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whipped guy

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Posts posted by whipped guy

  1. Well a HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL as well!


    Now here's why I posted the above pic just prior to Turkey Day... That's exactly how I plan to truss my Thanksgiving bird... Legs pulled back... Breast pulled forward... and did I mention that I'll be serving a capon?! ;)


    PS: For BVB... You are right... there is nothing like the elation of flogging a hot muscle boy... and seeing him grovel at your feet and beg for mercy... I have had the opportunity more than once and did submit more than a couple of reviews of such situations... Big smile on my face every time! :)

  2. A fantasy photo... How much fun would it be to be the sub in such a situation! TIt torture and CBT all going in at the same time! Then there is the Saint Andrew's cross in the background... Will our boi eventually be tied to it and flogged?! Well, in my version of this fantasy most definitely!!!


    And the Dom... WOOF... Did I say WOOF!!!! Damn... the perfect specimen! Plus, he looks familiar, but I can't quite place who he is... I'm sure someone out there will know not only his identity, but from where this is taken.




    PS... The look on the faces of both guys is priceless!!!! The determined and intense look on the Dom... and the look of ecstasy on the sub... I can just hear his cries of pleasure! Yes, "Thank you Sir!! Harder, Sir!!"

  3. BVB... at the risk of posting something here that should have been sent in a PM... big LOL... and said in jest... Smiley face added to show no hard feelings... well I always get hard when I come here... but that's another story... :) I'm glad that you, JAG, Rich, etc. are helping me out down here... It's always good to see what others find intriguing as we all have out proclivities and preferences and even when it comes to specific topics such as nip play... the possibilities are indeed endless!


    The more the merrier... and let there be more!!!! :D

  4. This thread is really starting to be a personal conversation between WG and BVB. Let's start specific topics of interest to ALL Forum members! If anyone wants to spend the time, you will notice that the vast majority of posts are between WG (an expert on kink) and his new buddy BVB.

    Let's move on to the vast number of topics in this genre and stop the general topic of nip play which is only one of the fetishes that Forum members are interested in. Try PM instead of open Forum between you 2.


    Boston Bill

    I have started many threads in this forum on other subjects... Look them up... None have taken off such as this one has... Just look at the number of views. I more than anyone else would love to hear the thoughts of others regarding such topics as flogging etc. etc. etc. However, when I start a thread it dies a quiet death... Anyone is welcome to either revive any of those threads or start new ones.


    In any event, I was actually happy to see that Bosguy responded this AM and it was not even a response to something that I had posted. Plus, I was happy to see that it was JAG who posted that to which he responded. He is the real expert on posting pics... I am only a pretender to the throne.


    At any rate... The more the merrier!


    Bottom line: It's all about having some FUN...and if a couple of guys take a brief detour to kid around or explore some other aspect of things that's the nature of the beast!!! Yes, this place is all sbout havin FUN... and speaking of FUN...


    As you can see: A Tippy Niner!
    My thoughts exactly... when I viewed the sequence...


    For the record funguy coined the term "Nipy Niner". I guess that gets us back on track as this is indeed the nipple thread!!!! ;):)

  5. An impressive series of GIF's Jag. I saw this early on, but dared not open until I was wide awake and settled in for a relaxed viewing. Two thumbs up. Perfetto....I'm trying my hand at a little Italian. WG sounds so sexy when he posts a few of his Italian lines. ALL the best to you.

    Appunto! Exactly, GVR... grandevalragazzo = BVB... bigvalboy in Italiano! :)


    Si! Tutto suona davvero più sexy in italiano... la lingua d'amore! Ma è molto strano che gli italiani usano spesso la parola inglese "sexy" per dire qualche cosa sessuale!


    Yes, everything sounds really sexier in Italian... The language of love! But it is quite strange that Italians often use the English word "sexy" in order to say something sexual.

  6. That would my take away from this. I can almost feel the interplay between these two.
    JAG YES! The intensity indeed!


    Brief note: I was so captivated with this video when I first saw it that I had the link on my phone and showed it to an escort at a session early this year. Of course we were in a cramped NYC apartment that he was renting, but we did have a nice collection of toys and leather that I had brought. We tried to reenact a couple of scenes, but it was not the same as we both got a bit giddy... not sure if that's the right word, but we did end up laughing. It's always best to allow things to flow naturally, but it was still fun... At any rate, we had intensity, but of a different sort!


    In any event the energy and rapport that the two guys have in the second half of the video is quite intense and totally believable. I actually prefer it to the more recent Bound Gods productions.



    However, the most recent BG video (Derek Pain Endures Tortuous BDSM Workout - November 13), 2014!) is hot as all hell... and I would love to reenact it if given the opportunity!!!! Where does one find such a personal trainer these days!!! Checkout the bit of tit torture as well! Link below will bring you to most recent shoots.




  7. The pendulum swings to a more BDSM version of nip play as we'll try to cover all bases...




    This still shot is from an old Bound Gods video that was originally posted here a while ago by my good buddy doitb4ugo. (So thanks again to Rich!)


    I repost it here for your enjoyment for those who might have missed it. Being an early example from Bound Gods, it is not totally "over the top" and is a more true to life depiction of how a BDSM scene is practiced in reality. Well, that would be if someone had access to a dungeon area with elaborate equipment that is. So try to imagine this occurring in a more "down to earth" and "humble" setting and enjoy. Incidentally while there is some nipple action that is not the main focus. I personally love the second half of the video where the two guys shown above get it on... and especially the scene where the Dom has the Sub beg to service his cock that occurs at about 48:00... HOT! Again ENJOY!



  8. Love the look on this guys face. Though I'm not sure if I were in his position that I roils have my dyes closed!




    Still he seems to be enjoying the scene as I seem the beginnings of a smile! :)




  9. GREAT Post JAG!!!!


    And on the lighter side:




    BIG LOL JAG! Brilliant find! Love it! Just what we needed down here!


    A bit of humor... and to think that I thought that pastel clothespins only came in mini sizes!




    All I can add is...





    LOL ;);)

  10. More... For those who prefer a more gentle approach...






    At times rough is indeed hot... But so is a bit of deep kissing combined with nip play...


    Two worlds... Equally HOT!

  11. A more sensuous approach to nip play....










  12. I have an extreme fascination with the extremes of this type of thing....always find it to be way too attractive. My apologies if some of these pics go beyond the norm...rest assured that it is not something I could participate in myself....


    No apologies necessary Rich. Those here who know me will be quick to tell you that I too have a fascination with the extreme, though I know that I would never go as far as some of the pictures posted......BUT it is fun to look. ;)


    Rich... You know that I love you like a brother. I hope you have not taken any offense from my postings either. However, as I think that you know, I am always the voice of reason. You know the guy who would go to a casino and not put a quarter in the slot machine as I would rather spend time eating at the buffet. You know the guy who would not venture into that infamous dark ally at the NYBC as he is the type who needs to see what the buffet has to offer and that the buffet is indeed a "buffet of safety" to quote a favorite line from Pretty Woman as noted in another thread.


    It is just that I don't want others to think that we are all bonkers. As I said I learned this eons ago. In fact it was in the late 1970's when I ordered a vicious looking CBT toy and when it arrived there were absolutely no sharp edges on it. It was from a firm located in Glendora California the name of which I have long forgotten. I was disappointed and asked why the actuality did not jive with what I expected. In any event, the explanation for the product's design was that it was designed for how BDSM is practiced in reality and not the fanatical fantasies of one's dreams. Of course that did not stop me from attempting to cross the line on occasion, but that was the old (ie. younger) and less wise WG!


    In any event, hot to view and ponder... BUT!!!!


    Plus we don't want to scare BVB and a few others from diving into the pool head first!!!;)

  13. Ouch....I can't even imagine, although my other nipple brethren will most likely find this amazing.

    I say "OUCH" as well... Nice as a hot tease pic... but the sane will never go there... a bit risky in my estimation. That is the dichotomous nature of S&M. At times what is depicted is not how it is practiced by the overwhelming majority of players in the real world... as opposed to the insane few... and there will always be a certain percentage of such players. It is something that I learned a zillion years ago.


    In any event, enjoy the pics... but don't try this a home! There are safer alternatives that can be purchased at Walmart such as a dull riveted pizza cutting wheel that can similarly tease one's nips.

  14. Thanks for the link....they are described as "evil" and "diabolical".....the reviews are pretty hot reading.....


    Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

    Eagle Talons are truly not for the faint-hearted!

    I'll stick to the Japanese Clovers with the chain - that way I'll sing instead of cry!


    Years ago I played with a guy who had a less diabolical and much safer pair... The "talons" we're thicker and as such less lethal... They were of German origin from what I was told. Subsequently I have only come across something akin to the variety as shown above.


    Interestingly, a few years ago I asked to try on a pair quite similar to the above referenced clamps at the LeatherMan in NYC. The clerk stated in no uncertain terms that if you try them on you bought them because they often induce a certain amount of bleeding when applied. I declined as one not need worry about such things when playing... There are other types of clamps that are capable of inducing quite a sufficient amount of pain that are much safer... and are not prone to falling off as are the generic variety with the plastic coverings and adjustable turn screws. That's why my preferred nipple toys are of the Japanese Clover variety. They only grasp tighter when pulled on, have rubberized grippers, and hardly ever fall off... a much safer and saner option!


    Sorry to rain on the parade, but I have experienced bleeding nips from using other types of metal clamps and there is a better way.

  15. More big pec action for BVB, JAG, and a few others!


    Almost like kneeding dough!




    With this one there's an extra hand into the mix...



  16. Like the threesome that I posted above, again here are some guys still with their pants on... While some like nip play to be the focus of the action... and who knows it might be so here... it is always a nice place for one's tongue and mouth to explore to get things off to a rip... I mean nip-roaring start... and no matter where things eventually gravitate! Not quite as hot as what I posted above, but heck I'm trying! ;)









    PS: When I started this thread who woulda thunk 10,000 views!?! And counting!!!!

  17. Yes! A special thanks to GBoi... It must have been quite an ordeal to have to do all the assiduous research to determine from whence that GIF originated! Sorry for putting you throughout such a trying and difficult experience! ;) ;) I come across these things, but since I'm not into vids very much I usually have no clue about who the "actors" are or from which company it might originate.


    At any rate, it seems that the nip action originally posted was the "warm up" as all three guys still had their pants on! And more and different action was still to cum!


    In any event, many thanks!

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