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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. I was there earlier this week, but my barber wasn’t there. They kept telling me he would be back any minute. After about 20 minutes, I left. When I went back today they seemed so surprised & happy to see me, that I sat right down & he started cutting my hair. I then realized that masks were not part of the plan. I do not want to report them as barbershops were closed for 3 months in NYC last spring & I know they can’t afford to be fined. What really pissed me off more than anything was that they were loudly talking back & forth. I assume they are not as informed as I am on the virus & really did not realize they were putting me & themselves at risk. If I was fluent in Spanish, I probably would have said something.
  2. Lazarus


    Looks like you did not miss much. And you call yourself “Musclehunter”?
  3. Today I went to a barber shop in Spanish Harlem. It was my second time there. The last time I was there 5 weeks ago the barbers were all wearing masks & kept the customers masks on when they were cutting hair. It is a small shop...only about 4 chairs. Three barbers were working all in their 50s. . I sat in the middle chair. Every barber had their mask on their chin. Not only that...the barber in the first chair was talking loudly the whole time to the barber in the 3rd chair who was just sitting there with no customers. My barber frequently chimed in. He left my mask off for the entire haircut. I was tempted to say something about their lack of COVID precautions, but didn’t. Should I have said something? I didn’t want to come across as some gringo who was looking to start trouble.
  4. Lazarus

    411 hellodexak

    First of all, he is not cute. Second, if he lost his job, where is getting money to travel all over Europe? Unless he is getting money from gullible people he hits up online.
  5. Sounds like he is “confused”.
  6. He will regret those horrible neck tattoos some day if he hasn’t already. A damn shame. All to appear edgy!
  7. He is attractive. Anyone can write anything they want in their ”bio”, it doesn’t mean it’s true. If anyone sees him be sure to ask him to see pictures of his wife & baby back in Colombia.
  8. Yes....be sure to post a picture of yourself on every comment you make on this site.
  9. Maybe instead of writing “I’m retired” he meant to write “I’m gay”.
  10. Lazarus

    411 Mrightnow

    $450? He should change his name to MrNotNoworEver.
  11. Pretty sure he was/is a dancer for Adonis in NYC.
  12. Lazarus


    I’m not familiar with him, but I’m wondering if he ever looked straight. He looks like an extra from a Village People video.
  13. Let’s see...cases have risen in the US to over 130,000 daily in the last 22 days. ‘And the vaccine will not be available until early 2021 for rollout. ‘Therefore, according to your “logic” this pandemic will be with us ”for the next several years”? And we all should plan on holding out for several years. Makes perfect sense! Do me a favor....check back with me in 2024 & let me know where we are at. No need to update me every 3 weeks.
  14. Perhaps you are the one that should get tested before the trip & provide the results to each one of your “guests”.
  15. Never a good sign when there are no face pictures.
  16. Steve Kornachi needs to try changing his clothes once in awhile. Wearing the same pants & shirt everyday when you have a platform like his is very unprofessional. Especially when the pants are a cheap pair of khakis.
  17. He looks like he’d do anything for his next hit.
  18. Thanks Isaac...I think you also mentioned that you are better looking in person in your profile too!
  19. Whatever happened to the past tense?
  20. I bet he is Ben Affleck’s brother.
  21. They do offer several courses in Fist Fucking at Columbia U so this ad could be real.
  22. I would never meet with someone who doesn’t show a face picture. Even if someone else said they were good looking. I prefer to see & judge for myself.
  23. Lazarus

    411 Alexxxisss nyc

    Those lips look so natural.
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