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Posts posted by dentjusay

  1. RIP to any oscar nominations. 

    I was torn whether or not to watch this movie, as my image of Nicolas Cage has been tainted by countless memes. However, I recently came across Obama's year-end list of favorite movies, which listed Pig, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I really enjoyed the pace and serene first chapter. But Rob's developing friendship with Amir felt a bit too unrealistic for me (like Amir had nothing to do this whole time driving Nic Cage around?) and some scenes felt like they were super dramatic for little reason. It is a slow paced thriller but goes into themes of coming to terms with reality and encouraging you to do what fulfills you in life over fame, attention, or money. I appreciated it's uniqueness, and Nicolas Cage's image is a little less tainted now. 7/10

  2. Acting, visuals, and aura of the film were great. I definitely had Big Fish vibes when watching. The story was not as impressive for me though. I was hoping for certain interactions between characters to have more depth throughout the film (Bradley & Rooney, Bradley & Cate), but they instead turned into predictable messes. And that ending left me feeling unsatisfied and let down similar to how you feel when a show/movie ends with the protagonist realizing it was all a dream 🙃. The fantastical world GDT created kept my utmost attention and interest, even if the story had some room for improvement. 7/10

  3. On 11/30/2021 at 9:46 AM, curiousbynature12 said:

    If you haven't already, check out Arcane on Netflix. It's received high critical and audience acclaim for its storytelling, animation (up there with Into the Spider-verse), cinematography, voice acting, and how well it was adapted from its video game source.

    It's a dark, emotionally compelling story about two sisters trying to survive in a beautiful, but often brutal world around them.

    I highly recommend this show as well! It is based off a pc game, League of Legends, but viewers do not need to know a single thing about the game to watch the show. The animation and storytelling are truly refreshing. A must watch!

  4. Hey everyone.

    I've dealt with excessive sweating pretty much since middle school. Most of the sweat comes from my face, hands, armpits, and feet. When relaxing at home, my sweating is completely non-existent, and I have no problems. My embarrassing moments have mostly come from school or work as my hands and armpits tend to sweat a lot more than my other areas, which can obviously create awkward moments when interacting with people. 

    I am currently in the interview phase of applying for medical schools, and I am so relieved they are all virtual interviews this cycle. After a recent interview, my dress shirt was COMPLETELY SOAKED under the armpits and my hands were more than wet. I've thought more and more about this issue especially since I don't want to be self-conscious about this when I interact with patients. 

    I've tried many antiperspirants and prescribed glycopyrrolate tablets, but have seen no significant improvements and any improvements appear to be temporary. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience similar to mine or recommend a long-term or permanent solution. I've heard about botox injections, but don't want to be getting injections every year. I'm currently thinking of surgical procedures like sympathectomies and plan to discuss this with my PCP. Thanks for any advice or help! 👍🏼

  5. Flakes gonna flake 🙄. Sorry that this happened to you, but it will likely not be the last time. I'm not an escort, but I'm sure you might develop a sixth sense to potential flakes based on how they text / talk to you. Subtle clues or patterns might link potential flakes / time wasters. From escorts I've met, they didn't have any way to really verify my location or know if I was truly arriving, but maybe try having a backup plan ready just in case this happens again so it's not a complete waste. Get some work done, chores, workout, etc. Good luck man.

  6. I guess it depends on when you are planning to meet (within a few hours, days, weeks, or months). If you are looking for someone within the next couple hours, then it should be understandable that you've "moved on" to look for other providers given that they haven't responded. If you're planning a session months in advance, they might feel less inclined to respond quickly versus someone looking to meet within the week, but that's just my opinion.

    I've usually booked sessions about a week in advance, and most providers generally respond within two hours of my initial inquiry.

  7. Hey y'all I just want to ask if there are any suggestions you have for how to wisely use/invest/save money. I'm applying to med school this year and looking at some future medical school debt, but hoping to learn things I could potentially do even now or in the future too. Any books you found useful or tips from your own experiences would be mighty helpful!


    Some things I've started so far have been opening a high-interest savings account, light investing with Robinhood, and just tracking income/expenses with a monthly budget excel sheet I made.

  8. My dad was born in El Salvador in the 70's and immigrated here as a teen. I grew up with a great family and we are all close. Although we basically get along and agree on most things in life (politics, morals, etc.), he just doesn't understand anyone who isn't straight.


    I'm closeted and my brother is straight. I have a feeling that my parents might have an inkling that I'm gay for 2 reasons. He once told me that he would kill himself if I was gay and second, my brother has a history of relationships with girls while I do not.


    My father loves hearing/making jokes about lgbtq+ people and is utterly disgusted when anything of the matter is represented in movies/tv. He even thinks soy products can "turn" men gay or feminine...so he avoids tofu and soy milk at all costs. His persona is very macho and will always comment on an attractive lady on tv. To be so homophobic makes me think he might be covering up his own true feelings in a way, but I'm not sure.


    The older I get, the more I think about how I would tell my parents or if I ever should. Maybe I never have to since I'm ok with not settling down and just having fwb's. They want me to have kids and a family, but I just want to be happy.

  9. Sorry if this has been discussed in a previous thread already, but are there ways to get to know other forum members here from similar cities?


    It seems like many of us are on dating/hookup apps and share some annoyance with flakes, catfishing, etc. Perhaps long-time members have established connections with others already through events like the PS weekend, but as a newbie, I don't really know anyone here.


    Just wondering if I have to stalk member's profiles to see if we live in the same city, or if there is a better way.

  10. Just wanted to bring this thread back to life with any recent recommendations. I'm looking for an LA top who you think would be great for a first time bottom. I don't really enjoy toys/objects even though they can serve as good practice, so looking to solely practice with the real deal. PM's are welcome too.

    Thanks y'all

  11. CDC Statement as of August 16, 2020

    Just a few key points:


    Individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 may continue to test positive 3 months after diagnosis even if they are not spreading COVID-19 due to the presence of low levels of the virus in their bodies.


    "There are no confirmed reports to date of a person being reinfected with COVID-19 within 3 months of initial infection. However, additional research is ongoing."

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