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whipped guy

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Posts posted by whipped guy

  1. The next phase of the experiment:


    It looks as though a bit of electricity is entering into the equation... Something that is not normally advised above the waist. However, since this is theoretically being done under medical supervision... I would guess that certain precautions have been taken.




    In any event, keeping in mind all that has been done previously to his nips to get them primed for this phase, it certainly looks as though our boi is indeed totally enjoying the juice being applied! :) ;)


    The equipment in the background looks a bit ominous as well...

  2. Another interesting scenario from a video that depicts a medical experiment to test the stamina of the subjects nipples...


    Notice how the subjects subsantial pec's are worked over prior to the application of the nipple clamps... It is only after they have that oh so nice healthy red glow that the clamps are applied... and that's as it always should be to achieve the maximum effect. The weights are a nice touch as well!












    Incidentally I personally like to have the nip clamps ripped off just as I'm about to cum... It somehow adds to the exhilaration and titillation of it all. ;) The guy's expression says it all... but there's evidentially more in store for him...

  3. For BVB... As usual he was right on target!

    Brilliant WG...is it my imagination or is his torso all red as well? My guess is that some nip clamps are sitting somewhere just out of view of the camera, ready to be used and abused...:D


    Well here's what actually happened next!










    Now what to do with the feet... LOL!


    However, that's snother fetish for another time and place!!! ;)

  4. Interesting as well! Plus the facial expression is certainly priceless! Priceless as in, "Yes Sir! I can do it Sir! I will male you proud Sir! Thank you Sir!"




    In addition one can feel the tension in his entire musculature ... The pecs... abs... delts... etc! Plus there has to be a raging hard-on if one were to rip his pants off! Yum!

  5. A bit tame? That made me laugh Rich...Loved it, and the look on his face is as they say.."Priceless"


    Have a great weekend...

    Just got around to checking this out... First thanks to Rich for posting down here... You and BVB need to help me out! So thanks to both of you!


    As for being "a bit tame"... You guys have no idea how tough Mr. Doit is... As good a guy and as tough as they come... So yes, by his standards it is indeed "a bit tame"!!!


    Also... The facial expression is most certainly "Priceless"!!

  6. Something for me....






    Something for you....





    Well BVB! What a nice surprise to wake up to... and I did sleep a bit longer then usual last night... and being a bit punch drunk this AM I did need something extra to get my juices flowing. Therefore perfect timing!!!


    Actually I would take both situations in a heart beat... but ultimately would crave the second scenario... Obviously! ;)


    Either way you're hired to help out down here since you obviously now know how it's done!


    So BVB! Way to go!!!!! You made my morning... and just when I indeed needed that extra pick me up! Thanks!


    PS: Plus, and more importantly, I thought that it was a interesting that you included yourself as one of the onlookers in the second GIF... I won't give away who it is, but it seemed obvious to me based on the descriptions of those who have met you. Nice touch!!!!! :)

  7. I certainly would love to see how this scene ultimately progresses... It seems that this is the very beginning... and the darkness of the setting (a bike repair shop after hours?) only adds to the aura of mystery. Somehow I get the feeling that a bit of cigar action will be in store for the lucky victim... ;)



  8. Not that I have ever broken the law...;)... but I would do so on a regular basis if this were to be the end result... as in, "Officer arrest me I've been bad... Not to mention that I need it bad! Really bad!" :)



  9. Well the proverbial "fly on the wall" told me that at least a couple of guys here were "good" last night... So here goes...


    Veni. Vidi. Victus sum!


    I came. I saw. I was conquered.





    I just love the smile on the guy's face in this next pic... It says it all! Defeated and beaten with a smile on his face!





    Or as some would here would want me to say because they think that it would sound better... Il giovanotto è stato vinto e battuto con una faccia sorridente.


    Damn! From my point of view this guys is gonna be in heaven... You just know that the tip of that riding crop is gonna be directed to his already sore nips... adding insult to injury... Then the other accoutrements shown are gonna be used... All I know is that his nips, pecs, abs, and a few other body parts will be singing a song of delight when this is all over... Kind of reminds me of a "predicament" that I found myself in a couple of weeks ago... :eek:


    Yeah! The lucky boi's nips will thankfully be singing the Dom's praises for days to come... :)

  10. OR....I was conquered. ;)

    The astute BVB is as usual on to something! I think that I was conquered would definitely be more appropriate! As in...


    Veni. Vedi. Victus sum!


    If you guys are good I will post a pic or two of "Victus sum"!

  11. This boy has been there before... and craves and needs to have his nips tortured....



    You our can just hear him begging with the words... "Torture me Sir.. .Yes I deserve it Sir... I can take what ever you can dish out Sir... I'll make you proud of me Sir...




    Thank you Sir!!


    However... This is only the beginning of his ordeal... The best is yet to come....... (Insert evil grin here!)

  12. I did not want to post this in the Deli... as I know that not everyone here is into leather... but I believe that this might be the guy that Tristan Baldwin wants to bring to our next hook up...




    As as I said in that thread the more the merrier!

  13. Two more Big Guys goin' at it!


    Okay... You made me do it... Two more hotties having some fun... and do take note of those nice red cheeks... Always the sign of a good and obedient bottom boy! DAMN!




    Now in my scenario there is a third guy approaching... What will he be doing... Eating? Fucking? Spanking? Something else??? You name it... Either way another DAMN as I said!



    What say you? Perverted minds would like to know!!!! :confused:

  14. Gorgeously alluring


    Simply a beautiful picture... Of a drop-dead gorgeous guy... Damn is he the perfect specimen... and with bulges in all the right places! I am imagining that this is the view from the lucky person that is approaching on his knees and is about to remove that tighty-whitie and discover the prize contained within!




    Of course I'm a sucker for a nice set of thighs and this guy certainly fits the bill... I'm thinking headlock! :)

  15. Big LOL! Good eye as usual BVB! You really have an eye for detail. I never even noticed the sports theme... as in the balls and the bat. I saw no "balls" and the only "bat" that I noticed belonged to the bottom!


    I guess I was so excited to see that they were using clover clamps that I tuned all the other stuff out! I can only imagine the other details that I missed!



    Bottom line BVB: Tu sei il bravo giovanotto! That means that you are really top of the line!


    Okay... You deserve one more! Again thank those bound gods!



  16. Today something a bit more adventurous...



    It's no secret that Clover Clamps are my favorite tit toy... Here are some examples of their use and abuse:













    Guys! I just found one more to complete the set... May the gods bless "Bound Gods"! :eek:




  17. Today something a bit more adventurous...



    It's no secret that Clover Clamps are my favorite tit toy... Here are some examples of their use and abuse:











  18. Up close and personal mouth and tongue action... Something tells me that the nip tastes like expensive toffee! Then the kiss!!! Vanilla action does not get much better than this!




    Of course the guy has some hot abs that need some attention as well! Not to mention the other nip!

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