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Posts posted by Just966

  1. I think it is very multi factorial and so very much depends on each individual situation. Having said that I think your first sexual experiences are the most thrilling and change to the best over the following years but again each person is different so hard to generalize.

  2. Thanks for the words of wisdom guys! This is a great forum for support and have a few masseurs from Vegas that have been recommended here that I will definitely try. Unfortunately one of the " chosens" ad - JohnDvegas has disappeared and so hope it comes back before I go.

  3. Pretty new to this forum as well as new to hiring male masseurs for sensual massage and have a qyuestion for the collective wisdom of the members. I am older,61, and have a body of probably the average 61 year old meaning not tight and muscular but not grossly overweight. My question is do you mention this upfront when hiring as I am thinking I will as do not wants someone expecting a hot muscular body and them reacting when they turn up.. Looking for my first experience in Las. Vegas in about 3 weeks and would like some words from experience of others..Feeling somewhat nervous over this and is holding me back but really want to enjoy a session with someone.

  4. Thanks guys this info has been very helpful for a newbie like me who is just venturing out to try his first (hopefully) sensual massage. Gives info that have been wondering about and suggests that you be fairly clear on what your are hoping for rather than just guessing.. Looking forward to first experience in Vegas and the reviews have been really helpful.

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