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Posts posted by Gary

  1. I did a casual google search for what percent of income can one allow for entertainment.

    Up to to 10% of net income for all entertainment came up multiple times.  For a $1000 allotment for entertainment per month, that’s from a net yearly income of $120,000.  I’d be inclined to halve the allotment to $500 per month in order to allow for other entertainment, with the understanding that this hobby is being prioritized.

    These calculations at least provide a starting point.

  2. On 2/13/2024 at 8:50 PM, azdr0710 said:

    I know almost nothing about Manhattan eateries, but you may want to let the Gotham experts here know a little more:  price range, food type, lunch or dinner, good for entertaining business associates or not, stuffiness, etc.......thanks


  3. I don’t post often.  If I knew this person, and had some regard for him, I’d be inclined to buy the iMac for him.  Nonetheless, I’d discuss with him first just to make sure.  I once gave a cash gift twice to a young man I knew well, the first time $300 & the 2nd $1000.  

  4. I comment only infrequently on this blog.  Reading an article this AM brought to mind this discussion chain.  Environment International, available 8 November 2023 online.  “Global, Regional & National Burden of …Exposure to Solar UV radiation…”.  Unable to link despite several tries.  The point should be clear—avoid unnecessary exposure to UV light.  Please remember to vet sources.  Best sources are sites such as the NIH and reputable journals.  Best wishes to all for an enjoyable Thanksgiving!

  5. Interesting question, how long between sessions.  One idea:  once a week for an hour each time.  $250/$300 x 50 = $12,500/$15,000 annually.  A possible variant could be every other week.  3 hr (block) week 1 and 1 hr week 3—with weeks 2&4 off.  As a comparison, I used an athletic trainer three times a week, $100 per session, for 2-3 years.  

  6. Oddly enough when I was checking about a month ago, the Mayflower Hotel was cheaper than the DuPont Plaza or a private club I had access to.  All are in the same very general area, and each has ready access to a metro stop.  You could walk to the White House from any of them.  I’m guessing:  $295/$375/$375.  There were add-on charges.  Good luck.

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