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Everything posted by Scartee

  1. If only your acting skills were this good when we met!
  2. Sorry, id rather do them privately. I can certainly understand that you’re completely comfortable with the glass Dick in your mouth the entire time- when I asked you if you were okay I was asking you if you were a little too high. Your eyes were bugged out and glued to the tv- some people can handle it. Some can’t. I also have to wonder why someone whose Dick is 7 inches around would put on regular sized condoms and then scratch their head when their erection dies shortly after squeezing into it? Again, I had to ask if you were ok because it was horrible planning- I knew that would happen before you even put it on. If you guys want to meet someone who will start the hour by telling you all about how much G they do and how they missed the American stuff when they were out in Australia, this escort is your guy. He’s arrogant, unempathetic, and in my experience completely lazy and self centered. He did nothing we discussed beforehand and anyone with any ethical backbone would have left rather than drag through the time just to collect the money. Nothing about it was ok. When someone tells you not to touch their balls even slightly, it usually means they just got off or they have an STD. Not saying either applies in this situation, but The only other time I’ve had an escort tell me that he followed up by saying “I just had a client right before you- can we reschedule for later? I need more time to recuperate.” Anyhow, I’m done with this. This clown isn’t worth my energy.
  3. I may be a newbie on the forum but I’ve been around the block for a while. For the most part I’ve had good experiences with most providers. It boils down to this- we are all adults here and if you don’t like your job or don’t think you can perform your job reasonably, then don’t put either of us through an uncomfortable situation and don’t take my money when you haven’t earned it. Just because you want my cash doesn’t make it ok to waste my time in order to get it. If you ask for a lot of money and talk a big game, don’t come over and not do anything and barely even make eye contact when you speak to me. Once I thought a bit more about it, I think he had just gotten off based on the fact that he kept saying His balls were sensitive. If they can’t provide the service thats their problem. If I walk into my barber and he says he can’t cut my hair even though I booked an appointment with him and was sitting around waiting for 30 minutes, he’s not going to charge me for the haircut I didn’t get. Thanks for the warm welcome though. I’ve actually read through the site for quite some time now and let me tell you something- if I save one person fron getting treated improperly and taken for a ride, I don’t really care what anyone has to say about it. You weren’t there, the money came out of my pocket last time I checked, and I’m entitled to my point of view which is very simple- no one gets paid to do nothing. Maybe he wasn’t feeling it or maybe he had gotten off right before coming. My guess would be that he had just gotten off. Either way, that’s not my problem. It’s a shame with this guy because he had a huge package but he was the most boring guy I’ve encountered and he is just not a nice person to add to the insult.
  4. Just met him. Couldn’t keep it even half erect. If you didn’t take a pill or you just weren’t into it(which he decided to tell me after an awkward 45 minutes) that’s fine. However, after admitting that he still thought he should get ALL my money and grabbed it and started verbally assaulting me. Getting it up isn’t a requirement, according to him. I’m actually excited to go back home to the cold in an hour after that experience
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