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Everything posted by Danny-Darko

  1. width=701pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/3eab64a979380c6dc65bd6719909a65a/tumblr_py4ktnK74A1wycayxo1_1280.jpg[/img] Aussie Firefighters from the 2018 calendar ??
  2. width=492pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/a0bc8a478dba0d5d33ee209c97ce4e24/tumblr_px9te8V71K1wycayxo1_500.jpg[/img]
  3. width=733pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/d3fc17f4ccf47a288357503949bdfab7/d11fba42d444c708-75/s1280x1920/c7e575b526b2b7002c3da302a184b4cb077a6af5.jpg[/img] width=733pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/0ab811f608161a3295f34796084d8248/d11fba42d444c708-1c/s1280x1920/a701e022f6fe3eca0e2300574a84168a18de4e1b.jpg[/img] Photographs of two unidentified young men, on a Cornish beach, found in Henry Scott Tuke’s photograph collection
  4. Two pictures from a series called Coy Mistress, by bisexual Indian photographer Amit Bittoo Dey ?‍♂️
  5. Photographer Cecil Beaton, multi millionaire and gay playboy Peter Watson, and his lover of the time stage designer Oliver Messel.
  6. Vintage physique model - Ed Fury
  7. Vintage model Don Rochely by Pat Milo (He is also credited as Jim Stryker 1950/60s) width=578pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/7399066387be14d6461b52a01b8358b5/tumblr_oxyp2ze5XI1wycayxo2_500.jpg[/img]
  8. Most straight men don't realize just how sexy they are! ?
  9. width=774pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/c0c5b7a4d30c0aa906d2397f7ce29673/4edbc20c1edc8510-5b/s2048x3072/a5a66bfe5a1a457fb947fee0dd565df1300d7534.jpg[/img] Sicilian Fisherman 1960
  10. Herbert Hansen, 1950s AMG model photographed by Bob Mizer
  11. I miss those days of exhibitionist and voyeuristic pleasure. ?
  12. In love, but who - Lenny and Friend, two young sailors ⚓
  13. Gale Harper, c.1964 by Champion Studios
  14. width=542pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/5d5666a4d48eba3f3563a13c9758ba22/314d42c398aa8ea6-28/s1280x1920/a02360fc67a93b580ae5a11bbbff8e5aac0f01cd.jpg[/img] One of AMG favorites was the beautiful John Davidson. He was the 18 year old and one of the nicest who Bob Mizer photographed before leaving for Vietnam in 1965, but the poor lad died of encephalitis en route.
  15. Wow - Dick Dubois, what a body !! Southern California in the 1950s exerted a powerful draw on hopeful young actors and physique stars. One of the best built and most handsome of the golden boys who came west to make their fortunes was Richard DuBois. He was born on March 4th, 1933, into a poor family in the Bronx borough of New York City. After his successful bodybuilding career, he would become an actor working in film and stage shows, sometimes with Mae West.
  16. width=665pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/8e888c227acef9320a7ba632ea498234/d5dbe213a40c59e5-d5/s2048x3072/5165877aaf3435c03838a106fa537256d5c71e6c.jpg[/img]
  17. Joe Survilas on the sea shore
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