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Everything posted by Ajac

  1. I would say Brown since he is so full of shit.
  2. Considering Scotts career he must be spending most of his time naked. Unless his Joanie loves Chachi wardrobe still fits.
  3. I often wonder what the results of this pandemic would have been like if we had competent leadership. Where our leaders worked together for one common goal. Where aide was not doled out based on a states ass kissing skills. Where a horrible situation wasn't manipulated for election results. Where all the people in our country mattered equally. where the economics and human life were an equal concern. Animals in national parks are thriving the air and water are at cleaner levels than they have been in years Mother Nature has been working hard to regain her composure. While our president plans to remove FDA restrictions to corporations to stimulate the economy, at what cost. There are no easy answers obviously, but it is nice to dream of a country where we were less divided. Perhaps a country where armed thugs and swastikas were not becoming normalized. Sigh... may we all get through all of this and reevaluate what is truly important in our lives.
  4. It only effects the elderly who cares they have lived their lives.....OK it effects middle aged they will probably survive and most often their kids are grown so who cares, the economy "Trumps" human lives. Now there are cases of ailments in children that are connected to Covid 19 who cares I don't want to be forced to wear a mask if I am shopping at Whole Foods. You have contracted it and the symptoms have become worse, they say you have to be on a ventilator your breathing becomes more difficult. You are informed your chances aren't good and you can't see your loved ones in the last hours on the planet..... Do you care now!
  5. Just hope and pray no one you love is not effected by this.
  6. Depends on how hot the clothed guy is if he is super hot I want nudity from all players. No jocks, no socks, just cocks.
  7. I always enjoyed pulling the handle more than pushing the buttons.
  8. Vince Vaughn Always the same Smarmy asshole vibe. Remake of Psycho nailed that coffin for me. As much as I had a crush on her back in the day and I feel she is a good actress when I recently watched "I saw you" starring Helen Hunt. It was actually hard to look at her mouth, what was going on there? I feel bad saying it she probably looks OK smiling but this was not a smiling kind of movie.
  9. Gordon Grant in the House boat video where he rescues a blonde kid and takes him on the boat was beyond hot.
  10. How do I download this to email?
  11. Dogs better not be in your room when you pop a sleeping boner
  12. Temps should be back down in a couple days Rod.It doesn't help that you start out smoking hot.
  13. I am eating cookies and Bread...Round is a shape isn't it?
  14. Just watched the first two Hollywood. Interesting so far. There is a bit about a script being written about Peg Entwistle I always thought that could be an interesting movie. Also thought Clara Bow would have made an interesting movie as well. She was rumored to have had sex with a full college football team.
  15. I know I would joy a teabag
  16. cops with road rage could be a bit scary
  17. Sometimes it is just a little too much muscle. Just my personal taste. I would say the guy in the stream #846 is just right for my body ideal. #843 is good too. Just being picky, in reality I would love to spend time exploring them all.
  18. There was a masseur listed here in the Valley (Southern California). who would for an additional fee do a shower scrub. His name was Carter Rod and he was on my short list of regulars I was about to hire before CV19. I felt like a Roman emperor being pampered. After the shower lotions were applied to my face and arms. I have only a couple times felt this pampered. He has not listed in a very long time but I do have his number and hope to one day at least reach out to him.
  19. Ajac

    Happy trails

    That's not a trail it's a 3 lane highway
  20. Let's hope that doesn't happen.
  21. I have driven by Costco several times but the lines have been around the block. Ralphs has lines as well. Each time I have gone to Walmart early in the morning I have just walked in and gotten everything I have needed. Today I tried their delivery service the woman hand a mask but no gloves. Ot sure how I feel about that. I wiped down everything. Today I went to Grocery outlet and they had everything I needed with no lines. Eggs Milk etc. There was a weirdo with no gloves or mask singing and dancing to Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" Thank God I am well stocked for now so I shouldn't need to go out for a while.
  22. I think even if he was real he would need the metal frame to support that dick
  23. that ass is so hot he needs a fan to cool it off!
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