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Everything posted by Ajac

  1. that ass is so hot he needs a fan to cool it off!
  2. I am sorry you felt taken advantage of. But then again aren't you happy that you are in a position that you are the taken advantage of and not one of these kids that live in a situation where they have to stoop to such tactics? I have had crushes on masseurs in fact one of my current regulars but I had to open my eyes to the fact that this is a business arrangement. He is great at making me feel that I am special that is partly what I pay for. We no longer live in a world where people say please and thank you we live in a world where bad behavior is rewarded so I guess you should count yourself lucky you received one thank you.
  3. I would love to have a massage with this lighting. Man if I keep watching these by the time we can have human contact again I will need to take out a second mortgage to afford all the massages I am going to get.
  4. Maybe it wasn't CV that caused a run on paper towels at Costco Maybe this kids business is just booming.
  5. I am sitting here crying, I care for my 92 year old father and your post has put things in perspective. I thank god that he is still with me even in the most difficult of times. Also thanks for bringing me to tears seriously it is cathartic to feel something other than anger which many will attest to from my many Trump posts. Trump goes on about wanting to be appreciated for what he has done, screw him you and the people on the front lines are the ones who deserve appreciation. You have my deepest appreciation your post reminds us that these aren't just numbers to be quoted by a government they are people who are loved and matter.
  6. Ajac

    Happy trails

    Great now I have the Roy Rodgers theme song stuck in my head. Happy Trails to you until we meet again. Happy Trails to you keep smiling until then.
  7. Ajac

    Happy trails

    The trail leads to a mighty Oak that my people have been worshipping for many moons.
  8. Geeze I thought filling station attendants ended when Gomer left Mayberry to join the service.
  9. Ajac


    It is so sad that he has a mother with cancer and has to choose making money or possibly putting his mother at additional risk assuming that he has contact with her. We are all adults here and have to make our own decisions. I don't think taking a shower before contact is any good if someone is unknowingly carrying the virus and I assume Tom and Rita Hanks have good hygiene as well as most of the cases diagnosed so far. So not sure if that is a valid argument. I am glad to hear that both my regulars are not taking appointments at this time. I am lucky enough to still be working so if and when this comes to an end I hope to see them again. I understand the need for human contact and may have been tempted at the beginning to hire one last time but now I am glad I didn't. WSW I hope you and everyone you know stays healthy and I am sure there are many on the board that may follow your lead, you just may want to refrain from posting about it for awhile to avoid opinions that you might not like.
  10. WTF I am in So Cal I went out two days ago and it was still around three bucks. Maybe it has come down since then ...what does it matter a 1/4 tank will last me the next 3 months at this rate.
  11. A scrutiny of past taxes...Why does that sound familiar to me?
  12. One of the board members whose suggestions I always valued was frequentmassagegetter anyone know where he went or how he is doing?
  13. 4 thousand to talk to a shirtless guy? Seriously?
  14. There will still be production of TP I am hoping store shelves get back to normal. I do thank god I installed the bum washing toilet seat when I remodeled my bathroom.
  15. When and if this all gets resolved it will be hard to get an appointment. Though on the flip side people may not be able to afford luxuries for awhile when it is over. This is all too strange.
  16. If and when this is over there will be an explosion of events taking place. Should be interesting times.
  17. No gym ...time to dig the old Wii Fit out of the attic. Our restaurants and bars in LA officially closed last night..I need to go to the market I am hoping the. crazed crowds have died down. How crazy is this shit?
  18. I always thought Tyler came off as a sweet caring guy in the casting videos, the guy that came after him seemed a bit smarmy which I guess is the stereotype.
  19. To funny I actually had a guy start a massage with an album of horror movie scores. When I recognized music from Psycho I asked if we could have something a bit less tension filled. He embarrassedly apologized stating he had been doing research for cinema class and spaced out on what was playing. Needless to say I didn't take him up on the shower afterwards I think his name may have even been Norman.
  20. I am not sure how some people are going to stay afloat. People were having trouble making ends meet to begin with. I work for myself and I thought it would not effect me but I have had a couple jobs cancelled already as a result. I was just getting ready to get a massage after finally catching up after the holidays. I guess we will have to just take a wait and see attitude.
  21. I have gotten the happy middle a few times when I realized that wasn't the end of the massage it was great. For a minute I think is this going to be it? Then I was happily surprised to get a thorough rest of the massage including neck, hands, face and temples.
  22. Does Westlndguy want to clarify why he gave a thumbs down?
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