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Posts posted by friendofsheila

  1. http://thedailyshow.mtvnimages.com/images/shows/tds/videos/season_03/episode_127/ds_03127_10_zen_v6.jpg



    The guy in the middle looks reasonable. (Can't tell much about the one on the left.)


    I wish I could find other reasonable-looking, over age 45 men in Speedos. I'd feel encouraged that way.

  2. And indeed there will be time

    To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?"

    (courtesy of T. S. Eliot, with slight emendation)



    I do agree with this in that I would wonder later if I should have dared.


    I'd rather have dared and learned

    than not-dared and caused myself to wonder later.


    Thanks, Charlie.

  3. Yes, fans, that it the question.


    How does a man know whether to wear one after age 50? Is there a pair of calipers I can buy to measure something?


    A wall chart I can stand up against to see if my butt is bulbous enough?


    Or will I have to stand under a harsh light and under the glare of one of those queens who thinks she knows who should do what and when, and wait for a verdict? :)

  4. I can't believe I nailed them all, by myself! :)



    I forgot that when he's wearing a hairpiece (as he did in OFFICE SPACE) or if you look at him in just the right way, Mike Judge is pretty hot.



  5. Not actors who moonlighted every so often as directors. Too easy.





    Probably the man to beat: Michael Crichton




    Roman Polanski was kinda cute in certain moments (not the one below, much)




    Better here: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2IZxVVdHSOnlyVjyS8cKd1wt0IDMox_DGP1NzDOPbk7EfGM74


    Randall Kleiser




    Franco Zeffirelli:




    (more youthful pictures here: http://www.romeo-juliet-club.ru/article.html)

  6. Meanwhile, man picks up someone outside and, while they're having sex, keeps seeing his boy's face.


    I remember this part. And the man blinks and shakes his head, a gesture from the silent movie handbook, under how to register disbelief. :)

  7. Recently:


    I'm struggling through Fielding's "Tom Jones".


    And "Going Solo : The Extraordinary Rise And Surprising Appeal Of Living Alone" (not struggling at it)


    Just finished "The Verse by the Side of the Road" (story of the Burma Shave signs), and the Spoto bio of Joan Crawford (not very good, I thought).

  8. This one made me laugh.




    The camera starts in tight on a butthole. The owner of the butthole ("Bo Summers"?) is stroking his hole, his legs high up in the air, laying back on a couch.


    Another man is in the room, the owner's friend.


    "When are you going to let me have some of that ass?" the other man says, eagerly.


    Bo puts his legs down quickly, and starts to pull his pants up.


    He says, sounding annoyed,


    "I can't let you fuck me! IT WOULD COMPLICATE OUR FRIENDSHIP!!"

  9. Trent Reed




    is seen in grubby clothes, opening a pizza box he got out of a trash can. When the homeowner confronts him, Trent says he hasn't eaten in days. The homeowner is sympathetic, so he lets Trent in for a shower.


    While Trent is lathering up, the homeowner spies on him.


    Trent, who has no apartment or home of his own, has clearly been sleeping on a tanning bed wearing only a thong.


    Poor guy! :)




    So now tell us some of the sillier porn plot points YOU'VE seen.

  10. I remember someone saying in college that he thought Libras were ALWAYS gay.


    Well, they aren't always, I think, but maybe more than most.


    Have you heard this?




    So NOBODY has ever heard the idea that male Libras are very often gay?


    I could have sworn I'd heard it a common "concept".

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