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Posts posted by Onamission

  1. Ian is guessing that someone on this forum who has a grudge against him reported it to mssseurfinder and they terminated his account. It's unfortunate that there are assholes out there who think nothing of fucking with another man's livliehood. Nevertheless, Ian's contact information remains the same. Anyone who wants it can PM me. He gets so much business from rentmasseur and rentmen that he really isn't concerned. It was fun for all of us while it lasted. He is definitely hot and a lot of fun.

  2. I have actually done a little camera operating for situations like this. If you can be comfortable with the 3rd person being in the room, it can be a lot easier for the camera man to keep your face stays out of the video. It is more difficult to accomplish that with a stationary camera. It can be a lot of fun. The client always gets final say over what gets posted.

  3. I honestly don't think price is the indicator here. I think it's the quality of the man behind the service. I see 2 - 3 guys regularly. They are nothing like the guys some describe here. They are reasonably skilled at massage and 2 offer full services. They are warm, polite and not full of themselves, even though they could be. They engage in conversation before and after. Two are very pricey ($200+) and one is ($160). None of them upsell during a massage and detest the practice. We all know there are asshole masseurs, but we also know there are assholes on this forum as well. My point is, you have to try to ascertain the information about the man. Read what people say here, but weigh it against what the many say here, not the few. Send PM's. Be a smart consumer. These guys are running a business and we are their customer base. For the many, if you treat them with respect, you will fulfill your desires. Treat them like dirt and so shall yee recieve. End of Sunday sermon.....

  4. I had a client pass away the first week of February - 2 days after I left him. It wasn't until a month ago that I realized it very well could have been COVID-19. Including him, that's 3 people I've known who this has killed. As for providers with COVID-19, I know a LOT who think they've had it. None of them have been tested.

    Thank you for sharing this information. This is exactly what I was looking for. Stay safe.

  5. Again, not looking for admissions. Just a do you know anyone in our community? Still have yet to hear of anyone.

    I ventured out and saw my regular guy based on the some mutual trust and the lack of any affitmative replies here. Sooooo glad I did.

  6. I am an older guy (59) and would not classify myself as someone that anyone would consider "hot". Also, I have only been getting massages for about 2 years. Nonetheless, my limited experience has provided about 2/3 of the time I either have had intercourse or been offered it. I am not really an anal guy, so I've often passed. Those same two-thirds have provided an oral happy ending. And I would also say my package isn't smoething overly exciting. I surprisingly think it's more based on petsonality and chemistry. What I lack in phyicality I make up for in personality. I think that's why my personal percentage is so high. I think everyone's percentage will be different based on that. Jm2c

  7. I totally understand your point. I was hoping that those massuers or clients who've had it would simply say, "yes, I know a maasuer/client whose had it." Not indicating it is them, nor naming anyone, just an indication of it's presence in our circle.


    Still, I am encouraged by the lack of yesses in this post.

  8. Since Covid 19 is so highly contagious in the general population, I think it would be hard for a client who did develop symptoms from Covid 19 to pinpoint if they did indeed acquire it from a massage session. They might have stopped at a gas station before getting the massage and got it off the handle of the gas pump, or there could a million other places they got it before/after the massage session. This also gets tricky, since if an honest masseur as a courtesy contacts the client later to alert the client that they have now developed Covid 19 symptoms, maybe they acquired it from the client during the massage session, and not the other way around. The whole thing gets very hard to pinpoint.

    I absolutely agree with your point. My point and purpose of this post is not to point a finger, nor even to determine whether or nor it was transmitted at a massage appointment. My purpose in your example would simply be for someone to simply state, I know a masseur or client in this community who has or has had Covid-19. Although I don't personally know a significant number of masseurs and clients, I do know several. Some are still active on both sides of the table, most are not. I know several people who are not members of this community who have or have had the disease. But I don't know any members of this community that have or have had the disease. What I am looking for simply is a tally of sorts, as to how many participants in this community have it? I am in the LA market, though I welcome everyones comments. Be healthy!

  9. I've noticed a fair number of masseurs still offering services here in L.A. Obviously they do so because there are still clients seeking services and masseurs that need money because government benefits for the self-employed are slow to arrive. Without breaking and confidentialities, and names are not requested, I just want to know if any of you are aware of masseurs or clients that have become ill in close proximity to a massage, or been informed by their masseur or client of a positive Covid-19 diagnosis? Just looking for some type of assessment of how prevelant the virus may be in our subset community?

  10. One of the finest massages I ever had ended with a light body scrub, totally his idea, followed by a joint trip to the shower. We soaped and rinsed each other off until we both came in the shower. I didn't get the impression he does this with every client. It certainly made me feel special. I hope he reads this.


    I have directly invited other masseurs to the shower with me, both before and after, and they have always declined. I don't really know why, but I find it highly disappointing!


    Perhaps some masseurs on here who don't shower with clients would like to offer why?

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