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Posts posted by nyc80

  1. Fun to spend time with if you like a muscular short guy with dark features. However, never let your guard down, trust him, or tell him anything personal. He is the manipulative heartless type who will take advantage if he is allowed to try to get close. Not saying don't hire him, but just to know who you are dealing with.

  2. Horrible experience we had a nice evening but then he was a complete ahole in the AM. He screamed at me and checked his whole bag because I accidentally looked in the flap of his bag before I realized it wasn't mine. We both had backpacks.  He should be on your steer clear list. I told him he was free to check my bags if he thought I stole from him, but that it was an honest mistake. He told me he audiotaped me, threatened to tell my employer, could not see that perhaps I had made an honest mistake, and threatened to cause a scene at the hotel all for accidentally opening his bag for a moment.

  3. Thanks for all of the replies. Ultimately I still think the system of linking access to a profile with leaving a review creates odd results. A provider who knows they have behaved badly is much more like to just preemptively block a client rather than take the hit of a bad review whereas a provider who is just having an off day or is hired by a client who is not a good match seems less likely to proactively block someone and then must take the hit of a bad review. I do understand the frustration of having a system where clients can say what they want only from their own perspective, and there is little ability to defend yourselves. My hope would be that a more open system would encourage more reviews making it easier to identify unfair or inaccurate reviews, and also much more quickly weed out those who truly are disreputable. I realize now citing the two examples I had with blocking was a mistake. It was not an attempt to call anyone out, name names, or get any type of vindication or validation. It was from my point of view the reason some are blocked for (IMO) rather trivial things and other times there are providers who  know they have behaved in a way that most would find as wrong, (of course there are many times that a client is blocked completely due to their own bad behavior) so linking the ability to give a review with the blocking system seems unjustified as blocks happen for so may different reasons so gathering anything from them is useless. A few people seem really invested in creating scenarios where I must be a jerk who was deserving of the blocks, and this post was an attempt primarily to whine about that and I am just itching to leave these two people bad reviews as some sort of misguided revenge or tit for tat. In my mind the first example was to illustrate that not every blocked person would leave a bad review most would recognize even if they thought the block was silly it would not really justify taking the time to write a review.  However even if I am all the things you assume, it doesn't matter unless you want to argue that the system should stay as is, and that bad actors don't block a person who has a legitimate grievance that will likely result in a justified poor review. I just was trying  to understand if I was correct in how the system worked, if there was any logical reason for it. I did not foresee being called out by people that weren't there for 2 examples that I used to explain why I find it doesn't make sense. Discrediting me doesn't invalidate the question or the concern that some blocks may be more about avoiding a bad review than anything the blocked client may have done. Perhaps in the scheme of things that is better than the alternative, but claiming I'm personally a complainer deserving to be blocked who is always looking to leave a bad review does little to address the underlying merits of the policy.

  4. I find it funny that if a provider who was acting more and more bizarre over the course of the evening and taking multiple bathroom breaks, leaves 4 hours early, keeps full payment that he quoted for a much larger amount of time that is somehow my fault and the provider did not rip me off (I suppose that is also my fault as I should have administered a drug test, patted him down, and immediately recognized what was happening when the character change was gradual. A provider  can charge $5,000.00 and leave after 10 minutes because it is his choice when he leaves according to your logic. Did you really believe in what you just typed? Do you dislike your clients so much that you always find a reason to side with a provider even when you don't know all the facts and you have basically endorsed the right to rip off clients? I never suggested a blocked person should be able to continue to  communicate with  a provider. I simply said they should be able to leave a one time review. That does not imply direct, continued, unwanted contact as you seem to falsely insinuate. There are some clients who are bad apples, but there are also just as many providers that rip clients off, steal, blackmail, and try to take advantage. Apparently after a year of being on the site I may or may not have inadvertently offended 2 people so I must have a problematic personality since that never happens to normal people.  Are you just a little ashamed for making these crazy arguments or can you actually use logic and not just always blame the client before having all the facts? I'm happy to engage with others and try to understand, but I refuse to engage with the disingenuous or the foolish. You must be one or the other to have made those types of ridiculous arguments past the age of 8 supported by no reasoning other than your badly supported beliefs and desires. 


  5. I should have known that even writing a post simply questioning what I believed to be an illogical policy without meaning to get anyone bent out of shape would lead to some kind of heat. I wouldn't be a newbie and it wouldn't be my first post without that:) I apologize if I unknowingly attacked a sacred cow or if my original post was not as fair and evenhanded as I thought it was. The older I get the more I try to avoid making assumptions and realizing that two people may have very different perceptions  even having experienced the exact same event. That being said I am human, and I apologize if my response was not as gracious, humble, or assumption free as it should have been. Benjamin, thanks for the advice and your kind words:)

  6. Kevin, we obviously come from different perspectives, but accusing someone you don't know of being a Karen is really unfair especially when I specifically said there are two sides to every story, and admitted perhaps I unintentionally did something to cause offense. That was used as an example of a minor thing that can get somebody blocked. If I was carrying around anger or was really upset about it I could have chosen to name names and I specifically didn't do that. That was an example in a post questioning a much larger issue. The fact that you seized on it, were so dismissive, and resorted to name calling makes me wonder perhaps if you have had an issue where you felt you were unfairly called rude or unprofessional and that is why you are so bothered?  You seem more upset and invested in a story you only know second hand, and had no part in than I am. Projection maybe?  Perhaps those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? Personally, I would not leave a bad review for an escort who flaked or was rude on RM messenger or text, but I believe it someone chose to that that in and of itself is not wrong. It was their subjective experience and as long as they don't lie, what difference does it make when if the behavior is out of character or the person experiencing it is being dramatic as it will be outweighed by the many reviews that don't cite it as an issue or contradict it. If the best restaurant in town had great in house service and food, but downright atrocious rude service on the reservation line, would it be wrong for a critic to factor that into a review.? I'm sorry that your experiences in life have caused you to make such blind assumptions, call a stranger names, and has bent you so out of shape. I at least hope your little go at me brings you some pleasure or sheds some of your excess frustrations and anger and then I have done you a service without even intending to.

  7. I didn't mean to say that being blocked by someone for asking a valid question they dislike should lead to a complaint or a bad review. There are two sides to every story so perhaps I did unintentionally come across as rude, but when an escort asks for a photo after 2 or 3 polite exchanges, and a member writes back "Isn't that a bit of an unusual request under these circumstances" it was certainly not my intent to be rude but rather what I thought was a legitimate question. The surprising thing was prior to being blocked was  reading all of the reviews saying what a great guy he was. Maybe I just caught him on a bad day, but then I realized many both minor problems and the worst reviews or issues will never come to light simply because most escorts are smart enough to automatically block anyone they have wronged in either a small way or a large way as that is common sense. I would think to promote safety, avoid bad actors from abusing the site ,  and to not alienate the people  who pay the earnings of the people who pay website that it would be to everyone's benefit to have a fair trustworthy review system. There will always be people will complain needlessly and have unreasonable expectations, but if more reviews were allowed to be posted. it would at least give members a more accurate and fair overall picture which would be good for both members and the escorts.

  8. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but why does blocking a member prevent that member from leaving a review? The escorts know that if they behave badly or don't deliver the services promised that all they need to do is block the  wronged member, and a review which is really the only recourse then becomes impossible. Ive had one escort with high reviews be very rude to me in the initial conversation and then block me because I had the nerve to ask why he would need my photo. I had another who left hours early from an overnight because he was bored, collected full payment, and then immediately blocked me when he got home. 

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