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big dale

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Everything posted by big dale

  1. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/16580/ Any info on Rob? Name too short to search but nothing came up under that link.
  2. He was just a sturdy jockish manly kid who liked to jerk off with me.
  3. I'd prefer if you removed the thumbs-down as that sort of reflects on my post and not the shirt.
  4. Any new info on the sexy long-haired "promising young masseur"? @Lohengrin1979 can you PM me more details?
  5. Any updates for 2021? Still a scammer?
  6. I think the other guy is probably "Gio" who used to be "Guillermo". >>> https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-guillermo-in-san-diego-new-listing.160135/#post-2112339
  7. Guillermo in SD has become Gio in Los Angeles. And apparently shares a space with Austin https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/41476/ Any updates for 2021?
  8. Dale posted that he was retiring in 2020... but guess who's back!? https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/26982/
  9. *BUMP* any new experiences with my favorite hat model?
  10. *Bump* Any updates here? Hard times and all that. LOL
  11. Shit. Also ask him to tell us the story! =)
  12. Since they have not come back to clarify it's hard to tell.
  13. Hey @JCU127 and @hrlmguy why the thumbs down? You think an anti-BLM tee shirt that supports violent assault weapons is cool? I'm not anti-gun, so before you throw that in my face let me be clear, but assault rifles and the negative expression towards BLM is a non-starter. This dude seems like trash.
  14. I see what you're saying, but also the other point. In this case he suggests (maybe in a subsequent post) that "the weatherman" was snuck into the room without his knowledge. That's just creepy. The fact that the guy happened to be attractive doesn't make it any less an assault. If the OP doesn't feel violated or whatever that's great i suppose, but if the person who was snuck into the room was not an age, race, body type that the OP was attracted to in some way, would we be finding this story on a different thread? "Worst massage ever" or "assaulted during massage"?
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