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Posts posted by Jbronson

  1. I've been thinking about hiring young Mr. Grimes, but looking at his videos, I can't help feeling a little intimidated by just HOW hard core they are, I mean, will he even feel me? I was with his friend Maus,a true artist, absolutely it was mind-blowing, one of the best, he showed me things I didn't even know I was in to. But as well as being a full on beast in bed, he was also sweet and cuddly, and a terrific kisser, which is important to me.


    Does anyone know if Nate has a softer side as well?


    I'm guessing this is the guy



  2. wow this thread has taken off. i get that i should not believe everything i read in the ads but how am i supposed to make a decision? reason why i said why does it have to be so hard is all the work i have to do figure out if somone will be right for me. i know its the reality of the situation and i have to suck it up buttercup. i enjoy this and they are treats for myself so ill still do it but i wish it was a little easier to vet things.



  3. I'm looking for a personal trainer that can help my current dilemma of really deep-rooted lack of motivation.


    My lack of motivation has to do with my sex life frustration.


    I know health should be a motivator but the reality is that I primarily want to get into shape to boost my self-esteem and improve my romantic and sex life.


    I'm curious if finding a trainer in NYC (slight preference for someone gay vs. gay-4-pay) with current or prior experience as a sex worker might be a good fit to get me motivated by being able to chat about these psychological and sex life topics to keep be engaged and learning about my mental road blocks.


    I guess you could say I'm looking for a fitness trainer that could double as a sex therapist!


    Thanks i advance for any leads, recs, or other ideas! Private message or replying here is great!


    Not sure if he's technically a personal trainer, but this guy came to mind when I saw this post.



  4. One’s personal sexual preferences, professional sexual preferences, and on-camera sexual preferences don’t often correlate. Good eye, but what an escort is doing in a film serves no relevance to what he’s selling you.


    While I understand a client’s frustrations with seeing escorts perform on film or offer varying services to others, we do get to choose what we do with our bodies, and with whom. Unless an escort is willing to negotiate with you, it’s not really any of your business.


    I see where you're going. However when someone displays a particular action or characteristic of a product or service he/she is trying to market, that does in fact becomes the potential customer's business regardless.

  5. Any number of reasons....and the RM admins will remove reviews for various reasons.

    Did you see my link above?


    Yes I saw your link. Could you PM me his tumblr page?

  6. I hedged for a few months as I am jaded and easily disappointed with ad bookings. I usually stick to strip joints where you can see the specs.


    Met Samuel as he pulled up to park my downtown Montreal pad. A fantasy come to life.


    Real deal. Lives near me so I risk getting addicted. Sweet natural guy, unassuming mec, steroid free, amazing physique a little bigger than pics, added summer tan. Very cute. Maintains contact with pretty hazel eyes.


    His French better than English.


    I won't write a more detailed formal review due to Canadian law. There ought to be a law against him.


    Please forgive my ignorance as I've never been to a strip club. Are strippers usual receptive? How do you usually approach a stripper and express interest?

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