other would make me adventure cream.



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Guest Not2Kinky4me

Many kind words in this threads' replies about not being perfect.


I thank you all because I have been hard on myself for being 15 pounds overweight. Im not very tall so 15 pounds is too much for me. I cant stand it & yet I find food is my escape.


If I dont shed these pounds by the New Year, I will destroy my ski season because I cant ski well unless Im at my proper weight. Today I tried on about 6 pairs of ski boots and I thought I couldnt bend over properly to buckle the boots because of my stomach. There were 2 to 4 guys from the store at all times helping me find ski boots or just hanging watching me try them on - and at times I thought "well maybe they liked my calves or socked feet" - who knows - wishful thinking Im sure - but again, I walked out inconfident & alone because I always focus on my weak points. I AM DISGUSTED !


I wont even date because I am so concerned that I will be disgusting to anyone and everyone - afraid to be rejected - and I have also feared hiring a escort for the same reason.


I dont know exactly what I am going through however I suspect its depression associated with losing most of my lifes savings (about $300,000.) in the stock market the last 2 years.


I used to work out regularly and maintain a decent range of weight throughout the year but I have no will to struggle with weights anymore.


My problem is depression. Im in the same boat as a few of the chubs here and Im glad to hear we are not taboo for many escorts, and hopefully, your kind words herein will help me get over it, feel more accepted, and get more active to shed this damn lard.


I hope I shed some light to anyone who is having a serious problem with a goal. I really think depression can be the culprit and it should be not ignored. I havent found the proper meds for it but Ive been trying for 2 months.


I also think chubbs who are unhappy should seek other chubs for support, sex, even love, and together grow into the people they wish to be. Sometimes going solo for too long causes depression in itself. We all need someone and not just for a nite.:-(


Best of Luck to all who have such disheartening and difficult challenges.

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Guest Stefano Visconti

As most escorts have said, I also get clients of all ages (a few times I had to send away some young guys who were obviously under age). In my web site I say I have no problems whatsoever with "large" men so I frequently get hired by overweight men. To me all clients deserve the same respect and service, provided they treat me with respect and are clean. And since I am a trained masseur, I also get many bodybuilders who want a regular massage and then, once they are here, ask for more. These are the kind of men who would have problems hiring me as an escort . They would never say they are hiring an escort. They prefer to think they have hired a masseur, then things got heated etc etc.



Stefano Visconti


The best massage in NYC


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Guest Armand Tesla

Thanks for all of the insights and encouragement, guys.



I admit that I am pretty down on myself. I've had a weight problem my whole life. The thing is that during the times I was thin I actually turned heads(both guys and girls) and had people hitting on me left and right. But I always gain back the weight after a diet and then my self esteem goes out the window and I feel like I am repulsive to anyone with half a brain and two good eyes.


I know that dieting isn't the total answer because I invariably will gain the weight back, but it does give me a sense of control when I'm doing it. Changing my whole lifestyle is what is needed, and I may employ a trainer as suggested.


Again, thanks for the advice and encouragement.

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Guest TomSans



Hey this may sound too simple but I think Dolly Parton swears by it. Try the "Chew and spit diet". If eating makes you happy just chew all you want and spit it out. I know it sounds kinda funny but my Mom used to do it. It seems to work. I guess this might be a whole other thread on dieting.


http://www.inthisworld.com/naturebuilt/chew_and_spit_diet.htm ;)

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>Hey this may sound too simple but I think Dolly Parton

>swears by it. Try the "Chew and spit diet". If eating makes

>you happy just chew all you want and spit it out. I know it

>sounds kinda funny but my Mom used to do it. It seems to

>work. I guess this might be a whole other thread on dieting.






Dude...not a good idea...it's actually a form of BULIMIA...where you eat all you want and throw it up.


I have to say it over and over again (since I also love food, and do eat whatever fattening thing comes my way....slurp.) Excercise, Excercise, Excersise. I don't care how you do it, or when...but be consistent and you will see results.


Being a trainer and bodyworker and escort. I have seen it all.

If anyone wants any tips...email me. Don't give in to any fads, gadgets, pills, powders, remedies. They have found....that no matter what...you have to excercise. Id rather you be fat and healthy because you excercise....than be fat and ready to blow a gasget.



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Guest TomSans



Hey really !!! I've never read anything bad about just chewin' stuff and spitin' it out. It doesn't have the internal affects of bulemia. It seems like most people just like the taste of things like candy bars and they don't have much nutritional value anyway. So, why ingest them. Some even have forms of wax in them to make them feel luxurios. Do you know of any online health reports about it?

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Guest justpete

I seem to have the opposite problem, which is that I am of slim, smooth build (not skinny), and though it was OK when I was in my 20s--attracting mostly older men--now that I'm in my 50s and even before that it seems that it's not especially a turn on to the kind of guys I like: well-built, hairy daddy types. I haven't obsessed over it, though; it's just an observation. Wish it were different, but big guys don't get into the boyish, though masculine, types in general.

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