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Posts posted by MidwestCoastal

  1. I didn't mean to imply this arrangement would be for every client or every provider. Obviously everyone has different ambitions and needs. I simply meant it as a point of discussion.


    In the past, I have had providers with 'day jobs' and looking to supplement their income. I also think a provider with BF when the BF knows what the provider does for income is another likely candidate. This type of arrangement may be best for these types of providers.


    I would also say not everyone gets 'bored'; 80% of my time with providers has been with the same person for the last two years, with an 8 month stretch where they were the 'only' provider.


    I think to summarily dismiss the idea based on broad generalizations misses the potential benefits for those interested in the arrangement.

  2. So you're saying hiring for sex isn't mixing business with pleasure? If its not, then what is it? I'm confused.


    This is just an extension of the business model... 3, 4, 5 clients with all the same regular... what's the difference?

  3. Penis pumps.... I just don't get it....


    I used to have a great FB and he pumped because he thought he needed to be bigger (it was like 7.5x6 cut).... He had a truly beautiful thick cock.... Pumping turned his skin to a leathery stretched out mess.....


    I finally convinced him to stop. It took YEARS of oiling that sucker up and gently exfoliating to try to get it back to where it was.... He also thought he lost sensitivity.

  4. Earlier this year, my weekend 'regular' told me he had a BF that was a former client. In these modern times, I find myself wondering, why can't a group of clients get together and share one guy? My regular and I don't click on the BF level, more like FwB, but the sex is some of the best of my life. I'm not wealthy by all means, but beyond income, I have definitive perks to my job.... discounts on technology, travel, etc.... that I could share with a group. I can see this working for a provider that wants to build a career in a field or do something they are passionate about without worrying about income/lifestyle.


    Has this ever been pondered or discussed?


    Providers - Would you ever trade 'open' for 'closed with steady income/support'?

  5. One weekend with the same guy, once a month. Occasionally add a two hour session or two with a different guy.


    What I'm more curious about, what income people have in relation to how often they hire. I'm definitely torn sometimes... saving for retirement vs enjoying my current financial situation while I'm still relatively 'young'.


    One more tangent... I have not had a 'non-hire' hook-up in years. My somewhat pessimistic outlook lately has me wondering - Would anyone fuck me if I didn't pay them? Its definitely putting a negative outlook on me finding a LTR. I'm thinking I should quit hiring for awhile.

  6. I have a regular down from NYC for a Friday/Saturday/Sunday.... Friday...Sex, dinner, movies/video games, sex, sleep... repeat on Saturday... maybe add one more sex.... breakfast on Sunday, sex... he leaves at noon.... 5-6 times is well worth the price... and we actually enjoy hanging out!

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