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  1. I spent a beautiful 18 hours with Josh on my first visit to San Francisco in 2013. I honestly don't remember how we encountered each other, I'm assuming on a dance floor somewhere. I remember that he was terribly handsome, and that we had both recently ended relationships. I was traveling alone with no plan, no knowledge of the city. and next to no money. We danced. He took me to his apartment in the tenderloin, we spent the rest of the early morning in bed, but instead of kicking me out afterward he took me to breakfast and then drove me across the Golden Gate Bridge in his convertible. He asked for my phone to take a picture of us, and then took another one of me alone in the fog. It's still one of my favorites. I saw him a few days later at a pride party of which he had somehow gotten me on the guestlist. But at that point on the trip I was drunk and strung out and I mostly remember embarrassing myself. Most of that trip was chaotic and blurry and I never thought I'd see or hear of him again. So I when I saw his profile and photo on rentmen and then saw this whole thread asking about him I knew I had to jot it down so as not to forget the warm memories. I don't know how he is as an escort, but I do know that he has a sexy body, a cool car, and the sweetness to help a messy kid along on an adventure.
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