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Opinions? Bi escort who doesn't tell his wife

Guest WolfXing
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Guest WolfXing

I'm really curious to see what sort of a storm of opinions this may stir up. LOL. I'd love to hear from both escorts and clients on this one! Here goes:


Some of you who read the message center regularly may recall that a few weeks ago I posted a message here asking for escorts willing to work for an obese client. In that post I referred to an escort I had previously contacted by email who was interested in my business, but went on to let me know that I should be careful when calling because he is married and shares a cell phone with his wife who doesn't know about his escort work! The actual text of his email is quoted verbatim below, edited only to protect our identities:


"(MY NAME),you being a big guy shouldn't matter to no

one.I've known some real good people who happen to be

big.(my boy's mother is big,250Lbs.)I had to let her

go for the laziness.I was with her for several years

and got tied of doing everything and she lay her ass

up and do nothing at all.I'm a 'hard'working man who

works 40hrs. a week and does this on the side.At the

same time I'm able to meet some of the best guys

you'll ever get to know!I do charge 150hr Depending on

what you are wanting but,I'm all top!We can get a rate

together when you call.If you wish call me at

XXX-XXX-XXXX.That is my cell number but the wife uses

it to(no,she don't know)She will not have the phone on

her today nor tomorrow during the day.Call me this

after noon around 5 or 6,if you are not able to call

between then call me after them hours but I can't talk

much at all because the wife might be around me.So, if

I'm real short with you you know why and you give me

time to walk out side.Thanks for your responds and I

do hope we can work out a date!(HIS NAME)!"


I ended up never calling him---just too many "red flags." I think of myself as pretty liberal, but this didn't set well with me. Maybe if his wife knew and they were in an open relationship, I might be OK with it all. But I'm not even sure of that, given that he has a child. ???


Other glaring observations would have to include the fact that he is not in great command of the English language. LOL. But I'm no Shakespeare either, and besides I'm not interested in hiring him to read me sonnets. <grin> A more important point, to me, is that he doesn't seem to be much of a business man---wouldn't it seem that he would keep a separate telephone for his escort contacts? Makes me wonder about just how awkward it may be to actually call him to make an appointment, whether he would be on time, might no-show, etc.


The hell of it is that he is the only guy I know anywhere near me who says he'll work for a fat boy. And I'm really wanting to hook up---it's been WAY too long! (As an aside, I only got one response to the previous post looking for escorts. That guy, bless him, is several states away and just travels near here occasionally.)


So, I'm in a quandry and I would love to hear other points of view. Would you other clients hire him? What do you escorts make of him? Am I reading too much into the whole thing, or would you share my concerns? I'm anxious to hear your opinions!



"Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking."

---Scarecrow, Wizard of Oz

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I have hired several escorts who don't tell their wives and girlfriends. I just do not feel that it is any of my business if the guy is playing around. She indirectly gets part of financial benefit, and that probably makes their marriage better in one sense. He will probably be escorting whether I meet him or not so my meeting him or not seems irrelevant to the viability of the marriage. I didn't persuade him to start escorting, and he will be doing it after he meets me. The particular escort you have chosen seems rough cut and would not be my first choice, but with no other choices, I would give him a try. His diction suggests he may be black but that should not be a problem.

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Wolf, i am not sure of what your quandry is since you have already made your decision, but I think it is a very interesting post.

My guess is that it is all a marketing tool to add a degree of enticement and excitement for both him and the client. So many people are attracted to the dangerous, the forbidden, and the just plain naughty (sometimes me too!). Otherwise, this guy is just begging for the "woman" to catch him!

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Geez...I hope his wife doesn't have a low voice...and sounds like a man...that would really be interesting.


If you really want it bad and have no funds...use him.

Otherwise, save your pennies...and bring someone in from out of state, it may be well worth it.


Obese...by the way is 60% or more of Americans. So that doesn't particularly bother me. I don't need a perfect client...HELL..I'm not perfect. I just want to have a good time.


I would only be careful about what he says he offers. He may give you less than what you want. Your right about him not coming across as professional. But not everyone needs a professional to do the job. Call him and ask LOTS of questions...when he walks outside :p


I realize that my post probably doesn't help....but it may help you shed some light on the situation.


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>Obese...by the way is 60% or more of Americans. So that

>doesn't particularly bother me. I don't need a perfect

>client...HELL..I'm not perfect. I just want to have a good



Hey Jim,

You are, in my opinion, one of NY's finest and most respected escorts. Any client would be lucky to hook-up with a guy of your caliber. In addition, I also agree that you wouldn't have a problem going with any "obese" client, for you are one of the "good ones"...HOWEVER, if I were an escort, I would be interested in wanting to know just how much this guy weighs, afterall, he's making an issue out of it and I won't want to be crushed to death!... Also, is it true that for every 30 lbs. you put on, your dick shrinks an inch? I guess it would sound better if I said, for every 30 lbs. you lost would you gain an inch? (I heard this on a radio program.)


Regarding your facts on "obesity", it's 60% of Americans are overweight, while 12% of those are "obese". Overweight can be a few lbs.and up, while obesiety is 50+ (of course, this depends on your height). I'm just short for my weight. :+


Hey Jim, are we still on for the "HOO-BOY-ROUND-UP"?


................ "COOPER" ..................

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Guest fukamarine

>Otherwise,this guy is just begging for the "woman" to catch him!


I agree. Either that or he is as dumb as a post. Personally, I'd vote for the dumb scenario. What escort in his right mind would trust an unknown client NOT to phone during the hours when his wife has control of the phone?


If he wanted his wife to know, wouldn't he just tell her?



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Guest WolfXing

Thanks for the interesting input guys. I'm looking forward to more. To clarify a couple points:


I failed to mention in my original post that I found the guy here. He has been reviewed twice, both times favorably, though the latest review is almost a year old.


Merlin: I agree that he comes across as possibly "rough cut," but unless he's posted a fake picture here on M4M, he's very caucasian. ;-)


Lucky: I wasn't very clear about my "quandry"---what I meant to insinuate is that I'm still considering hiring him. And if his approach was intended to entice potential clients, it had completely the opposite effect on me!


fukamarine: I think you hit the nail on the head: dumb as a post. LOL


btmstudnyc: I did at least trade a second email with him asking his limits when I found out he was (ostensibly) bi. Sounds like he would do the things that matter to me. I have thought seriously about bringing someone here, but while I make a decent living that would be a bit extravagant for me. I was rather hoping for something in which I could indulge more often! ;-)


cooper: I'm definitely obese, not just overweight. Let's leave it at that! <g> But if anyone reading this is interested, I'm clean, professional, and promise not to put you in a position to get hurt!



OK, I've been totally anal and responded to every post. Jeez. Guess I'm channeling all that pent-up sexual frustration!


Thanks again guys!



"Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking."

---Scarecrow, Wizard of Oz

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Crushed to death....hell...what a way to go. SMOTHERED TO DEATH by LOVE...I think I just got a boner.


Top New York Escort. Thanks for the plug Cooper. BUT, some people may think I'm a big TOP now...not that I wouldn't... but I don't want to false advertise :p


I'm still waiting for you to call me on what I have offered you. You may think I'm an ass after you finally do meat me.


I like you to think of me as a NICE ass at least.


Yes...Ill be at the Hooboy roundup..whenever it can be figured out. Please send me an email to remind me :p


AND WOLF...What is your worst fear about this? If it's overcummable, I'd do it. Your other option is talking a masseur into it..tell him youll tip him...see what he says.


Please let us know what happened.




Really wanting you to get laid...nothing worse than being frustrated sexually.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really gentlemen, I don't know what the fuss is all about. Frankly, from the verbatum passage our poster left, I'd be hiring this guy in a second! Who DOESN'T want a cute, dumb, married guy?

Let's look at the facts, darlings...

A) black or white (the message didn't particularly sound like it came from a black guy to me) the guy is willing to set up an appointment.

B) Sure, maybe he's not the most literate PROSTITUTE around... but are you really hiring him for his brains?

C)So you're fat. No problem. A good PROSTITUTE can get a hard on (if that's what you want) in a walk-in freezer with only corpses for company... in other words, he should be "auto-erotic" (to quote Blondie).

You're appearance shouldn't matter, so long as you're cleanly-washed before the date.

D) The jist of his message made it sound as if he might be separated from his gal...but if he isn't, well, you're hiring a PROSTITUTE. He's not your lover. If you have moral quandries about sleeping with married men, you probably shouldn't be hiring a PROSTITUTE in the first place. Many of them may well be in het relationships.

So, did you notice the highlighted word? PROSTITUTE. It's a man or woman that sells sexual gratification, and it's an illegal occupation in 49 states. Nevertheless it's a wildly popular occupation, and has been for millenia.

If you're having doubts, it's simply because you're not quite strong enough to handle the "world's oldest profession." You have no need to be thinking about their life beyond the hour you spend with them. As long as he doesn't seem to be a bloodthirsty maniac, I'd say go for it. Call him when he says, and see what comes from it. Even if te whole "straight guy" thing is a front, at least he's probably good at making your fantasies play out.

And, if it doesn't play out, well, believe me sweetheart, you won't be the first guy to be disappointed. We've all been there.

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Guest Bitchboy

Trixie really makes sense, IMO. Seems like a lot of us would like to pretty it up and make it sound better than what it is - hot sex for sex's sake. However, once the lights are dimmed, I think our decorum and prudishness goes out the window. In a way, it's a lot like just coming to terms with being gay. It ain't easy considering all the outside pressure to deny it. But we're a hell of a lot happier once we make peace with ourselves. Go for it!

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