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Everything posted by Gymowner

  1. check out his videos. body looks huge hot and spot on. gorgeous face.
  2. Yeah I agree. Terrible sex. Give me a short fat guy with bad breath any day over this bad sex guy. Lol
  3. Amazing body and crank
  4. That body...terrific That hair...rats nest!
  5. One has a great experience.. one has a bad experience. Just goes to what I have said forever. These men are not machines. So much of the past day or two can go into the experience with the hirer. Either good or bad. Now bad for the one that paid and had a bad experience but that should give those watchinging these boards evidence that men can be just that... men.
  6. most are buy-sexual. buy them and they will be sexual!
  7. Gymowner

    Sammy Buns?

    so are you saying the guys on global hunks are available?
  8. Those pics are old. I'm hoping when he claims they are all "current", he can back up his size and condition with being the same now as in those pics. Probably what he means.
  9. Naw... at some point the hat has to come off. He was blessed with body genetics and cursed with the hair genetics. He needs to so something at it at his age
  10. I dont either. But when it makes a 23 year old.... the prime of youth look 20 years older then it's not a good thing. Look at pics of him with his baseball cap on. Looks 23.
  11. I agree texas 100%. I hope for his sake he is doctoring and getting proper medical advice.
  12. Gymowner

    Sammy Buns?

    guy ive never seen before this guy called sammy buns on mymuscle video. omfg!! reminds me of nath wyld only sexier and a competitive bodybuilder that looks fantastic in form! he has a twitter and only fans page so i posted here. his content on twitter shows him all over the world so hmmmm.... young 20 something, phenominal looks and body seeing more place in a year than i have in my life. i wonder how that could be? (wink) anyone know anything about this uber sexy mofo please share. my tongue hard on has to go down now! https://mymusclevideo.com/106577/bubble-butt-muscle-god-clips/ At 9:14 mark...now that what I call flapjacks!! https://onlyfans.com/SammyBuns
  13. poor guy. great body but bald as a billiard ball. in pics #3 and #6 he looks 43 instead of 23. And he is a handsome guy. Now that's one time I would get a hair transplant. When he will look much more his age than not.
  14. his wife is phenomenal in his twitter site. no need for him to have Viagra ever with that! how he can be a "passionate" top trying to fuck an old guzzard when he gets that every day is kudos to him if he can pull it off. like going from caviar to rotted cabbage soup! hahahahaha
  15. Well it's a real person somewhere. If the guy in the ad.... maybe. Nonetheless. just beautiful!
  16. Gymowner

    Roxas Caelum

    just like fucking a jar of mayonnaise. warm, wet but cant feel much
  17. seems like an extremely nice, hot young man that appreciates all the positive attention. good for him! count me in on a meet and great bobby!
  18. Gymowner


    curious....bingo! so many "straight" guys that have and do straight porn are venturing into full on gay personal porn now. why? OF money. They get to pick their scene partner and many are just buddies that have the same motivations. they dont want to punch the time card and have a high spending/lifestyle habit. OF is now loaded with them. i give them credit for the most part not trying to "hustle" gays out of their money and at least provide a product for others to enjoy. are these guys all of a sudden gay? have they "seen the light" and now scrap pussy for the joys of getting a speeding ram rod going 40 miles an hour ramming their innards? i have spoken to a few of them and outside of filming they have no desire whatsoever to fuck around with each other. do some eventually go towards gay sex and less and less with women? some. but those are guys whose internal inclinations were always having more attraction towards men in the first place. sex is a very fluid interaction to just paint it with such a permanent broad brush guys. Sexuality is a whole different story. "He gets fucked, then he ain't straight"
  19. Gymowner


    Because a man has pleasure from something going into his arse I wouldnt say makes him gay. Personally, I dont think it feels good at all having something rammed in my bum. Does that make me straight? Gays dont have much of a choice. I know many guys with girlfriends that love to have their girls play with their asses and even use dildos on them. Would these guys dump pussy and start dating men? If you think so I have a bridge to sell you!
  20. no worries. i found it. https://rent.men/BobbyBiceps
  21. Gymowner


    he has an OF and has some small content on his twitter. Really into trannies and some of the videos show a similar conditioned body, other vids show a slightly less conditioned look https://twitter.com/bigbuffviking
  22. nothing comes up for me with that link. blank screen
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