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Everything posted by orville

  1. Right? There have certainly been a lot of unfortunate cases but I keep some skepticism when I hear "no pre-existent conditions". And yes, just in the last week I've sometimes seen 2 and 3 reviews per day (?) I can't avoid to be shocked as I'm still somewhat afraid but if you are 40 or less, or if you already got it and you are fully recovered and asymptomatic, or even better if you get tested to confirm that you are positive for antibodies and negative for infection, then those escorts "could" re-start activities with some cautions, i.e.: I would screen clients asking them if they are coughing, sneezing or have fever or other symptoms. I would also stop partying during sessions as any kind of smoking will be prone to lower your immune system and Covid main target are your lungs.
  2. And I'm the complete opposite of rich, but I thought by rich and world, @Quincy_7 meant "anything, at any price, anywhere". I don't think that's exclusive of old gay men. Especially now that there are so many new billionaires flourishing around the world.
  3. Many on both sides. I have seen pages of escorts on Rentmen, increasing little by little in the last 2 weeks. Not wise to take the risk if the client hasn't been infected and is 50+ (no matter health conditions). Don't quote me on this but apparently there is no risk or reinfection if you already tested positive for Covid and are now asymptomatic. If you are TOO horny I would talk to your doctor to make the best informed decision. Every person is a different universe.
  4. These guys THINK, what you cannot BELIEVE.
  5. At least Rentmen conducts (some sort of) ID verification of escorts. It's not perfect but it's much more than what it's done by Mintboys. I've already had 2 attempts that became bad experiences with Mintboys, so that I know.
  6. Good for him. I used to jerk of a lot to his porn videos. If anyone can share an article on his current situation now that he's doing better it would be appreciated.
  7. Exactly. If something is going to kill my hard-on, hence my enjoyment during sex, NO THANK YOU!
  8. I'm very glad. You are among the 1% lucky. I've never accepted it when offered but I think I was once poisoned and even though I felt the rush and all that shit that is supposed to feel great I knew that was NOT me so I panicked, thought I was going to die, and I think the substance just worsened the paranoia. I think my entire system was shooting down and I couldn't function properly for a week. Luckily a good friend helped me to detox with gallons of water, vitamins and some medication (he's a nurse). Sadly, I have seen who changed forever after the first hit. Some of them are not longer alive.
  9. In most cases right after the first time.
  10. orville

    Gordon Grant

    Wow, unprotected sex in porn before the 80s? I'm going to assume this was before HIV. And slo-mo cumshot is quite something. I haven't seen anything similar in contemporary porn.
  11. Photo Gallery of Sexy Men Over 50
  12. Look how lucky you are. Having children makes one age faster, like A LOT faster!
  13. And I totally respect as you probably have hired much more than me but I think that is too much paranoia and leaves open doors to misinterpretations of the kind "Oh! You wanted this? We never discussed it, sorry, I don't do this", hence loss in value of the service. Also my humble opinion. I have specifically clarified what I want by text message or phone call what I want and have never had bad experiences but I suppose we are all separate cases.
  14. Lol, then what do you call them? "Fantasy" instead of "Sex Act"? And "Donation" instead of "Compensation"? Just looking to confirm...
  15. I'm not much into the young music but someone shared this video with me and I think it's very "artistic"? But what caught my attention was the arrangements and details of the composition. I'm pretty sure if it was performed by any singer of any decade, it would be a hit. And yes, it moves me. That's why I'm posting it.
  16. I think there's not one single "America's Ass", but many to admire ?
  17. Not cute harmless puppies but these lethal beasts become playful cubs in his presence. I just hope he doesn't end up mauled by his unusual pets one day. Too hot to die yet.
  18. I love packaged sea salt & vinegar chips, these you posted must taste even better. If you prepare them let us know how it went, please.
  19. Good for you @VictorPowers ! No Ducati for me. The wildest I could go is probably this.
  20. Probably the best PR for Scientology. I wonder how good looking he must have been, in person, during his 20s and the kind of stamina he had.
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