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Everything posted by David1024

  1. Some flexibility is needed on both sides. If I find an escort that I really want to hire, I will happily make some changes in my schedule to make sure we fine a time that works for us both. Sometimes it does prove difficult, but escorts have lives, families, etc. as well.
  2. David1024

    My wife

    I also sent you a PM.
  3. I am not aware of any action or places to go in Fremont. It’s largely residential with a few office parks and some light industry. You would be much better off getting on a BART train and heading in to San Francisco, although it probably takes about an hour each way. The other place worth a visit is San Jose.
  4. Well I can't speak for everyone, but meeting a fit, healthy, good looking guy in the early evening sounds like a fantastic idea. the latest time I've ever hired an escort is 10:00 PM.
  5. I think it's a personal matter and some guys will think differently, but I prefer a guy that has a proper name. In the first intro, I prefer to start off with "Hi Jimmy" or whatever name the guy has. I would feel really weird with "Hi Scratchsnifff" and would hesitate to initiate contact. I like a more conventional name (even though it's not a real name) somehow gives the guy an identity.
  6. The second guy I ever hired was new to the business and had no reviews. I was inexperienced at the time, so what did I know? We met at my hotel as I was traveling on business. He was new to escorting and I think he was just as nervous as me, maybe a bit more, but he had been easy and quick to communicate with over text and was very specific about his rate and his boundaries (e.g. no drugs, no bareback). Somehow everything felt right, and I just followed my get feeling. We ended up having a great time together, and after that I did see that he got some positive reviews. If there are no red flags, I say go for it.
  7. Emile Hirsch Diego Luna Dane DeHaan Ryan Gosling
  8. I had that same experience last week. I contacted an escort by text, met him, had a great time, wrote a positive review and it was rejected because “No communication between escort and client via RentMen”. So I emailed the escort via Rentmen, he replied, I re-submitted the review and it went through. Seems like a lot of steps to have to take and doesn’t make sense to me.
  9. David1024


    There’s been some discussion on this before. Some people think that Friendboy copies profiles from other sites and keeps them up there even when the escort has taken down his ad elsewhere. I tried contacting one guy from the site about a year ago and never heard back. I guess that’s the only way you’ll find out.
  10. If anyone is looking for a London recommendation, I met with https://rent.men/Pedro_London last week and will definitely go back. I'll stop there so that this doesn't become a review, Happy to answer questions by PM.
  11. My friend is actually bisexual and in a relationship with a woman, but said he was definitely tempted by the dick flash. He did make the point though, that if he were to do a casual hookup with a rider, it would take time away from driving and making money, especially if it meant first driving to a place to get privacy. I guess if the rider were to give the driver a generous “tip” it could be a win win. ?
  12. I know a guy in San Francisco that drives for Lyft. He’s been propositioned by two guys and one woman. One of the guys even flashed his dick to see if he was interested.
  13. Portland, Oregon. I don’t live there but would relocate happily.
  14. I have never hired for a threesome, but plan on doing so. I talked to a regular guy I hire and he said he would be happy to be part of it and could introduce me to a guy he’s worked with before. This seems to be the best approach since he and I already have a rapport, and he and his friend know each other well and are comfortable together, and he would likely brief his friend on what I like. The worst would be to hire two new guys together as you have no idea how the chemistry will work.
  15. I also highly recommend Jayce. Very valley guy and a great personality.
  16. Don’t worry about it! I often host at NYC hotels and have never had any issues with it. In most hotels you will need a room key to enter the elevator, so you will need to meet your boy in the lobby and take him up to your room. No one will notice or even think anything about it. Just go with the flow and you will be fine.
  17. My regular masseur has recently left the business, but he shared with me many experiences he had of flaky behavior. Guys that would book an appointment, he would have candles lit, music playing, the table set up and a total no-show with flaky excuses. He would often turn down another client because the time slot was reserved. He also got many requests for pictures, suspecting guys would jerk off to them with no intention of booking. Masseurs and escorts put up with a lot of crap at times.
  18. I think you would be better off with a masseur that is willing to do the extras rather than an escort that hasn’t had any training in massage. Some guys advertise on both Rentmen and Rentmasseur.
  19. I too strongly recommend a test drive first before commuting to an extended time. I’m a client, not an escort. Some of the guys I’ve hired have told me that they won’t book an overnight unless they’ve done an hour or two with the client first. The idea of a cabin in the woods might seem a bit freaky and unsafe for a first time.
  20. I’m heading to Phoenix in a few weeks and interested in this guy. Anyone met him? https://rent.men/Gavin
  21. Some escorts also have an Instagram or twitter account matching their escort name, which they use to promote business. In those cases they will probably willingly give it to you. If they only have a personal Instagram using their real name, then probably not. But if you don’t ask you don’t get.
  22. There doesn’t seem to be much of an escort scene in Hawaii. Not sure why that is, but you’re likely to have more luck with a guy that’s visiting from the mainland or from overseas.
  23. I was in NYC about a year ago and texted him to ask if he was available the next evening. He responded back and said he was, so i gave him the info of where I would be staying and never heard back. Tried texting and calling, but never got a reply. I really like his look and what he writes, but decided to move on.
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