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Posts posted by Pensant

  1. Because I can indulge my fantasies with a myriad of super-hot young men. I like keeping a very small group so that we can also enjoy long weekends, movies, workouts, etc. I also appreciate the shorter sessions that end with me having a great night’s slumber.

  2. I did email him for fun sake because he does not state kissing in his I am into. His response was "I do many other things but no kiss" I just wrote him off.

    He’s just greatly limited his audience.

  3. I met up with Rimmy a few weeks ago. Feel free to PMme for details. Overall, I was disappointed in the meeting, but he is a cute twink and sweet natured. I went against my general rule of hiring guys who are at least 25 to 30 years old and perhaps the younger twinks just don’t pan out for me.

    That’s disappointing. He looks like a fun session, esp. if he has an 8” cock as advertised.

  4. I'm an escort and I identify as Bi. I lost my female virginity at 15 and male virginity at 18. It took quite a few years to fully grasp my own sexual identity. Don't stress yourself out over "labels" that exist. Enjoy whatever turns you on and just be yourself. Appreciate the sexy people out there and have some fun. We live in an ever growing age of acceptance and growth. Good luck and enjoy the upcoming adventures that may unfold.

    Very interesting, VP. I had my first sex with an 18 yo girl when I was 15 and with a male at 16.

  5. Some of the guys I liked the most have done well. Most stopped escorting after a few years. What they all had in common were university degrees. One is with a top sportswear company, one is a partner in a boutique CPA firm and the other got an MBA at one of the top schools and is in tech. Others blew everything and are struggling. A few got on retainers, but their patrons are the types that are always looking for a new trophy boy, sadly.

  6. Water temperature for hand washing is unimportant, so long as you wash your hands correctly.



    True. cold water also opens your pores, for deeper cleaning. Years ago. I was told to continue lathering up your hands for the duration of “Take Me Out To The Ballgame”, which I still do, especially after working out at the gym.


    So far this year, no cold or flu. I get the flu shot at my annual physical in the beginning of November. I’ll be flying at the end of the month and I’m hoping the flu will have run its course by then. If not, I may wear a mask lol!

  7. Nicely curated list,

    I’ve reached out to alexkensington by SMS and will see him in April. Love Kiddo, Gabriel and Seth Knight and am adding all to my list.

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