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Everything posted by wbtravis

  1. Cannot get his Masseurfinder link to copy, but he’s in Daly City. Any feedback? Thanks
  2. wbtravis


    I could watch it all day. Shirtless studs all OVER that site!
  3. I love this thread. It’s a debate that I want to have with my parents over a number of issues. But... that leads to politics... a no-no here. Amazon does what they do better than most retailers. The problem is that the old retail model just doesn’t check as many boxes for consumers as Amazon does. Costco too. So, we are spoiled by the bar being lowered. Years ago a relative of mine complained about Orchard Supply killing his little business because he could not compete. As sad is that is... it means his business model was obsolete. Sad, but reality. If traditional retailers could deliver to consumers better than Amazon... problem would go away. They can’t.
  4. Wow. Could not disagree more. Weirdest experience ever with Izac. My worst massage EVER... and I have had a lot. I was very, very uncomfortable. The bar is low in Nashville
  5. ? He’s cute! I’d have let him have at my feet!??
  6. Oh, man... I have a HUGE crush on James Longman, and on Matt Gutman. And, I’d love to jump Michael Strahan!
  7. This pandemic is so tragic and far-reaching. I am blessed (so far) to have nobody I know made ill, or worse. But, hearing of this is so poignant. My BF and I have gone regularly for, like... 9 years? We used it like a resort hotel... enjoying nude time at the pool, the jacuzzi - and private time in our own room. We got to know some regulars, and used to marvel about an upscale bath house managing to feel like a safe place and part of our fabric. I know a LOT of people are and will be hurt financially by this pandemic, and the loss of this place hits me with sadness because we cannot make more memories there... but also with immense gratitude for what it provided safely for many, many years. What a loss.
  8. I see him regularly. The best masseur in the area, bar none.... and no extras. Straight guy... and not gonna cross any line. SUPER good person. I am a huge fan. Wish he offered extras, but - I’ll just have to get them elsewhere.
  9. I had a not-great experience. PM me if you’d like details.
  10. He sent me a description of what is involved in his three stage massage. Sounds INCREDIBLE, but also conflicts with my COVID precautions:(
  11. True. I have had one massage since 3/16. One. Legit too, with no extras. God I miss them.
  12. None. I wasn’t able to book him last time he was here either. Said something about wanting to get back to gym first. Oh, well.
  13. This Kind of Love by Sister Hazel gets me every time. So does Imagine, by John Lennon... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6svOHFSAH8 They somehow stop me in my tracks every time I hear them.
  14. Thank you! When I went in the FDA website the only approved test Quest had was diagnostic for COVID 19... no antibody. Wil look again:)
  15. Not in California. Spent hours trying to navigate how to get antibody test last week. Gave up.
  16. Anyone have any experience with him? I am intrigued.
  17. Hey there. Yes... best site. Masseurfinder has become lame.
  18. Amen to the above. Pics that do not look like the masseur are awkward. One provider asked me for a review. Answered all review questions on RM honestly - and he was very offended that I said his pics did not look like him. It was AWKWARD.... I don’t mind travel pics - but a clear face with a smile is minimum requirement for me. I have noticed a ton of unkempt bearded faces. Def not my type - but then I’ll see here sometimes where someone is asking about a “hot” masseur, I click the link - and messy beard guy shows up. I am reminded not everyone is into clean cut like me. The LA providers are guys I can usually spot before looking at location. While often beautiful, most look like they are only here because the acting thing isn’t working out. Glamour shots usually indicate someone is not well trained. Not always, but I have a good track record at sorting them out:)
  19. Such a cool, articulate perspective. I really appreciate you sharing it.
  20. Wouldn’t give him the benefit of posting them.?
  21. Guy near Nashville - kept zoning out like Bran from Game Of Thrones. Hands would stop moving but the clock wouldn’t. Seriously creepy. Could not wait to get out of there. Wasn’t sure if he was having seizures? It was odd as hell. Next, a guy in San Jose who has a huge piece of meat. I showed up for a massage and he basically stripped down and plopped it in my face, like - “aren’t you lucky a am huge. And you can pay to suck it?” I called it and left. Arrogant jerk.
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