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Posts posted by Romani

  1. 8 hours ago, BtmBearDad said:

    Also, while you didn’t say it, I take it that this deposit is off your rate, and not in addition, (ie; rate of $300/hr less $25 deposit means $275 due), correct?

    Correct. I'd even be willing to communicate through RM Messenger, so the client could "tell on me" if I failed to follow through.

  2. 8 hours ago, BtmBearDad said:

    1.) when I reach out to a new provider, I usually direct to my profile on rentmen so he can see what I’m looking for and decide if we’d be a compatible fit - how do you feel about that? 
    2.) any plans to come out East, preferably NYC, in the coming months? 

    1. I feel this is a great idea. I'd still need to verbally chat with those who have young profiles, but I wish everyone did this.

    2. I don't have plans to travel East anytime soon. Do you have plans to travel West?

  3. 8 hours ago, Asterisk said:

    Presumably, the $25 suggestion was meant to be enough of a "deal" to deter flakes and tirekickers.  

    Drawing on your wish to walk in another's shoes:  what strategies would you suggest for clients to not be swindled, be it $25 or $200, by no-shows? 

    I sort of covered that here:



  4. PART 2 OF 2

    (Again, if this is considered "off-topic," kindly inform me and I'll delete it.)


    In addition to analyzing reviews, I always analyze a provider's ad in its entirety.

    I begin by zooming in to their photos and analyzing the details. If they have an interview, I read it. If they have social media, I analyze that too. The entire time I'm doing this, I'm judging them. Are they here because they want to be here? How intelligent are they? Do they have health and hygiene standards? Do they have boundaries? How much effort have they put into all of this? Do they appear to have at least basic morals/values?

    — — — — —


    Now that you've completed your research, it's time to initiate contact. First, let's put ourselves in their shoes.

    Many providers, myself included, receive hundreds of spam messages per day. Bots, trolls, flakes, harassers, stalkers, con artists, LEOs attempting to entrap them, other providers “booking them up” so they won’t have any availability… They have to deal with just as much, if not considerably more, nonsense as you do.

    If you want a non-desperate provider to respect you, then you have to respect them too. If you treat them like merchandise, they're going to treat you like an ATM. 

    - - - - -

    Rather than:

    hey/hi/sup/how are you/you available


    How much do you charge for [insert any sex act here]?

    Try something along the lines of:

    Hi there. My name's [insert name/alias]. I found your number on RM.

    I enjoy [insert preferences/activities here].

    I found your profile intriguing, so I figured I'd reach out. If you'd like to connect, I'd be more than happy to gift you a donation for your time. Just let me know how much you'd like for X hour(s)/day(s), and we'll go from there. Thanks.

    — — — — —


    There'll always be risk in this industry—for both of us. Clients will lose money and providers will lose time. Some will lose both. All we can do is figure out where our limits are, do our research and treat people how we want to be treated.

    If the majority behaves professionally and respectfully, regardless of how others behave, it'll become the new standard.

    I'm hungry and lost my train of thought. Happy 4th, everyone!


  5. PART 1 of 2

    Some of my patrons regularly entrust me with procuring additional talent. Here's my two cents.

    If I'm violating any rules, please inform me and I'll simply delete this. I don't wish to hi-jack the conversation.

    — — — — —


    For those of you who aren't aware, you can view the reviewers' profiles. Simply click on their usernames. You may have to do some scrolling to find it, but every profile on RM publicly lists the date that it was created. Make judgements accordingly.

    Clients can choose to display some, all or none of the reviews that they've given on their profiles.

    Some clients are comfortable discussing explicit details with others, most aren't. Remember—the members of this forum constitute a fraction of the overall market. Most of my clients weren't even aware of its existence, until I shared it with them.

    Occasionally, reviewers will leave comments to the webmaster, when submitting a review. In sex-worker-friendly countries, those comments are published. In non-sex-worker-friendly countries, those comments are hidden. To read those comments, log in to a VPN and connect to the Netherlands or any other sex-worker-friendly country. I use ProtonVPN, but there's dozens to choose from.

    - - - - -

    A client may review a provider only for in-person meetings and pre-paid services. Reviews given for any other reason are subject to removal.

    When submitting a negative review, it's imperative that you remain concise and objective. Do not direct your frustrations towards the webmaster, or bombard them with a novel. If the client is emotional and irrational and the provider is calm and collected, the webmaster will be inclined to side with the provider.

    If you have relevant photos, screenshots and/or documents, send them to the webmaster via RM Messenger after submitting your review.

  6. Would uploading a new photoset to RM every month or two make a difference? Maybe post more photos/videos that showcase my "day job" success? Raise my rates and make myself less available to "the masses"?

    These are serious questions. I understand that I'm providing a service and everything, but it would be nice to have people treat me the way that they want me to treat them—especially considering that most who hire are twice my age (and have had twice as much time as myself to learn how to put themselves in other peoples' shoes).

    As a provider, what can I do to make it clear to you all that I'm not another desperate, money/time-wasting criminal?

  7. I had no clue that $25 was such a big deal to so many people... I pay a bigger deposit than that to schedule my haircut—and the studio has only half as many 5-star reviews as "Liam V" does.

    What does a provider have to do to be deemed a trustworthy equal in your eyes, rather than a money-hungry criminal who's likely to steal from you?

  8. As a client, how do you feel about leaving a provider a voicemail, when reaching out to them for the first time? I'm asking however many of you are willing to respond.

    I ask because I've had an issue with spam since week one. To better explain, I recently posted the following response to one of my RM Interview questions:


    I often come across as "super serious" when communicating through text, email and social media. Don't let that give you the wrong impression, should you reach out to me in writing.

    Every day, I receive literally over 1,000 spam texts, emails and social media messages. Bots, trolls, flakes, harassers, stalkers, con artists, other providers “booking me up” so I won’t have any availability… The list of time-wasting, juvenile nonsense is endless.

    As such, I must ask strangers to initially contact me through voicemail. If you’re not comfortable with leaving a voicemail, you may text/email your availability to me and I’ll give you a call. Beyond scheduling a phone call, I will not engage in written conversation with strangers.

    Alternatively, you may pay an upfront deposit.

    If I don’t respond within a couple of days, please don’t hesitate to re-message me. Sometimes legit messages get lost in the ocean of spam.


    Does any of this seem unreasonable? Does anyone even read this stuff?

    Lastly, considering that:

    –my ad's ~3 years old

    –I have over 90 glowing reviews (0 negative reviews), many of which from profiles that have reviewed other providers and/or from profiles that were created years before mine was

    –I've posted numerous recent photos and videos on social media and OnlyFans

    Would it be unreasonable for me to charge a $25 booking fee?

    Does anyone have any advice for me? I'm looking to weed out the time-wasters, without scaring away those of you who are legitimate.

    Thank you all for your feedback!


  9. 16 hours ago, robberbaron4u said:

    Poor Maddie. Given his tumble. I have no doubt that he is hopeful of remaining on Liam V's "A" list of clients. . .

    I don't know who Maddie is, so I can't judge the guy...

  10. I kiss people who have good breath. If I haven't known them long enough to determine their standards, I inspect their mouth beforehand.

    If anyone's offended by this, bear in mind that you're not the only person I'm connecting with. If you don't want someone who's careful, and considers how his choices could potentially impact others, you can always hire someone who's careless and rely on luck.

  11. 6 hours ago, AlphaHunter said:

    Man, it’s a shame you’re not gay. You’re the most level-headed provider I’ve come across.

    I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up, I don’t think I’ll ever open up to bottoming, and I’m not the type of man you want to fall in love with (I’ll be marrying a lady some day), but the more a person respects my time and preferences (especially those revolving around cleanliness/hygiene—I have a sensitive nose and an active imagination), the more open I become.

    I have a lot of walls up to protect myself and ensure I don’t inadvertently become a home-wrecker, but I’m pretty chill around my regulars.

  12. It used to get to me, but it's more beneficial to focus on what I can control.

    First, I respond to my fan club messages. Then voicemails, emails, texts and app/social media messages, in that order. The further I get down the list, the more time-wasters there are.

    Whenever they ask me a question I've answered, or ask for pics, I text them, "www.liamv.fans."

    If they're too lazy to read, unable to connect the dots, or exhibit hostility, entitlement or any other juvenile behaviors, I offer them the chance to pay an upfront premium. If they decline, I silence them and move on.

  13. On 5/29/2021 at 5:45 PM, Gymowner said:

    I know that many guys on here like the "musky" scent of ripe armpits and ripe crotches. Nothing makes me gag more than ripe "man scent". Even sweaty over grown body hair make me shudder. Clipped, groomed body hair or clean shaven bodies, fresh out of the shower with a mild scent of cologne really gets me going! Shows me the escort made the effort for me.

    Now before any haters start an attack, I totally understand "to each their own". Its just this is a thread about hygiene so I offered my two cents. What makes the world go round!


    I don't mind if a guy's hairy, but I couldn't agree with you more. Body odor and bad breath instantly make me nauseous.

  14. Hey everyone! Pardon my extended absence; I was suspended for a few months for posting explicit images. Shame on me for failing to read the rules.


    I've had a lot of fun in St. Louis, but, unless something changes in the next couple of weeks, my work requires me to relocate to Indianapolis in late-FEB. I anticipate that I'll be able to visit St. Louis at least quarterly, if not monthly, but it's difficult to predict what will happen in this economy.


    Regardless of what happens, I'll never forget those of you who I had the pleasure of meeting and I'm very grateful for your support and friendship.

  15. Hey everyone! Pardon my extended absence; I was suspended for a few months for posting explicit images. Shame on me for failing to read the rules.


    I've had a lot of fun in St. Louis, but, unless something changes in the next couple of weeks, my work requires me to relocate to Indianapolis in late-FEB. I anticipate that I'll be able to visit St. Louis at least quarterly, if not monthly, but it's difficult to predict what will happen in this economy.


    Regardless of what happens, I'll never forget those of you who I had the pleasure of meeting and I'm very grateful for your support and friendship.

  16. LiamV, formerly Romani, formerly Dimitri Valentino, apparently likes to change things up a bit. When I rented him several years ago, he was using a couple of the same photos that are in his current ad, mostly to hide the tats. I found him outstanding at the time. A little challenging to mesh schedules, and often was running late or when I arrived he still had to shower and shave. Minor inconvenience considering how hot he was in the sack. The blurred photos are a little odd because the black bars really don’t hide much at all. About a year ago, I hired a Midwest escort who actually knows “Liam” and told some interesting stories when they were in the military. I hope he keeps his shit together, because he is extremely talented in a lot of ways, and my times with him were excellent.

    Sorry about that! I wasn't as organized back then and often stayed up past my bedtime. I still have to plan in advance, but I'm usually on time these days ??


    Re the photos, I'm eventually going to switch everything out with legitimately blurred ones. I’m concerned not so much about being recognized now as in a decade from now.

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