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AJ Doyle

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    AJ Doyle reacted to Cruiser7 in New to escorting   
    That’s definitely fair, and I would have no problem with that if I were hiring you. I was more referring to the people who specifically say they won’t send one. Those I will not hire.
    Best of luck, and I hope you get to the outskirts of New York City soon! I would love to hire you.
  2. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to MichBoyBlake in New to escorting   
    Congrats on the review! I STILL haven't been reviewed but I also feel weird asking for a review and I think most clients don't like to write reviews, at least where I am lol. Especially since there's also this thing where plenty of escorts prefer to not have reviews, even if they're good ones.
    You already have a great collection of pics! AND a good video! Better than the pics I currently have posted to my RM ad at the moment lol. Looking at your ad makes me feel like an amateur haha.. I've been meaning to fix my profile up for a while now and this is definitely gonna motivate me to step it up lol. It looks like you're definitely off to a great start!
    Try to learn something from every client about how you want to be perceived by clients, how you want to interact with them, how you want to handle all sorts of different situations that may come up, etc. I guess it all depends on your niche but I feel like interacting positively with clients is a lot more important than performance in the sexual part of it, although bad performance is still not great and it doesn't at all hurt to be good at a number of different things in bed
    I'd also say don't worry about 'branding' so much. In a way it's similar, but think more about what niche you'd like to fill, rather than what your 'brand' looks like. One thing I really like about this work is that I don't ever feel like I'm competing with others in my area really, because most people fill a different sort of niche, and even if that difference is very slight, it still makes a world of difference to most clients.
    As for rates, it's very much dependent on your area. Some people might take it the wrong way but, if you're having trouble figuring out what your normal, standard rate should be.. I wouldn't hesitate to contact other escorts near you, explain that you're new and figuring it out, and ask them what they charge. Just don't let it bother you if anyone gets bitchy about it.
    Also, I promise I only mean this in the nicest and most flattering possible way. You're young, in great shape, and have a very nice body. You're objectively and conventionally very attractive. Don't let that go to your head. Experienced clients will smell that from a mile away, although some might be into that... (to be fair being a bit full of yourself in that way could totally be part of a niche). Just don't get the idea that you can charge significantly more than other clients purely based on looks. Everyone sorta finds and fills their own niche. No tea no shade, there are plenty of conventionally unattractive escorts that still do quite well. Idk about how things go in the huge west- and east-coast US cities that have tons of providers and clients all over the place, but from what I know experienced clients tend to expect your rate to be relatively similar to others in the same area, and having a higher rate usually has more to do with having more reviews, being more well-known, etc. Since you're just starting out I'd even suggest low-balling a bit at first, not to undercut people but to give clients a little incentive to try out the 'new guy'.
    Before this gets way too long even though it already has, the only other thing I want to add is if you haven't already, put more thought into putting up one or two face pictures. That's completely up to you though -- you'll see clients posting on here about how they would never even click on an ad if the first picture didn't have the escorts face in it, but really that's only some clients. Not having a face picture up might hurt your chances of being hired a little bit, but in general I believe it's always worth it to do whatever feels right for you, even if it's something that you're worried about hurting your chances of being hired, because in the end doing whatever feels right for you just helps you fill a more and more unique niche.
  3. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to FigureSkater in New to escorting   
    He escorts in Chicago but made a visit home in Oklahoma the other weekend. He says with my body type and sports interest it could be a good way to set myself apart from the rest. Also, he says there isn’t much Asian representation in this industry which can be good for me haha
  4. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to Beancounter in New to escorting   
    Welcome to the Forum and its colorful, opinionated and wonderful members. Consider a road trip down I-35 to Dallas sometime. It’s a short 3-hour drive from OKC and I think you’d do well here. Or conversely, I need to drive up to OKC and enjoy the incomparable Habana Inn, the largest gay resort complex in the Southwest (a shameless plug, I know) and pay you a visit.
    Just some simple tips—
    1. An asking price of $250 is reasonable. Psychologically $300 can be a deal breaker for me.
    2. Don’t be a clock watcher. Giving a client an extra 15 minutes will increase your repeat business tremendously. Your client will think he’s found a deal.
    3. Many escorts I’ve met are obviously in it for the quick money. If you and your client finish the dirty deed after 30 minutes, lay naked in bed with him and make him feel like he’s got the biggest cock on earth, stroke his ego, whisper sweet nothings in his ear. Make your client feel important and that he’s the center of your universe. After all most clients hire for more than just flat out sex. They hire for intimacy, companionship and human touch. Why more escorts haven’t figured this out is beyond me.
    4. Do not attempt a triple salchow as your opening move. A simple lay-back spin will suffice.
    5. Word travels fast in this community and it can sometimes be brutal. It can also be very complimentary. Don’t be a flake, show up on time, don’t ask for compensation ahead of time.
    6. Don’t be afraid to tell a client NO. If you say you’re into something and you’re not the client will be disappointed and not repeat with you.
    OK, enough of my mentoring. Good luck to you.
    P.S. Did Gushers restaurant close?
  5. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to FigureSkater in New to escorting   
    I just started escorting the other day as a tip from my friend who said I would be a good candidate with it. (https://rent.men/FigureSkater) I need some tips on branding and opinions on rates.
  6. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to Cruiser7 in New to escorting   
    Agree with everyone who says add a face pic or two. I’m with most...no face pic, no dice. I’ve been burned too many times where I’ve seen absolutely SLAMMING bodies, then they show up and the face is busted.
  7. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to Pepper Young in New to escorting   
    As a client, I'll just echo what MichBoyBlake said, you need to put one or two face pics up. If I don't see a face pic, or it's fuzzed out, I move on. As for rates, I expect to pay more in big coastal cities than cities in the middle of the country but there are exceptions to every rule. So welcome to the business!
  8. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to LaffingBear in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    Excellent Response... couldnt resist adding my comment.
    Its ok to politely ask almost anything of most anyone.
    But for the questions specified, no matter the answers, protecting yourself is your duty, and basing your protection on someone else's assurances is foolhardy.
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    AJ Doyle reacted to marylander1940 in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    If you have sex you're at risk to get an STD.

  10. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to marylander1940 in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    If you have sex you're at risk to get an STD.

  11. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to Cruiser7 in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    I totally agree with that, Benjamin. In fact, based on some escort’s responses on these threads, they have made me want to hire them even more.
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    AJ Doyle reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    I agree, but also consider that some escorts business can thrive or die based on how they come across here.
    It would be swell if everybody could be totally 100% honest, but that's just not the reality of how this works.
  13. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to Cruiser7 in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    @AJ Doyle Thank you for your response. Please don’t inhibit your postings because someone disagrees with you. After all, this is a discussion forum and requires posts to survive.
    Besides, you’ll always find someone to disagree with a stance you take and it’s no reflection on you (or them). I can post “I like blue cars” and someone will invariably come back with a litany of posts spelling out why I’m an idiot for liking blue instead of yellow cars. It’s life on message boards, so please don’t let that dissuade you from posting.
  14. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to Mydavid in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    I usually ask escorts how often they do STD test and when was the last time they did the test.
    Nobody can really know if they have STD.
  15. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to Trick in VPN no longer allows US citizens to see reviews on Rentmen.eu   
    Have you tried clicking on the “Privacy Policy” link and going back to check the “I have read...” box?
  16. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to + OliverSaks in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    Absolutely dehumanizing shorthand to use “clean” the way so many people still do (on the apps, on ads, while communicating to book appts)
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    AJ Doyle reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    Sure, it's okay to ask.
    Better question: Do you believe everything people tell you?
    I know plenty of people who say they're on PrEP, but they're not.
    I know people who say they're HIV- and don't say anything to their sex partners about actually being HIV+
    People are people: Imperfect. Protect yourself the best you can.
  18. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to + JEC in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    I think asking the question is fair game, I would not bank my own safety on their answer. Some may not be truthful, some may not know (in other words, time between contracting something & being diagnosed/treated). Each of us has to become educated and decide our own risk tolerance, and what we consider safe.....then take whatever precautions you need to feel safe. Adjusting your behavior based on what people tell you is a losing game.
    BTW the term "clean" is derogatory and not really PC anymore. Sex is a normal human function, and it only takes sex with one person to contract something. There are a million scenarios where people have contracted HIV or other STDs...to imply they are "dirty" is truly denigrating and disrespectful.
  19. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to Bearofdistinction in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    Dude glad you practice safer sex -- does that mean you require condoms when I swallow your cock down to the pubes>????
  20. Like
    AJ Doyle got a reaction from + Hoover42 in Advanced Planning Vs "Same Day" or "Now"   
    I prefer to plan things out as well. Even a few hours heads up helps out alot. I want to look my best and that's not going to happen if someone contacts me at 10pm and asks for me at 1030pm. Not to mention I'm in California where traffic is always a Hot Mess! When I get those "Right Now" requests....I take a moment...look at the time and carefully evaluate how long it will take me to comfortably get ready and arrive. I communicate that. If they say that is not soon enough...I appologize and wish them luck...and turn my Hulu back on and continue with my evening. It is interesting that there is a different mentality between A4A and RM though as far as preference for "Right Now" or "Planning ahead". I don't advertise on A4A right now, so I don't know of that experience. Hearing about the preference of others on RM I feel that my ad is on the right site. lol
  21. Like
    AJ Doyle got a reaction from + honcho in Need advice on how to insert my RM link in my Forum Signature   
    It works now. I just had to give it some time before it would let me update my signature without giving me an error. Like after participating on the forum. Thanks everyone for your advice. :-)
  22. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to TopVolt in Be friend with regular escorts/masseurs   
    I agree with Dominic, I was about to ask sort of a similar question, but not really with an escort. I have been approached by one of my regular masseurs to hang out off the clock for drinks or movies or just to chill at home. For me is very important to keep the relation estrictly into what it is, business, if you allow more, one or another will develops feelings, and this is a recepee for disaster. So enjoy your time together! That’s all I can say.
  23. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to + OliverSaks in Is it okay to ask an escort....   
    When do you bring up condom-for-oral with potential clients?
  24. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to FTM Zachary Prince in Question: Do public holidays impact your hours   
    In my experience holidays, including summer and weekends, are more hit or miss compared to weekdays. When I do get work during these times, it often tends to be longer/higher-paying sessions tho.
    Many guys have plans with friends or family and are unavailable. But the ones who do not have plans, are often free for much longer sessions than they ordinarily would be. I get more dinner dates, lunch dates, 8 hours bookings & overnights during weekends, holidays, and summers. But my overall booking volume will be much lower. I tend to avoid touring during holidays for this reason. Holidays are good times to work your base location, in my opinion/experience.
  25. Like
    AJ Doyle reacted to + FrankR in Question: Do public holidays impact your hours   
    I noticed you received another glowing review on Daddy's yesterday- congratulations!!! (Since I started the thread, I am sure I can get away with diverting from the original question!)
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