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Posts posted by MidwestCoastal

  1. All of that. Mannerisms and tone of voice, definitely. Also, confidence. And, yes, clothes as well. Facial and body hair, maybe.


    There's so much that figures into it. But I think mannerisms and voice are the biggies.


    'Confidence'? As a totally separate trait or are you saying 'confidence' is inherently masculine or feminine?

  2. Shapes and sizes aren't just for bodies and cocks. Personalities and mannerisms can also vary. Why do we, in our own community, need to use terms in a derisive manner - 'Nelly/Nellie'? So he's not 'traditionally masculine'.... To each his own.

  3. I cannot thank everyone enough for all the responses, advice, and most importantly, support. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


    I'm starting to make a concerted effort to 'change' because the status quo isn't working and if anything, is making things worse.


    In the short term, I'm planning on putting my physical well-being at the top of the list - taking care of myself on a consistent basis - diet, exercise, sleep, seeing all doctors again. I have decided to explore TMS (magnetic therapy) to try to displace my physical depression.


    For now, long term can wait.

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