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Posts posted by D21howie

  1. I agree with everybody on here don’t mail the letter.  That is stalking.  The reason that this person has not contacted you is that he is not interested in taking you on as a client.  The only way you could have find his address is through these online detective websites that you pay quite a bit of money for that pull up everything on a phone number and lord knows that there are a much of them on the internet.  Celebrities do not or will not post their home address online.  They might post their address to their fan club or their management company but not their personal address.  The only time I have request address for clients is if I want to send them a card or Christmas gift and some have given me their address and some have not.  The ones that do not I do not keep asking them for it.  You sir do need professional help because one day you are going to go to far and you will never be able to look back or take back the actions you have caused.

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