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    RomanticRick got a reaction from liubit in Is being a short provider in height a bad thing?   
    There's something to be said of handsome, young short tops with monster cocks. A Guatemalan guy called Ricardo / Carlos in Southern California, does anybody else know? He used to make short family visits up north. His profile name used to be UltraThickDick and boy was it! Was the fattest 9 incher anyone would have had the privilege to be fucked.
    For a taller bottom, with nipples wired to manpussy, Ricardo was exactly the right height to orally minister the nipples while in missionary. And then, voila, "Open Sesame" it was and the ultra thick dick was in sans lube
    There's something to be said for the joys of manpussy being stretched for an extended period of time by a very, very thick cock with staying power of an ox, while nipples being sucked hard. H E A V E N L Y !!!
  2. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Is this true ?!   
    No. Success in this business has little to do with the nuts & bolts of actual sex.
    To be successful, you have to cultivate great clients who look at you as much more than just beauty or a great fuck.
    The smart guys realize the turn and burn life is a short-lived one.
  3. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to jjkrkwood in Getting a BJ during COVID-19   
    Usually after jerking off, I just go to sleep or take a nap.... Then I wake up, have a snack, and I am good ! It's all a brain fuck. If you obsess over having sex, it will take over your life. Watch some porn and fantasize ! :p
  4. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    Yes i guess i got caught up in my emotions when i first read the thread. It was late at night and I was PISSED. Not one person who posted took the time to message me to clarify what i meant in my ad. And you are 100% right about the limitations. As you can tell from most of my posts, I type a lot. Trying to fit everything into 1200 characters is not my forte. So i had to make it short and to the point. As far as a website, i have zero idea how to do that. I suppose I could look into it. It's never crossed my mind that so many of you were thinking this but never said anything. I've had numerous people message me about it and thought everyone would do that if they had questions. That is definitely my mistake. Thank you for pointing this out to me
  5. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + nycman in "Already had Conavid..."   
    Breathe baby. B-R-E-A-T-H-E.
    ...and use paragraphs.

    You got that right.
    You‘re going to need to learn how to not overreact when you feel attacked in Med School.
    And you will be attacked. Daily. Trust me.

    We got it. We got it.
    We read your “brilliant“ breathless defense.
    Now relax.

    This thread certainly proves that....

    We know....you’re a pharmacists. Or going to be a pharmacist. Maybe even a physician?

    Well, you‘ve certainly proven that point.
    Now, a little fatherly advice.....
    I admire your spirit. You obviously worked hard to put ourself through PharmD
    School. Congratulations. I also admire your desire to defend yourself. Just calm
    down a little. People stop reading after your 4th or 5th defense. State your case
    in one collected, brief, well edited and paragraphed post. Then move on.
    When you overreact, people will start poking the bear for their own amusement.
    See the earlier section of my post and most of this thread for proof. Don’t give
    them that.
    As for your “science”, it‘s way too early to know much of anything about this virus.
    And lets be honest, you’re a soon to be pharmacist, not a virologist, and certainly not
    a physician (despite what your previous RM ad with a stethoscope implied). Still,
    I agree once you’ve had it you’re most likely immune for a period of time. Then again,
    early in this pandemic I though asymptomatic spread was unlikely. I was wrong.
    I may be wrong again. You may be well educated but Science is a bitch of a lover.
    You’re clinging to science for your defense, and I understand that. But I think
    what got more people riled up was your attitude. To some you came off as a
    medical professional who was flippant about a pandemic that may kill millions.
    That‘s not a pretty look. And it has nothing to do with ‘science’ and everything
    to do with public perception and public relations.
    Work less on winning the scientific battle (which no one can win at this point
    because too little is really known), and focus on winning the PR battle. You‘ll
    have much more success and alienate far fewer potential clients.
  6. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    I'm not a geneticist but yes I believe RNA can be spliced. but i don't know what that would look like in terms of combining a retrovirus and coronavirus. But if that virus used reverse transcriptase or integrase to multiply, we already have medications that inhibit them. For example, Prep for example (truvada or descovy) is the combination of two NRTIs (nucleotide/nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) and tivicay or Isentress are two integrase inhibitors that are used, in combination with other HIV meds, to treat hiv or prevent it in the event of exposure when patient is not on PrEP. Those medications inhibit the virus from replicating. But this is just theoretical. Again I'm not a geneticist. I don't know anything about that stuff haha
  7. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    My people skills are shit because you attacked my character and my intelligence behind my back and then in return I defended myself. hmm ok. whatever you say sir. have a good one. bye
  8. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Gymowner in "Already had Conavid..."   
    And why are there so many haters on medjock? Geez... he just starting posting. Give the man a break already
  9. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to jjkrkwood in Leaking Out   
  10. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    thank you. hope to see you in the future.
  11. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to bostonman in "Already had Conavid..."   
    I'm not going to block you, and I also apologize for coming on as I did - reading your posts helped me understand a bit better. It's a fucking crazy world out here now, more than usual, and feelings flare up. I wish you well, really. I appreciate your honesty.
  12. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    Hey guys, it's hotmedpro. I'm reading all of your posts and I'm kind of laughing. I will go over all of your concerns since you guys think you know it all. One, yes I did just finish my doctorate in Pharmacy. My graduation ceremony was supposed to be in May but it's cancelled (yes I'm annoyed by that but I'm interviewing for MD programs so I'm finding solace in the fact that ill have that graduation ceremony when i finish med school) Two, the WHO says there's no evidence that antibodies provide immunity from reinfection but it doesn't say that there's evidence showing it doesn't. Many countries are contemplating providing immunity cards, and the WHO is being overly cautious. At this point right now, the virus is mutating slower than the seasonal flu which is great especially for vaccines and for antibody immunity. Antibodies are made specifically for a virus, like a lock and key. But when a virus mutates, the key (antibody) doesn't fit in the lock (virus) anymore. That is one of the reasons why creating a vaccine for HIV has been impossible to do; It mutates too rapidly but that's a different story. As far as the stories of reinfection occurring in other countries, many things could have caused that, one of them (and most likely) is human error. Earlier testing kits (and even some now) were shown to be extremely unreliable. That can be explained by the sensitivity of the tests and/or classic mix ups in the labs (it happens). There are several different tests available and each of them looked for specific genetic material from the virus, so if the sample collected from the patient didn't have enough genetic material (someone who recently became infected) or if it was collected wrong, the test would read negative. Also some of the earlier testing kits only had two sets of probes to detect the virus and now have three. Probes are used to detect coronavirus RNA sequences in RT-PCR tests and show up fluorescent if positive. These probes influence the sensitivity of the tests. There were also some kits that gave positive readings with just water in a negative control experiment. The test manufactured by Roche has a sensitivity of 95% meaning that 5% of infected people could be missed by their test. I know first hand that patients from my hospital were coming up negative according to in-house labs, but were actually positive when sent out to the CDC for testing. So what that means is, someone could have been negative but showed up "positive" on the test, then "recovered", went home and became "reinfected" but in reality, it was their first infection. Or the patient could have truly been positive, came up "negative" when retested on a faulty test but was actually still positive, went home and got worse, and came back "reinfected" but in reality, they were positive the entire time. Another reason for possible positive results after recovering is that the tests are picking up traces of virus that are dead which happened to be the case with some patients in South Korea after a doctor tried to incubate the virus but wasn't able to. Is there a chance that people can became reinfected? Sure there is. Everyone's immune system is different. Some people might not produce a heavy antibody response to the infection. That's fair to say. But I'm happy to provide anyone with my antibody test results. I will be getting that done soon. Again, the WHO is being super overly cautious about this and i totally understand that. Lives are at stake. But everything I have read so far points to a stable, slowly mutating virus. And as someone pointed out already, you don't have to hire me. It doesn't bother me one bit. I just wanted you guys to understand why I put that in my ad. It has nothing to do with wanting to make money, and it certainly isn't because I don't care about people's lives. Anyway, be safe out there.
  13. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    Feel free to read my post on this thread. I'm very educated sir. Maybe you're the one that needs to be educated.
  14. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    haha yes. I'm not very organized. My ADHD gets the best of me most days. But that's what cleaning services are for. Just didn't happen to be done on that day
  15. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    trying to survive? I'm doing just fine but thank you. I escorted so i didn't have to take out student loans. I'm not homeless or poor. Jeez. lol feel sorry for someone else. i don't need pity.
  16. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    Feel free to read my post in response to this thread. Instead of talking shit without any proof, take a second to ask for it. It's hysterical that you never asked me a single question but you think you know everything about me. Hmm who's the dumb one now?
  17. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    Or maybe i was in the middle of doing something and couldnt give more in depth responses? Feel free to block me but don't say I don't care about what is happening in the world. you don't know me and you don't know what is happening in my life. That's rude and uncalled for.
  18. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    No i get exactly what is going on. And every scientist has said that data points to a stable, if not, slowly mutating, virus. As far as duration of immunity, that i do not have the answer to and that is ultimately why the WHO is being overly cautious. I will be getting my antibody test done this week. However, I want everyone here to know that at some point, they will be exposed to this virus. The point of social distancing isn't to kill the virus completely; that would be unrealistic. the point is to slow the rate of transmission so our hospitals aren't over run. So don't act like I'm going around trying to kill people or get them sick. You have the option of hiring me or not. That is your choice. Either way, at some point, you will probably contract COVID. I'm not saying that to be a dick or to mock the severity of the situation. It's just the truth and many of you are not fully comprehending it.
  19. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Medjock in "Already had Conavid..."   
    I didn't give you a thumbs down but i don't see any evidence to back that claim up.
    1) They are completely two different types of viruses. HIV is a retrovirus meaning it uses reverse transcriptase to make copies of itself. Coronaviruses do not. HIV also uses an enzyme called integrase to insert it's viral DNA into the host cell's DNA. Coronavirus does not. Those are the main things that distinguish retroviruses from other types of viruses. So unless COVID-19 has reverse transcriptase or integrase (which it doesn't), it's not a likely theory.
    2) People are recovering, meaning there is no more virus in them. With HIV, viral load increases and is extremely high when the patient is first infected and then drops to a set point after a few weeks or months. The body can not get rid of the infection
    3) This coronavirus is genetically similar to SARS-1. They both bind to ACE2 receptors to gain entry to cells. whereas HIV enters its host cell by attaching the envelope glycoproteins to CD4 molecules.
  20. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + SundayZip in Post a song that makes you HAPPY   
    Love (LOVE!) Chris Martin

  21. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + Coolwave35 in What sites are out there to hire besides Rentmen   
    lol. It ranges based on how good the guy looks. The most I’ll pay for the initial meet up is $200. There’s a built in premium for the “fear factor” since this is a lot of guys first time being compensated for their time. Subsequent visits are always less, and most guys will come over for $100. It also opens the door for discussing what else they’re comfortable with for money in person, and it lets them know I’m not a creeper and this type of situation can be fun and rewarding for both of us. I also can’t tell you how many guys get nervous and ask if I’ll help them out by sucking it. Yes amazingly hot 20 year old, I’ll help you out by going down on you. I’m a team player lol.
  22. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + Coolwave35 in What sites are out there to hire besides Rentmen   
    I put up a photo of a rose garden.
    In my profile text, I wrote a little about what I like and then said “ I am very G E N tle with guys between 21 and 30.”
    Then I just go messaging guys with a message that gets to the point.
    Hello. I understand times are tough at the moment. I have some extra cash and I really enjoy watching guys that look like you jerk off. I can host at my house or office. I don’t wanna film it. I just need to unload some cash and watch a guy beat off. If you’re up for it lemme know.
    I’d say 6/10 guys ask how much and 3 out of 10 actually show up.
  23. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from beachboy in Kissing   
    It was the UK film Maurice with Hugh Grant, James Wilby and Rupert Graves. The movie was being broadcast on cable late at night. Made special effort to stay up late and watch alone Ah, memories! Even today, it stands as a very authentic depiction of romance, not just the hanky panky. No other movies made after or recently comes close.
    Of note are the scenes
    - in the British Museum and afterwards, then
    - when Maurice goes to the harbour to see off Scudder and when Scudder does not show up and
    - then of course, the final scene when the lovers are united ("We shall never be parted, it's finished"). How it set aflame the heart of a shy, introverted, gay lonely teenager!
    P.S. Sorry if posted in wrong thread. Will also post in appropriate thread.
  24. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from DaveOrDavid in Kissing   
    It was the UK film Maurice with Hugh Grant, James Wilby and Rupert Graves. The movie was being broadcast on cable late at night. Made special effort to stay up late and watch alone Ah, memories! Even today, it stands as a very authentic depiction of romance, not just the hanky panky. No other movies made after or recently comes close.
    Of note are the scenes
    - in the British Museum and afterwards, then
    - when Maurice goes to the harbour to see off Scudder and when Scudder does not show up and
    - then of course, the final scene when the lovers are united ("We shall never be parted, it's finished"). How it set aflame the heart of a shy, introverted, gay lonely teenager!
    P.S. Sorry if posted in wrong thread. Will also post in appropriate thread.
  25. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from Andy2 in Gay themed online movies for the Social Distance era.   
    The UK film Maurice with Hugh Grant, James Wilby and Rupert Graves has to be up there. The movie was being broadcast on cable late at night. Made special effort to stay up late and watch alone Ah, memories! Even today, it stands as a very authentic depiction of romance, not just the hanky panky. No other movies made after or recently comes close.
    Of note are the scenes
    - in the British Museum and afterwards, then
    - when Maurice goes to the harbour to see off Scudder and when Scudder does not show up and
    - then of course, the final scene when the lovers are united ("We shall never be parted, it's finished" as Scudder holds Maurice tightly). How it set aflame the heart of a shy, introverted, gay lonely teenager!
    P.S. Dunno if appropriate for the Social Distance Era :-) Please excuse if not exactly appropriate.
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