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Posts posted by KrisParr

  1. Were these elected or appointed officials ?

    County judges in Indiana are elected generally to 6-year terms; magistrates are appointed by those judges to serve at their pleasure and can be fired/removed at any time. Interesting that the female judge has yet to release any sort of public statement of apology. She did not submit to a BAC test, yet admits she was so intoxicated that she cannot remember most of the event. And they all get to keep their jobs and make sure that anyone found with a bit of weed in their possession will get sent to the slammer. Mike Pence’s home state - gotta love those Hoosiers.

  2. I've often wondered why basketball players all seem to have smooth chests. I googled "hairy basketball players" once and got a picture of Michael J Fox in Teen Wolf.


    My older brother, quite chest-hairy, played bb all through college but kept the “forest” mowed - said he didn’t want to stand out from the others - but his legs looked like he was wearing a gorilla suit.

  3. True story, I swear: several years ago I hired a very handsome escort while he was in grad school, at least 4-5 times. He stopped being a provider, and that was fine, but I did miss him - he was outstanding. Fast forward to this past summer, I had need to visit a dermatology clinic for a pesky wart. After the initial chat with a nurse, the Physician Assistant came in - yep, it was him. We recognized each other quickly, and he asked how I’d been, etc. with just a little small talk. After that, it was all business. And it was obvious that he’s no longer interested in his previous career. I did get a small pat on the shoulder as he said goodbye. Sigh.

  4. I have two older brothers and a younger sister. They are all married and have given me a total of seven nieces and nephews. Everyone is straight as far as I can tell. I also have many “first” cousins, twenty-one at last count. Two of them are “out” as am I. My gay relatives live quite a distance, but we see each other a few times a year. The last time we met, the discussion turned to statistics, i.e. the percentage of gays in a given family. Is anyone aware of such a study? Not to turn this post into a long-winded thread, but I’m a bit curious as to the demographics of this fine group of readers. Are you the lone gay in your clan?

  5. I probably do.... I enjoy porn, and view it often when I am bored or have no plans to do anything. Postings pics in the gallery here is IMO a mild form of porn addiction for me. I enjoy the hunt, and sharing my turn-ons with you guys. However, my porn watching is NOT uncontrollable, so I don't think there is any need for me to worry bout it.



    And we very much appreciate your hunting, gathering and sharing.

  6. Uh oh, I did a little internet research and he pops up “?” on a porn site with a brief video of his uh, um, there’s no nice way to say this ... his rectum protruding. Not exactly my cup of tea. Wish I could “unsee” what I saw. And here I thought I’d seen most things.

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