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Everything posted by BuzzLiteQueer

  1. Or they just steal the bio text from other guys' ads. After all, they steal pix so stealing text is no big deal.
  2. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  3. In all the scenes with women, he does not, IMHO, seem particularly into it. No real passion or sexual energy although he does go through the motions. He has a beautiful natural body: smooth skin, broad shoulders, nice arms and a great butt. On his RM ad, his listed "intos" include just about anything a red-blooded gay man would want. Although his "personal" intro at the beginning of the ad contradicts his willingness to engage in all the intos. Someone needs to meet him and report back.
  4. If you do, please let us know about the experience.
  5. Thanks for the warning. As for the RM review, I note that the "member" who gave it also gave 7 other reviews to 7 other guys in an 8-day period, using almost the same language. I think the "member" could be a shill for these guys who use ads with pix of someone else.
  6. One more shameless bump on this Thanksgiving week. Is he for real or just a turkey?
  7. Given all of the headless photos, many of which look generic (particularly the butt photos), I'm skeptical. 🙄
  8. Are any of his pix accurate?
  9. Could EM be "erotic massage?" or "emergency masturbation?"
  10. I can't remember his previous name(s) but he was on RM about 5 years ago. He danced at Adonis.
  11. Whenever I ask for a lap dance, I always ask the guy to tell me when the song is over (or a new song is starting). They have always been happy to do so.
  12. working for me now (both versions: .eu & .men
  13. Haven't been able to sign on in the last few hours. Anyone else experiencing difficulties?
  14. Probably has. In some of the pix, the butt cheeks protrude in an unnatural way (a la Kardashian) for someone his size and physique. Perhaps he should change his RM handle from "Student Pilot" to "Student Protuberance."
  15. In those situations, I think it's best to search out Matt or Tim ASAP, even if you have to pay the dancer first. They would help resolve it and get your $ back for you.
  16. Random reactions: (1) He says he has 20 years experience and is 39 years old. If true, those pix do not appear to be current. (2) He says no sex but his private gallery consists of 2 dick pix. Is he just a big tease? (3) In regard to his request for ID, @ketut is completely correct. Never send ID or a photo. If he wants to see what you look like, suggest Facetime. As for his request for a Linked In profile, he's fishing for way too much personal info. And as for his willingness to sign an NDA, I think he's fishing for people who feel they need an NDA to prevent disclosure and thus would be easy marks for blackmail or extortion. (It is risible🤦‍♂️ to think he had an attorney prepare a legally enforceable NDA applicable to this situation. 🤣) IMHO, he is a hard pass.
  17. I would respond that we can do facetime. Not going to send anyone a photo that they can keep.
  18. Those are viable options but from my experience, the best way is to go to an Adonis event. That way you can see if he measures up to his photos and he can see exactly you are. You can exchange pleasantries and get a sense of each other. You can tell him you interests and you can look him in the eyes when he responds, particularly important if he says "yes" because you want to judge if he's telling the truth about fulfilling his end of the bargain or just blowing smoke to get in the door and get $. I think if you do that and are satisfied with his answer(s), confirmation with Matt or Tim never hurts.
  19. So many of these guys do not smile in their photos. Not sure why. They come across as serious (and who's looking for serious in RM?) or, more importantly, unfriendly and uninviting. Just my opinion.
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