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Posts posted by Just966

  1. Interestingly today I made my bimonthly trek across town to visit a natural food store where you are able to grind your own fresh peanut butter. I would never by the processed stuff from a jar! Read the ingredients... and like most processed foods it's loaded with junk... Well that's just the way that I am... and I'm not only that way with peanut butter either... At any rate, in my estimation it's the only way to go. Plus, it tastes like fresh roasted peanuts that you would nibble on at the ball park! It does not get much better than that! Still others might actually prefer the taste if the jar variety with it's added sugar, salt, and whatever else. Heck if that's your thing...enjoy!


    Incidentally, in a recent thread I mentioned that Publix in Florida etc. sells freshly ground peanut butter in their deli department. It kind of takes the fun out of grinding it yourself, but it is quite yummy as well. So when I'm down south that the route that I take.


    ...and to think that when I was in high school I loved sandwiches made with Skippy and crushed potato chips!!!! Those days are long over!!!!!


    PS: Forgot to mention... The freshly ground stub is SMOOTH all the way!

    Just wondering what you use it for whipped?!

  2. http://66.media.tumblr.com/5254dc2813282d4d4688d0958b3b6da8/tumblr_nrpcfv94lL1tvlpoco1_500.gif























    Is the mailman for real? I have never seen a guy do this!

  3. Of course at times it depends on who is doing the twisting! ;) Here a certain twister seems to have worked his magic on the twistee!



    Another favourite - the jockstrap!

  4. I've posted this before but had to see it one more time. I hope to work those nips myself some day...


    So what is it that after a session of going through your posts my shorts are always wet in the front?

  5. I thought that this would be a happy medium from a couple of men doing it in business suits to a more kinky take on things. So here we have two guys from seemingly opposite sides of the tracks getting ready to play. Still, it all starts with a gentle rub on the guy's nip as depicted in the first pic




    Things get a bit hot...




    Then you suck that yummy nip...




    Then the prize...




    It's too bad that we don't get to see what I think are a nice set of biceps and triceps hidden under that business suit.

    And with a cock ring !

  6. Well it's hump day and to get you through the week a couple of more business suit quickies.

    A fan of the hot hairy guys in business suits with that look of pure bliss on their face as well. Well done!







    I promise something a bit more kinky next tine around! :eek:

  7. To get the last week of the year underway:








    Also, there's nothing like the combination of a scruff beard and a nipple!






    You might want to sit down for this one, but I have found myself this year venturing away from the "vanilla" and into more of the erotic elements of this nipple fetish...who knew





    This maybe a little too much for me as I make it through this great thread!

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