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Everything posted by BeefyDude

  1. I don't know why ATL is like this, but this city has the WORST reputation among masseurs. I hear it constantly. Guys are flakes here: won't commit, book but not show up, book but cancel etc etc Few guys that I would like to see won't come here because of this. Again I have heard this MANY times!!!! What's up with ATL guys. Treat others (and masseurs) with respect!!!!!! Stop giving this city a bad name!!!!
  2. I was curious too. . But he aint $180 worthy (IMHO)
  3. where are you located smokey... any in ATL that do that?
  4. I typically will say "feel free to touch anything"
  5. Finally had an appt with Scott. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough said !!!
  6. When I scan the ads for ATL in MF and RM, I think to myself - what a pathetic list vs. when I look at other cities. There are exceptions (tim being one of them). But overall, just not a good selection. Then their prices. Some of them are charging rates as if they "were something special" which they aren't. Sorry to be so negative. There just isn't a good pool of masseurs here in Atl. Please don't bash me for being honest. Just keeping it real.
  7. thanks for posting this. I was scratching my head why I was contacted out of the blue by someone
  8. not that i disbelieve anyone, but what was so awesome about him massage etc... you can PM if you want
  9. I have seen him alot based out of ATL.. I must agree $180 for him = No wAY
  10. @ Trick,how did it go.. I'm traveling to Jax in april
  11. rarely have I seen this much praise and approval for a guy on here. Speaks volumes for him !!!
  12. Not recently.. but had several. All well worth it Great massage (which exceeded my expectations given he is a porn star) expect mostly therapeutic though he is pricey.. but if you can swing it, give him a try
  13. I just came from my session with Alex !!! WOW!!!!!!! Y'alls comments were SPOT ON If he was local I would have found myself a new masseur!!! Damm he was good, albeit not quite $150 good but GOOD
  14. WOW what great responses - Thanks I agree this env would be 100000000% therapeutic which is FINE with me The cost is appealing to me $40 as I recall which would save me alot. I know I would be getting a good massage I just like having a male work on me. I like deep work which in my own opinion is best handed by a guy I will seriously give this a thought... Thanks again
  15. I wouldn't have considered him but the comments here are overwhelming in his favor. I just called him right now. Pretty soft spoken. I asked if he was clothed or nude, he defiantly said clothed. I asked about self release. He paused but said yes. He does have a table which is major kudos Sounds pretty therapeutic to me (which is fine). I got the impression from all above comments there was something sensual (which some is nice). If someone wants to PM me that would be great So can anyone comment on his style and how deep tissue he provides.. Thanks
  16. Curious if anyone has tried this out Its (duh) a massage school. Students practice on you with a massage at a seriously reduced cost ($40) Obviously it is 1000000000000% therapeutic with NOTHING else But i'm ok with that. However, the down side is (at least on your first visit) you can't specify a specific person NOR gender. Just wondering if anyone in the area has tried and if so what your thoughts were? Thanks
  17. GOOD catch about the back to back reviews !!!! (danger will robinson) Also is it me or do I only see ONE person in the pic. I don't see brother(s) plural
  18. I have looked at Rashon. My only kinda issue is his comment in profile "text only, all calls go to voice mail" When considering a new masseur, I like to speak with them so I can get a good feel/vibe. So when guys refused to take calls this raises a red flag to me IMHO
  19. I have never had a pleasant experience trying to book with them. Plus many threads on here suggest not to book with them
  20. So I broke down and booked an appt with him - hour for $140 He seems like a super nice guy. I was impressed he brought his own table. Since I can't "review" him here I will simply say I doubt I will rebook when he comes back
  21. $200 for him.. WOW !!!! NO Thanks (IMHO)
  22. Agree english was not his first language. We talked on the phone AND texted - so it was pretty clear. Didn't mean to pick on him. I see this alot in ads and it's just frustrating. Wish they could be more honest If you do therapeutic only or sensual only - thats fine. Just be up front about it
  23. I was looking at this ad yesterday: https://rentmasseur.com/Kikeft He advertises as therapeutic sensual and erotic. NICE pics and he is very close to me with a good rate, so I called him; He does sensual only !!! I see this alot.. WTF guys mislead or deceive on services. UGGGGG Waste of both parties time IMHO
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