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Everything posted by Mustang

  1. Watch the video. He clearly knows the iPhone camera is there. AW adjusts it several times, you can hear him talking about it. He said it to save his job. It's shocking someone would get caught on film and then deny it, I know. AGAIN I'm not defending AW.
  2. Dunno. I cannot attest he did, as you can't attest he didn't. I can see he knew the video was being taken and was a willing participant.
  3. I am not an AW fan at all and agree with many of the comments previousky, however the video was consensual and the Flight Attendant knew he was being recorded. (AW is still gross tho} ?
  4. You can find a lot of the content other on other free sites. It tends to be short and shot from a stationary iPhone. Most just him pinching his own nipple.
  5. So his face is blurry in person? Poor guy... ?
  6. High prices for a full massage - sounds like he only does half. Hard pass.
  7. There's one suspicious 5 star Yelp review sunmitted at 3am Monday morning. I'll wait for some real reviews on here.
  8. I think it's been well established and now well documented thats both Rentmasseur and Rentmen rely on deceptive practices as their buisness model. I think it's important to both let these businesses know our dissatisfaction as user AND to use alternatives that don't alter/deletion reviews and post links here. Some feedback is subjective but some can be quite important when making a decision of whom to let into your home.
  9. If it actually opens. They've changed the date several times now. I'll believe it when I see it. (And $50 for a "soft" opening?)
  10. Then they'll lose one client at a time and have to keep finding new marks. And if guys keep going back while getting ripped off, we'll PT Barnum said it best "There's a sucker born every minute."
  11. I think just about everyone who gets regular massages experiences this. And I short thier tip accordingly.
  12. Thanks! I hit PVR every year and haven't taken the plunge yet. Too many other distractions. But this is helpful.
  13. I'd like to know this also. PM me with recommendations!
  14. Appears to be an error. Click on the 'About Me' and the correct dates are there.
  15. I echo these comments. I've been twice, way overpriced (you can easily drop $200), therapist were skilled but there was not even a whiff of extras. Equinox has cancelled memberships for behavior they deem inappropriate,so I would never ask. As for being hot... The Equinox trainers are attractive however the masseurs are hired for their skills not their looks.
  16. I find a lot of the time thier orientation is simply $$$.
  17. Most likely the blonde guy is just a stock photo / ad like every other pic on their Facebook page, and not a real masseur.
  18. New Paradise is strictly legit. You'll leave massaged, but that's it.
  19. The main "lobby" is ok and the rooms are nice, although quite a bit of outside noise came through. The bathroom is a wreck and building probably needs to be condemned. Shangrila is significantly nicer (but also more $$$).
  20. Russian Bath is a DUMP, it's over $50 to get in and the staff are obnoxious. One seems to get off on busting people and verbally berating them. Hard pass.
  21. I don't like either messed with AT ALL. It may be a major pleasure center for some, but not all.
  22. Tried out Mike last night at W27. Mediocre at best - bordering on boring. Used his knuckles way to much and just went through the motions. I would not repeat (nor recommend).
  23. I love how chatty people are just slightly better than serial killers. And they say romance is dead!
  24. With Shangrila/Utopia and TSMS raising the bar they'll have "stiff" compition!
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